
I think you mean cursed Ru Shuo, right? LOL

He was my beloved Ru Shuo when XY said that to him.  ;p

 AH :
Based on XY's thoughts in chapter 35, it seems like the only reason Chang Yi died was because of camaraderie / love for his fellow soldiers. She said he could have survived but chose not to.  He didn't stay out of customary practice. He stayed for his soldiers. 

 AH :
Whether the love and loyalty he felt for Gong Gong and his comrades was greater than his love for XY... I'm not sure. But I am sure that he loved them all deeply and selflessly. 

I know you believe the story is about love and camaraderie and not at all about being filial and having gratitude (from a previous post). So, I see where you are coming from. But, the area of Tong Hua’s storytelling that we’re talking about is one that I find my “I believe” push button to not be working well at all, no matter how many times I press it. I’ve also tried mental gymnastics, but that hasn’t worked well for me either.

I’ve been questioning Tong Hua’s storytelling about XL’s ending. She wrote such a great character in XL. But, she gave him a weak ending, IMO. I think he deserved much better. For me to get some closure, I think I should try to get my arms around all the thoughts that have been bothering me and try to settle my thoughts. Part of me suspects that Tong Hua originally thought XL would end up with XY when she first started writing the book. (I see too many parallels between XL and XY’s father, aka the ML in the prequel.) But, the story somehow morphed itself into TSJ ending up with XY. That’s a great story too, as Tong Hua is a phenomenal storyteller, but I feel like a story where XL ended up with XY could have been epic.

Maybe have TSJ, who has lots of eyes and ears around (because of his businesses, not just his noble connections), tell XY what XL has done for her. Then, her emotions overwhelm her, her mind whirls, it opens up, and she fully realizes that she is in love with XL and that XL must be in love with her too. XY says to TSJ that she loves him, but she didn’t realize how much more she loves XL. TSJ is very understanding and just wants her to be happy. He knows that XL can make her happy if he’s willing to leave Gong Gong’s army. XY goes to XL, feels him out some, and finds out that he is actually a little open to leaving Gong Gong’s army for her. Then, they have a real heart-to-heart talk. Kisses, hugs, etc. Happily ever after.

Yes, at times, it seems like Tong Hua wants us to think that XL’s situation is equivalent to XY’s fourth uncle’s (CX’s father’s) situation. At times, it seems like she wants us to think that XL’s situation is pathetic. The latter one resonates with me. Regarding the former, I think it was XY trying to accept XL’s situation at face value, even though she had also called it pathetic, which is what it really was. Since very early on in the story, XY didn’t want XL to die, told him to be careful, and continued to help him.

 AH :
If the remnant army had completely disbanded earlier and the soldiers had tried to re-integrate into normal life in the land that used to be Sheng Nong but is now Xuan Yuan, that would mean abandoning their vows, their principles and their identities. It would mean having to kneel before the Emperor of Xuan Yuan after fighting so hard and so long to protect Sheng Nong from Xuan Yuan's invasion, after centuries of their comrades and countrymen dying because of that invasion. It's sad and frustrating that they are unwilling to take that step, but I can see why they might choose to take that stance. 

I don’t think they would have been abandoning their vows, principles and identities. Their original cause was to fight for their people in Sheng Nong Kingdom. This cause was won by CX, who made the world a better place. At the point that they were fighting CX’s military, they were only fighting for their desire to die on the battlefield, as if that were still an honorable thing to do under their circumstances. It wasn’t. Other than having no cause to fight for anymore, they caused people in CX’s military to die and get injured only because of their desire to die on the battlefield. How is this okay? It isn’t. Their identities shouldn’t equal Gong Gong’s army. They should have identities outside of that, like family and friends in Sheng Nong Kingdom. Again, I’m questioning Tong Hua’s storytelling here. I think XL deserved much better.

 AH :
General Ru So / Ru Shou burned them out of the mountains by QS town. They no longer had a camp to go back to. 

By home, I meant the place in Sheng Nong Kingdom they originally came from. Presumably, most-to-all of them had family/friends there. Also, when XL went to save XY’s life, he could have asked for anything from CX. For example, he could have asked CX to leave Gong Gong’s army alone and give them a village on a Sheng Nong mountain to live in and govern. But, he only asked for a burial place. When I first read that in the book I was stunned. There were so many things that XL could have asked CX for, but the only possibility for Gong Gong’s army was to die on the battlefield. I couldn’t even believe this.

There are many great posts about XL not confessing to XY. Let me ask some questions. To me, from a conceptual standpoint, I think it was right for XL to not confess to XY, if it were already a foregone, unchangeable conclusion that he was going to die with Gong Gong’s army no matter what. But, was it actually a foregone, unchangeable conclusion? Or, did he need XY to confess love to him (not just like)? Or, did he need her to do a lot more, like maybe even make a lifetime commitment to him? What did he need her to do for him to admit that he would leave Gong Gong’s army for a better life?

Also, because I’m far more Western than Eastern, I think people should be allowed to make life decisions for themselves, I think XL should have let XY make that decision for herself. I don’t think he should have taken that decision away from her. She’s a big girl so-to-speak and can make life decisions for herself. (I’m not a women’s liber, but I do think adult women (and men) should be able to make life decisions for themselves.)

Have you ever wondered why it took XL 37 years to heal XY under the sea (or  in other word, they spent 37 year under the sea toghether? Why did Tong Hua chose this number over any other round number? 

Today I just come across this article: What does 37 mean in love? In-depth analysis will make you enlightened ( . Please turn on the translation option of your browser in the case you don't understand Chinese as I did myself

Hereby I quote the main content about love (translated by google)

37. <> Symbolism in love

In love, the symbolic meaning of the number 37 is very profound. First of all, 3 represents heaven and 7 represents earth. This combination means that heaven and earth are connected, and the two together form a complete world. In love, the connection between heaven and earth symbolizes the spiritual connection and emotional integration of two people. 

Secondly, the number 37 also represents happiness and contentment. In traditional Chinese culture, 37 is regarded as an auspicious number, which can bring good luck and success. Therefore, when a person sees the number 37 in a relationship, they will naturally think of scenes of happiness and contentment in their hearts. This association will make people full of expectations and confidence in the future. 

In addition, the number 37 also symbolizes the tacit understanding and trust between two people. 3 and 7 are mathematically adjacent prime numbers, and no other numbers can be inserted between them. Therefore, the number 37 is seen as a close combination, representing a close relationship between two people. In love, tacit understanding and trust are very important factors. Two people need to establish good communication and trust before they can go on a long-term road.

Part of me suspects that Tong Hua originally thought XL would end up with XY when she first started writing the book. (I see too many parallels between XL and XY’s father, aka the ML in the prequel.) But, the story somehow morphed itself into TSJ ending up with XY. That’s a great story too, as Tong Hua is a phenomenal storyteller, but I feel like a story where XL ended up with XY could have been epic.


I need to find the link to the article or interview where it's mentioned that Tong Hua initially had Xiang Liu in mind for the endgame, but somehow she started to write herself into a corner and she then made the decision to have him go kaboom.

So if any of you pretty ladies could help a sister out, it would be much appreciated <3



I need to find the link to the article or interview where it's mentioned that Tong Hua initially had Xiang Liu in mind for the endgame, but somehow she started to write herself into a corner and she then made the decision to have him go kaboom.

So if any of you pretty ladies could help a sister out, it would be much appreciated <3

OMG! Really! So, my instincts here might be good? Yes, please find the article or interview!


OMG! Really! So, my instincts here might be good? Yes, please find the article or interview!

I need to find it too and plaster it on the main comment section because the Jingers are really reaching my boiling point.


OMG! Really! So, my instincts here might be good? Yes, please find the article or interview!

It really is written to be perceived that way.

When I was watching the drama, everything was so clear before my eyes that when I learned about the "actual endgame", I felt like spitting blood lol

We can discuss the bugs as much as we like but the problem in the Jing supporters is not the bugs but their firm belief that XY has no romantic feelings for XL as well. 

We just believe both exists and believe maybe possibly it's strong as she chose to love TSJ but she couldn't help herself from loving XL.

I may have generalised all the Jingers but you guys know what I mean...

I think this is a great view of Jingers. I was once there myself. It was because I brought my own real-life paradigms to the table (and partially because I couldn't take another tragedy after the prequel). I don’t really believe in being in love with two people at the very same time in real life. I believe that people are meant to be with one person. So, I can see XY compartmentalizing the situation in a way that she thinks is best for herself, i.e., TSJ, and denying a lot of her feelings for XL. But, Tong Hua wrote a story in which XY fell in love with XL too...

But, Tong Hua wrote a story in which XY fell in love with XL too...

We need you in the main comment section LOL ?


It really is written to be perceived that way.

When I was watching the drama, everything was so clear before my eyes that when I learned about the "actual endgame", I felt like spitting blood lol


I don’t think they would have been abandoning their vows, principles and identities. Their original cause was to fight for their people in Sheng Nong Kingdom. This cause was won by CX, who made the world a better place. At the point that they were fighting CX’s military, they were only fighting for their desire to die on the battlefield, as if that were still an honorable thing to do under their circumstances.

I think definition of patriotism is different across heritages. In some oriental Asian countries such as China, Korea, Japan or Vietnam, the concept of patriotism is very different than western view. Sovereignty is very important issue. Moreover, in Confucianism, loyalty (generally to the country and the King) is the top among the most 5 important value for each man (Loyalty>>Filialness>>Courtesy>>righteousness>>creditbility).

Cong cong and his army was loyal to the country Shen Nong (with Yan Emperor as the ruler). They fought for the sovereignty of Shen Nong. In modern time, it can be regarded as a kind of resistance war.  Although they could see the defeat ending due to difference in power and supply between themselve and Xuan Yuan but they chose to stay true to their core value - Loyal/patriot. They still get a lot of respect from people in the Central Plain. 

On the other hand, Xiao Zhu Rong (Zhu Rong's son decided to accept the rule by Xuan Yuan. He tried to negotiate and fight for better right and life for people in Central Plain (the main land of Shen Nong in the part). Many still considered him as betrayal. 

I think XL should have let XY make that decision for herself. I don’t think he should have taken that decision away from her. She’s a big girl so-to-speak and can make life decisions for herself. (I’m not a women’s liber, but I do think adult women (and men) should be able to make life decisions for themselves.)

What the decision does you mean here? XL had his own choice of confess or not confess. It was XY when she became Princess of Haoling declined him, implying that loving him is more terrified than dead. Later, when her hope for Jing shattered she sent him the ice crystal ball. It is her confess to him, but in subtle way. I would wish her to be more direct, to confront him openly right after he robbed her from the wedding ceremory with Feng Long. XL had decided to kill his 2nd identity of FFB which is the only solution  for the toghether scenerio. What if she had expressed her love, telling him that being toghether with him regardless time length is still better than returning Shen Nong mountain to live with her family for long life, that she cares for his life and happiness etc and if they can find a solution to fullfil their wish/desire as much as possible. If she could have done it before he officially said FFB had died (the next morning after they were back to QS town), there would be a chance of different ending for them.  However, that doesn't seem to be her characteristics. 

Haha, in one of a fan fic, the author wrote in such scenerio. She expressed herself and confronting him until he surrendered and confess his love explicitly  


I think this is a great view of Jingers. I was once there myself. It was because I brought my own real-life paradigms to the table (and partially because I couldn't take another tragedy after the prequel). I don’t really believe in being in love with two people at the very same time in real life. I believe that people are meant to be with one person. So, I can see XY compartmentalizing the situation in a way that she thinks is best for herself, i.e., TSJ, and denying a lot of her feelings for XL. But, Tong Hua wrote a story in which XY fell in love with XL too...

Honestly I belive deep down they do know that XY loves XL too, otherwise they wouldn't be so hostile. 


We need you in the main comment section LOL ?

I do try here and there, when it seems like someone might be more open. My second to last attempt was a complete waste of time, and I should have known better. She didn't provide anything to support her position. So, I should have already known that she only wanted to state her opinion and didn't want to hear anything different. My last attempt might have landed a little, but it also might not have done anything at all. If anything did make her think, she probably needed time to marinate on it. She did remove two of her comments to me, so maybe that says something? Who knows. I'm guessing that I was conversing with a foreign teenager. So much can be lost in the translation, so I really have no idea.


Honestly I belive deep down they do know that XY loves XL too, otherwise they wouldn't be so hostile. 

I always find it funny for Jing fans that they wrote Fanfic of life after marriage between XY and Jing. In the book, they have the ending with each other. Done. Jingers lack of confidence (as you said deep down they are afraid that XY's true love is XL). Thus they try to add romantic activity to their favourite character. 

Honestly I did not find any romantic event between Jing and XY after his proposal to her. During that 40 years, none, just routine daily life. Nothing happened on the wedding night. She did not seem happy during the wedding

Sauvignon Blanc | Split a chapter of the original work to talk about the lover's poison
(YOLO Su YiNg)

focus on:
The clearest explanation of the Lover's Poison in "Shang Xiang Si" is in the dialogue between Xiaoyao and the Jiuli Witch King, Chapter 4 of the third book, "Love will always be with Qingshan Lao". Take it apart and write.

Xiaoyao glanced at Jing quickly and said with a guilty conscience: "When I cast the poison, I didn't know there was such a weird name."
Jing said with a half-smile, "It's just a name, why bother to explain?"
Xiaoyao hurriedly explained. Said: "Yes, yes! It's just a name."
The Witch King coughed and said solemnly: "The Lover's Gu, as the name suggests, there is a pair of male and female voodoos. The man and woman infected by the voodoo are connected in life and mind. If one person feels pain, the other person will also feel pain. It hurts, and if one person is hurt, the other person will be hurt too.”
At this time, the Witch King certainly believed that Xiaoyao's poison was planted with the man next to her, so when Xiaoyao said that the lover's poison had a strange name, the Witch King "coughed and said solemnly", indicating that it was not a strange name . , Lover's Gu is a real name, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand.

Xiaoyao said: "I know all this, what else?"
"In the eyes of outsiders, the poison technique is mysterious and vicious, but it is actually just the medical and self-defense skills accumulated by our Jiuli people from generation to generation. There are many poisonous insects, poisonous weeds, and miasma in Jiuli. In order to survive, generations of ancestors have been trying to understand them and control them. Poison is famous for its viciousness, but in fact, we use it more to save people. Lover's Poo connects the lives of two people, that is to say, even if one person is seriously injured , as long as the other person is vigorous, it can keep the seriously injured person alive , which is an excellent thing. Even if it is difficult to raise, there should be many people who want to raise it, but why are there so few people raising it?"
At this point, the reason why Xiang Liu was able to save Xiao Yao has been clearly explained. Xiaoyao is still a good student who listens humbly, because the Witch King is talking about the connection between lives, which is something that Xiaoyao knows has actually happened.

Xiaoyao asked: "Why?"
"If the yang does not grow, the yin does not grow. If everything is beneficial, it will be harmful. The greater the benefit, the greater the harm. The same is true for the Lover's Gu. It can make lovers connect with each other . , lifeline is connected , the lovely love vood is like a lover who falls in love, with changeable temper and very difficult to control. The voodoo can easily backfire. Once an attack occurs, both of them will die . Therefore, the lover vood has another name, heartbroken voodoo. . "
Jing looked at Xiaoyao in shock, and Xiaoyao hurriedly said : "How can it be as scary as he said? It's been seventy or eighty years , and I haven't always been fine?"
The Witch King changed his face in horror : "Isn't your Gu ? Sow it to this young master?"
When the Witch King arrived here, he realized that Xiaoyao's poison was not planted by Jing, so he changed his color in horror and expressed shock. What is the reason for the creepy discoloration? ——If you gave your poison seed to one person first, but then fell in love with another person, shouldn't you still be alive?

Because the result of the lover's poison backlash is very direct, "both of them die . " Looking back from the Witch King's reaction, what is the reason why Gu insects are "very easy to bite back"? Just a change of heart. Death means backlash, and backlash comes from a change of heart. If you don't die, you haven't changed your mind.

As for what "mind-to-mind communication" is, from Thirty-Seven Years Under the Sea, it is a perception of emotions and feelings. It is not that you can completely understand what the other person thinks. In that case, what is the name of a lover's voodoo insect? It is a voodoo god.

When Xiang Liu came back every day, he would check Xiaoyao's body and felt that Xiaoyao had been silent these past few days. He looked the same as before, but his facial features seemed different.
Xiang Liu suddenly remembered how cunning and clever Xiao Yao had been in the past, always complaining that he was afraid of being lonely. He said to Xiao Yao, "Are you bored lying on the bottom of the sea?"

Thinking of this, Xiaoyao hated Gonggong a little, but felt that her hatred was so inexplicable that she could only sulk with herself.
Xiang Liu stroked her eyebrows: "Aren't you happy? Don't you like watching the snow? Then I will take you to play in the sea."
2-5 <But the farewell lasted for a long time>
The Witch King looked strange and asked Xiaoyao: "Can you let me take a look at your Gu worms?"
Xiaoyao nodded.
I didn't see any movement from the Witch King. I guess he was using the worms in his body to look around. The Witch King frowned and murmured : "It is indeed Lover's Gu! How is it possible? 'A lover raises a Lover's Gu, and a heartbroken person becomes a Heartbroken Gu' . The Lover's Gu is different from other Gu. A pair of lovers must be willing to do it." Planting Gu , if he is not your lover, how could you plant Lover Gu on him?"
Xiaoyao said: "You are far inferior to your ancestors, you are too rigid to the experience of your predecessors. Tigers are born in the mountains. The king of beasts, but if he grows up in a small room, he is just a bigger wild cat. Gu insects are not dead, so the voodoo technique is unpredictable." The
Witch King was puzzled at all times , but Xiaoyao's lover was obviously this man beside her. As a young master, there were some things he couldn't say anymore, so he had to say perfunctorily : "What the girl taught me is that the voodoo worms in the girl's body are indeed different from ordinary voodoo worms. I guess both the girl and that person have something special." Xiaoyao sighed
: "He is very special!" Since being poisoned, only Xiang Liu can feel her, but she has never felt him.
Xiaoyao listened to the lecture very humbly and asked questions at first, but when the Witch King mentioned that "a couple must be willing to grow poison," she lost her guard and began to retort: This is your problem, you are too rigid in the experience of previous generations. . Let’s get a feel for it. A student who barely knows anything about Lover’s Poison, but he is listening well to the lecture, suddenly starts to verbally attack an experienced master of the Poison. Why? Feeling guilty! The fiancé is right next to him, but it is revealed that he is in love with someone else. Who wouldn't feel guilty? This pot must be thrown away.

The key point is the reaction of the Witch King, "Some things are hard to say, so I have to say them perfunctorily . " The Witch King obviously did not agree with Xiaoyao's nonsense, but he did not say anything more because of the people around her.

Xiaoyao and Xiangliu planted the poison and never died of the poison, which proves that their hearts have never changed. But why can he have deep feelings for Jing at the same time? I have previously written an article on the difference between love and liking from a social psychology perspective , distinguishing it from three aspects: attachment , altruism , and intimacy . Love and liking are two concepts that are very, very, very easy to confuse.

Although Xiaoyao said in the book, "This is the first time for both of us to like someone," but really, really, we need to distinguish clearly. Love and liking are two different emotions. Love is not a special kind of liking. Form is not a degree of liking. After reading the whole book, I personally think that Tonghua must have understood a lot of psychological knowledge when writing this book, including the three-self model and defense mechanism that I wrote before , as well as the characteristics of love and the difference between love and liking. , she wrote it so clearly, I don’t believe she doesn’t know.

Xiaoyao and Xiangliu are in love. As written in the relationship diagram of "Zeng Promise", Xiangliu "loves Xiaoyao his whole life" and Xiaoyao "has feelings for Xiangliu" . Yao Jing's feelings are very complicated, but from the perspective of love and liking, they like each other. Just like what is written in the relationship diagram, Jing "likes" Xiao Yao and Xuanxuan " likes" Xiao Yao.

Therefore, the Gu planted by Xiaoyao and Xiangliu will not bite back. Because her love ownership has not changed.

Jing asked eagerly: "How to undo the poison?" The
Witch King's face wrinkled and said: " Either we live together, or we die apart. Once the lover's poison is planted, there is no way to undo it. I just wanted to say , which is why few people raise it. Only some stubborn women will raise it. Even if they do, it is difficult to find men who are willing to grow it." Jing was stunned, and after a long while, he slowly
asked : " If one person who has planted the lover's poison dies, what will happen to the other person?"
The Witch King sighed: "The song of our Jiuli people says, 'The parasol trees on the ground will grow old, the eagles in the sky will not fly alone, and the mandarin ducks in the water will both die.' "
Jing He looked at Xiaoyao blankly and grabbed her hand tightly.
Xiaoyao smiled and made a face at him : "Don't worry! Don't take everything the Witch King said seriously. The Witch King said that only lovers can plant Lover's Gu. Xiang Liu and I have nothing to do with each other, so we still planted Lover's Gu. The Witch King also said that once planted, the poison cannot be removed, but don't forget, I planted the poison on Zhuanxu first. Didn't Xiang Liu help Zhuanxu remove the poison?" Jing breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes! Zhuanxu's
poison It's solved!"
Xiaoyao smiled and shook Jing's hand : "Don't worry, there is no absolute thing in the world. The predecessors couldn't solve it, so I will solve it." She made a heroic look and said to the Witch King Said, "When I find a way to cure the poison, I will teach it to you, which will be considered as repaying the kindness of your ancestors for teaching me the poison." ... She turned around and ran out, showing Jing a big smile,
said cheerfully : "Went to the East China Sea to look for Xiaoxiao and Miao Pu."
The author has set up a fascination array here, and must arrange for Jing to observe the conversation between Xiaoyao and the Witch King. Thinking about it on the other hand, what if the author just lets Xiaoyao and the Witch King have a conversation? Then this Lover Gu made it very clear. Xiaoyao would not feel guilty, the Witch King had no scruples, and there would be no ambiguous effect at all.

But what about reality? Does Jing believe Xiaoyao's nonsense? Obviously not convinced. Judging from Jing's attitude at the time and his subsequent disappointment at not finding a solution for forty-two years, he knew very well that what the Witch King said was true.

Did Xiaoyao completely believe the nonsense that Xiaoyao said? nor. Xiaoyao's reactions throughout the whole process were "laughing" , "laughing" , "showing a big smile and saying cheerfully" , "playful smile" , which made it clear that I don't believe it, I don't care, what's the matter, just listen to his nonsense . But when she doesn’t need to comfort or fool anyone:

Xiaoyao approached Xiaoxiao with a playful smile : "Don't worry, if brother is angry, I will take care of it."
Xiaoxiao neither said thank you nor said no, but asked calmly : "Is the lady going back to Shennong Mountain? "
Xiao Yao looked at the blue sea, silently, and then said after a while : "I want to stay on the sea for one night."
She didn't need to explain anything to Xiaoxiao, so she put away her disguise.

At night, the waves crashed on the boat, and the sound of waves came one after another.
Xiaoyao tossed and turned , unable to fall asleep, so she simply got off the bed, put on her clothes and walked out of the cabin.
There was a gentle breeze, a bright full moon hung in the sky, and the sea surface was sparkling, very quiet and beautiful.
Just under this sea, she lay in the white seashell and slept for thirty-seven years. No one knew how Xiang Liu saved her, and no one knew the changes in her body. Every time Zhuan Xu asked, she said she had been sleeping and didn't know anything, but she knew clearly in her heart that the fluid inside her body was with his blood. Just like now, her body was filled with longing for the sea. In the past, she also loved water, but the feeling was completely different from the feeling now. Back then, the sea was the sea, and she was her. Now, she is the daughter of the sea. She can drive fish schools, understand the songs of mermaids, dive into the deepest seabed like a fish monster, and swim faster than dolphins.
With just one leap, you can jump into the sea and swim happily. But Xiaoyao just didn't want to. She clenched her fist tightly and competed with herself.
The singing of the sharks came from the end of the sea. Xiao Yao's heart moved . She stood on the bow of the boat and looked far away . Under the silver moonlight, she saw someone with white clothes and white hair coming on the sparkling waves.
After everything that needs to be done is done, why does the author still want to write that Xiaoyao wants to stay on the sea for a night?

It was precisely because Xiaoyao knew that what the Witch King said was right and that he was talking nonsense, that he wanted to stay on the sea for a night, unable to sleep, thinking about Xiang Liu. Why are you competing with yourself? It's just a game of reason and emotion. Hearing the truth about Lover's Gu, my heart was not without shock. Those thoughts that were almost annihilated by Xiang Liu and annihilated by myself surged up stubbornly. When I was finally alone, the voice in my heart shouted crazily: "He loves You! He loves you!" Emotions are infinitely inclined to Xiang Liu, but reason does not allow it.

She wanted to wait for him to come and ask clearly. If you don't love me, why can you plant the lover's poison with me? If you love me, why do you reject me again and again?

Xiaoyao's "heart moved" may have two reasons. One is that she feels Xiang Liu, and the other is that Xiang Liu makes her feel herself. No matter which one it is, "she never felt him" was overthrown again.

Xiaoyao laughed: "I just went to Jiuli. The Witch King explained to me in detail the poisons in our bodies . I can't remember anything else , but I remember one sentence very clearly. These two poisons are the same. We live and die together, your life and mine are connected . If I get into trouble, don't even think about escaping!"
Xiang Liu smiled and looked at Xiao Yao without the slightest surprise.
Xiaoyao reacted and said in surprise: "You knew what kind of Gu this was from the beginning, right?" "So what?" "The
King said that Lover's Gu is 'A bird in the sky does not fly alone, but a pair of mandarin ducks in the water will fly alone. "Death' , if I die, can you live? "
When it was discovered that Xiang Liu had known the truth about the lover's poison for a long time, Xiaoyao's expression changed from "the poison in our bodies" and "this pair of poison" to "the lover's poison" , from "we live and die together, you and I are connected in life" ” became “If a bird in the sky does not fly alone, a pair of mandarin ducks in the water will die together.” - Since you already knew this, I won’t pretend to be stupid and let’s show off my cards.

If I die, can you live?
If your answer is "no", does it mean that we who are infected with the lover's poison are "birds in the sky" and "mandarin ducks in the water" ? (The implication is, you love me too, right?)

Compare this with this:

Xiaoyao comforted him with a smile : "The mind-to-heart connection is not that 'close'. In fact, it's just Xiang Liu who can feel some of my pain. I can't feel him at all. This is not a mind-to-heart connection at all." In fact,
Jing is not. He cares about Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu's "connected minds", but what he is uneasy about is that they are "connected in life", but he has no way to tell Xiaoyao about this uneasiness, and can only let Xiaoyao misunderstand his "care".
3-5 <The enemy is so close that nothing can be done>
When Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu talked about Lover's Gu, they talked about "connected lives" and avoided "connected minds". When Xiaoyao and Jing talked about Lover Gu, they talked about "connection of hearts", but they were very arrogant about "connection of lifeblood".

She listened to the "detailed explanation" of the Witch King , and there was no "I can't remember anything else" at all . Facing Xiang Liu, she was more concerned about his life and death, "If I die, can you live?" rather than, if you die, can I live? Xiaoyao didn't care much about the possibility of dying together with Xiang Liu.

"Why don't you ask the other way around, if I die, can you live? "
Xiang Liu sees the trick: Guess~

Xiaoyao said angrily : "No matter who dies or lives, I don't know , so I have to ask you, tell me!"
This "good voice and good spirit" is really intriguing. Fangfeng Bei coaxed Xiaoyao, Xiaoyao coaxed Xiangliu, and within a few words, he returned to this pattern.

"I don't even know" - I don't know if we will both die, because I'm not sure if you planted the lover's poison with me because you love me. Please give me a definite answer!

The smile on Xiang Liu's face was very evil, and he seemed helpless and said: "How can I know? You have learned the art of voodoo after all, and this is my first time playing voodoo. But don't worry, wait until you and I die. , don’t you know the result? ”
"This is my first time to play Gu" - Xiang Liu gave her a hint: This is my first time to love someone.

"When you and I die, won't we know the result?" - If I die and you die, you will know that I do love you. So what? We were both dead knowing I loved you. If you die and I die, you will never know whether I love you or not. So why bother exploring the answer to this question?

Corresponding to the ending, Xiang Liu kills the Gu with his life, cutting off the last link with Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao will never know whether she and Xiang Liu will die together when the Gu is connected. This question will never be answered unless the truth about Xiang Liu's killing of Gu is known.

Xiao Yao was so angry that she almost jumped up and down : "If you can solve Zhuan Xu's poison, you must know how to solve the poison. Don't you want to solve the poison?"
Xiang Liu said with a smile: "No!"
When the Witch King told Xiaoyao about the lover's poison, she should have had a definite answer in her mind at that moment as to whether Xiaoyao and Xiangliu were "a couple of lovers" - she had feelings for Xiangliu, and she had indeed felt the love. Liu's love for her, and the truth about the Lover's Gu obtained from the Witch King simply proved the answer in her heart. What's more, Xiang Liu did save her life when she lost all her life. What the Witch King said was actually correct. The only thing that made her hesitate was that Xiang Liu had indeed removed the poison from Zhuan Xu. What was the reason?

"If you can solve Zhuan Xu's poison, you must know how to solve the poison." - How did you solve the poison? Is it because you have a special constitution or because you love me too?

On the surface, the topic changes before and after are quite dramatic. I was asking if both people would die, but suddenly the conversation changed to "removing the poison". In fact, the essence has not changed. Xiang Liu's extravagant efforts made Xiao Yao very angry: You didn't say it, right? If you don't tell me, then the poison will be removed! If you can get rid of the poison, I will believe that you are ruthless to me, and we will break up. It is very similar to the time when Xiaoyao and Fangfeng Bei were talking about how to cure poison outside the casino after getting engaged to Fenglong. They were angry and testing.

Xiang Liu: " I don't want to". A rare half-truth - I can't explain it, and I don't want to.

Xiao Yao asked helplessly: " What do you want?"
Xiang Liu's body sank inch by inch into the sea: "Besides living with rare things, what else do you think I can do?" "
Hey! Don't leave!"
Xiao Yao She climbed over the railing and wanted to jump into the sea to chase Xiang Liu , but a pair of hands grabbed her back .
Seeing that Xiaoyao was going to chase Xiang Liu, Jing couldn't explain why , so she rushed out without thinking and held Xiaoyao, as if she was afraid that she would disappear.
Jing suddenly pulled Xiaoyao into her arms and hugged her tightly: "You are not allowed to be someone else's wife!"
Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment , then fell quietly into his arms.
Jing looked at the quiet and mysterious sea and said softly : "Xiaoyao, leave tomorrow. "
"What do you want?" - If you love me, why don't you admit it? If you don't love me, why can you plant Lover's Gu with me? If you don't love me, why do you still allow Lover's Gu to exist?

Jing heard and understood all the conversations between Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu. At that moment, he felt that Xiaoyao's heart was already biased and he was infinitely nervous that he would lose her. A love rival's intuition is often the most accurate.

"Leave" was a tacit understanding among the three of them.

This chapter is called "Love will always be with Qingshan Lao" . If you don't read the content, the first reaction to the literal meaning should be that Xiaoyao and Jing's relationship will last forever after they fall in love. But in the entire chapter, this "love" has nothing to do with Yao Jing.

The content of this chapter is that after Xiaoyao learned the story of his parents, he went to Jiuli to pay homage; it was in Jiuli that he learned the truth about the lover's poison. On the surface, he was relaxed and calm, but in fact, his heart was in turmoil. In order to seek a truth and Xiangliu, he went to the limit of the sea. Pulling; talking to my grandpa about my mother's death; talking to my brother about what would have happened if my parents hadn't died while "playing with a smoked ball in my hand... in the dark night, it was like seeing countless streams of light running" Sample.

The story of my parents has been told in the previous chapter "Blooming Flowers and Farewell to Old Friend" . The memorial to parents only accounts for one-fifth of the entire chapter, and half of the chapter is about the lover's poison. It is self-evident to whom "affection" refers to.

"Love always stays with Qingshan." A pair of lovers cannot be together in reality, so they can only stay in Qingshan, and eventually grow old with Qingshan. But life is short and the mountains remain green. Green hills never grow old, and they are also the eternity of love.