Also, because I’m far more Western than Eastern, I think people should be allowed to make life decisions for themselves, I think XL should have let XY make that decision for herself. I don’t think he should have taken that decision away from her. She’s a big girl so-to-speak and can make life decisions for herself. (I’m not a women’s liber, but I do think adult women (and men) should be able to make life decisions for themselves.)

It's not XL's responsibility to give XY every bit of info to make her decisions.  It was up to XY to find the info she needed to make the decision.  I'm not sure love actually requires a decision or choice.  It seems to just happen.

After all, XL loved XY without some very very very important information, her identity, which she with held.

37. <> Symbolism in love

Wow!  Thank you for this!

Soooo, what does that mean about XL's request for 37 years of provisions for the army?  Interesting?  I wonder if it was a dig / payback for Jing taking the archery lessons from him?


I always find it funny for Jing fans that they wrote Fanfic of life after marriage between XY and Jing. In the book, they have the ending with each other. Done. Jingers lack of confidence (as you said deep down they are afraid that XY's true love is XL). Thus they try to add romantic activity to their favourite character. 

Honestly I did not find any romantic event between Jing and XY after his proposal to her. During that 40 years, none, just routine daily life. Nothing happened on the wedding night. She did not seem happy during the wedding

Now there's a bunch of them wanting an alternate universe fanfic where they stay together without the trauma LMAO really. Isn't the happy ending already enough??

Next ->>>>>

White cranes were slowly flying around the mountains and rivers of Jiuli. Xiaoyao opened the bag, which contained soil from the peach blossom forest. Perhaps because it had been soaked with fallen flowers for hundreds of years, the soil was a crimson color.
Xiaoyao grabbed a handful, spread out his palms, and let the mountain wind blow away the soil .
The red soil drifted away in the wind, like drops of blood, falling into the mountains and rivers .
Many years later, in the mountains of Jiuli, there were red maples as red as blood , with straight shapes and bright colors, and ivy often growing on them . I don’t know which wizard said that the red maple is made of Chi You’s blood. From generation to generation, Jiuli people regard the red maple as a sacred tree.

The love between Chi You and Ah Heng burned passionately for four hundred years, and after another four hundred years, it finally turned into a red maple in the mountains, which often accompanies the mountains and rivers and lasts forever in the world. In "Once Promised", Aheng and Chiyou are "tangled with each other until death, and even if the vine grows with trees, they will be entangled with each other until life and death." In "Long Love", the first person to hear the lovesickness song sung by Xiaoyao is Xiang Liu, and there is also this line " You are like a tree in the mountains, and I am like a vine on a tree. We are together and dependent on each other." But the ending of Xiangliu and Xiaoyao is: "You are like a bird in the sky, and I am like a fish in the water. We forget each other and remember each other." "

Chi You and A Heng correspond to Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao.

The lover's Gu line has completely surfaced, Xiaoyao's love ownership is obvious , and the readers can see it clearly, but in the end they have different paths, and they have gone too far at the fork. So what if we learn the truth? The pair of trees and vines, Xiangliu and Xiaoyao, only have a brief relationship with each other in reality. In the end, their love is like that of Chi You and A Heng, which is placed in heaven and earth, seeking an eternity that is both empty and real.

There is a word in Hebrew called Mizpah, which by extension means the watch of the heart and represents eternal emotions. Much like Xiaoyao and Xiangliu who have planted the lover's poison, even though they are thousands of miles apart, their hearts are watching each other. The bonds and ties that span time and space are not another kind of eternity.


Now there's a bunch of them wanting an alternate universe fanfic where they stay together without the trauma LMAO really. Isn't the happy ending already enough??

Do you mean the post in the main page about AU where XY growing up nicely without the trauma and meeting Jing at party and they fall in love?

Well someone shut it down pretty quickly by pointing out that in that case then XY will choose CX instead ?.  Sadly this apply too to XY-XL as XY without her trauma won‘t appeal to XL and won‘t be able to bond with him at the first place. I guess in this case they would be enemy from the get go ‚sigh‘. 

@H19279: this tidbit about the meaning of 37 years is interesting. Thank you for sharing.

Well someone shut it down pretty quickly by pointing out that in that case then XY will choose CX instead ?.

As long as it's not that dude-who-shall-not-be-named, I'm fine with Cang Xuan. Heck, I'm even fine with Fenglong. Just keep my boy alive and get that fox out of my face.

The End.

Bahahahahahahaha yes, I'm a villain.

I think definition of patriotism is different across heritages. In some oriental Asian countries such as China, Korea, Japan or Vietnam, the concept of patriotism is very different than western view. Sovereignty is very important issue. Moreover, in Confucianism, loyalty (generally to the country and the King) is the top among the most 5 important value for each man (Loyalty>>Filialness>>Courtesy>>righteousness>>creditbility).

It’s going to take me some time to digest what you’re saying. In the U. S., there’s a saying for soldiers, “God, family, country.” It’s an old saying, so “God” may not mean as much anymore (unfortunately to me). This saying isn’t anywhere close to your Loyalty>>Filialness>>Courtesy>>righteousness>>creditbility. Also, I would reorder these five words and put in other words. For example, courtesy would rank last to me. Love, truth, compassion and tolerance are big words to me. For example, all of them rank above courtesy. So, it’s going to take me a while to figure out what you’re saying.

What the decision does you mean here?

If XL were open to possibly leaving Gong Gong’s army for XY, then he should have let XY know and let her make a decision to be with him (or not).

Haha, in one of a fan fic, the author wrote in such scenerio. She expressed herself and confronting him until he surrendered and confess his love explicitly  

Really? Awesome! Do you have a link to it? So, I assume that they have a happy ending together?

I have a question hopefully someone can answer.

If XY didn’t sent the crystal ball for XL and if Jing didn’t ask XY to stop the wedding will he stop the wedding? A lot of people say he probably won’t because he respect XY decision and that he know the crystal ball was intended to FFB however I think he will because he need to remove the LPB before she can consume her marriage with FL otherwise she will die. At that time I know that XY didn’t know the bug was LPB but XL should know right? or he knew that even if she consume the marriage the bug won’t bite her because he know deep down she loves him. He only remove it at the end because she know she will die with him if he dies?


I have a question hopefully someone can answer.

If XY didn’t sent the crystal ball for XL and if Jing didn’t ask XY to stop the wedding will he stop the wedding? A lot of people say he probably won’t because he respect XY decision and that he know the crystal ball was intended to FFB however I think he will because he need to remove the LPB before she can consume her marriage with FL otherwise she will die. At that time I know that XY didn’t know the bug was LPB but XL should know right? or he knew that even if she consume the marriage the bug won’t bite her because he know deep down she loves him. He only remove it at the end because she know she will die with him if he dies?

I'm pretty sure the PLB only becomes the Heartbreak Bug if love is lost.  A physical act isn't going to change what is in the heart, and that is what matters.

It’s going to take me some time to digest what you’re saying. In the U. S., there’s a saying for soldiers, “God, family, country.” It’s an old saying, so “God” may not mean as much anymore (unfortunately to me). This saying isn’t anywhere close to your Loyalty>>Filialness>>Courtesy>>righteousness>>creditbility. Also, I would reorder these five words and put in other words. For example, courtesy would rank last to me. Love, truth, compassion and tolerance are big words to me. For example, all of them rank above courtesy. So, it’s going to take me a while to figure out what you’re saying.

You have to remember, loyalty in Asian countries often means god AND country -- or did within memory.  The Emperor is divine and even in the West, L'État, c'est moi and everything flowed from the ruler.  The concept of the health of ruler is reflected in both in heaven and in the state is common in both East and West -- hence the concept of the Summer King, who is represents the people, but may be sacrificed in bad times.

Romantic love is a relatively new concept in both the West and East also, that's why marriages were and are arranged by parents.  Actually compassion and tolerance weren't big on anyone's list either.  Truth ...

For example, courtesy would rank last to me. Love, truth, compassion and tolerance are big words to me. For example, all of them rank above courtesy. So, it’s going to take me a while to figure out what you’re saying.

What you are saying is the modern values. The five values that I mentioned was the core values for MAN (not for Woman) according to Confucianism which was founded about 2500 year ago. Confucianism used to be the guideline, foundation philosophy in the monarchy time (in China, at least until 1911) in many asian country.  In Confucianism, the motto for women is " 3 acccomplices and 4 virtues" which means:

  • 3 accomplices: when you are single, staying at your parent's home, then you have to orbey your father. When married, orbey the husband; when husband dies, follow/or accept son's arrangement. This litterally means women depend on men for their all life
  • 4 virtues: hard working (and skillful in some work, especially cooking, housewhole work), beauty, good at communication, morality

we can not take the modern stand to apply for such very ancient story 


It's not XL's responsibility to give XY every bit of info to make her decisions.  It was up to XY to find the info she needed to make the decision.  I'm not sure love actually requires a decision or choice.  It seems to just happen.

After all, XL loved XY without some very very very important information, her identity, which she with held.

Of course, XY is responsible for her own life, and she did well for herself. I’m talking about a relationship that I thought would have been the best for her, IMO. XL didn’t give XY a chance. He knew all the key information about what she needed and why she was with TSJ. He could have provided what she needed too and better than TSJ, IMO. But, he made a decision for both of them and didn’t give her a say in it.

I think love just seems to happen too. My long-time version of this is, “You can’t explain love.” For example, there are things like physical chemistry that a resume can’t explain. And, I think love can be stymied, like in the situation with XL and XY. (I want all good people to be happy, especially worthy people, like XL. But, it doesn’t always happen.)

What you are saying is the modern values. The five values that I mentioned was the core values for MAN (not for Woman) according to Confucianism which was founded about 2500 year ago. Confucianism used to be the guideline, foundation philosophy in the monarchy time (in China, at least until 1911) in many asian country. In Confucianism, the motto for women is " 3 acccomplices and 4 virtues" which means:

3 accomplices: when you are single, staying at your parent's home, then you have to orbey your father. When married, orbey the husband; when husband dies, follow/or accept son's arrangement. This litterally means women depend on men for their all life
4 virtues: hard working (and skillful in some work, especially cooking, housewhole work), beauty, good at communication, morality

we can not take the modern stand to apply for such very ancient story

Exactly.  Modern standards aren't meant to apply to these stories.

Those philosophies didn't end in 1911 in China, however.  Those ideals still resonate in Asia, IMO.  Especially the 3 accomplices and 4 virtues for women.  O_O

The concept of the health of ruler is reflected in both in heaven and in the state is common in both East and West -- hence the concept of the Summer King, who is represents the people, but may be sacrificed in bad times.

Romantic love is a relatively new concept in both the West and East also, that's why marriages were and are arranged by parents.  Actually compassion and tolerance weren't big on anyone's list either.  Truth ...

I quoted as much as MDL would let me. This is helpful. Thanks!

The five values that I mentioned was the core values for MAN (not for Woman) according to Confucianism which was founded about 2500 year ago. Confucianism used to be the guideline, foundation philosophy in the monarchy time (in China, at least until 1911) in many asian country.  In Confucianism, the motto for women is " 3 acccomplices and 4 virtues" which means:

3 accomplices: when you are single, staying at your parent's home, then you have to orbey your father. When married, orbey the husband; when husband dies, follow/or accept son's arrangement. This litterally means women depend on men for their all life
4 virtues: hard working (and skillful in some work, especially cooking, housewhole work), beauty, good at communication, morality
we can not take the modern stand to apply for such very ancient story 

I quoted as much as MDL would let me. This is very helpful. Thanks!