I'd like to share a beautiful video that I accidentally came across, a short video made by a fan of a game using AI. Although it was not made especially for LYF, almost all the scenes in it are very consistent with the LYF universe. To everyone who misses Dahuang:



Wait, is this clear in the novel??

It would certainly make reading it far more interesting. 

Tonghua did not explicitly write this, but this is my understanding of the novel. Xiang Liu in the novel is stronger, colder, and shrewder, giving me a feeling of unfathomable, like there is nothing he doesn't know.

Tonghua did not explicitly write this, but this is my understanding of the novel. Xiang Liu in the novel is stronger, colder, and shrewder, giving me a feeling of unfathomable, like there is nothing he doesn't know.

I agree and also believe what you said. After all, the lovers bug they shared never turned into heartbreak bugs... :')


Tonghua did not explicitly write this, but this is my understanding of the novel. Xiang Liu in the novel is stronger, colder, and shrewder, giving me a feeling of unfathomable, like there is nothing he doesn't know.

Novel XL's sarcasm is much stronger too. So his words cut XY more.  Novel XL also likes to remind Jing, XY will follow him to the ends of the world, if Jing doesn't stop her, and also that XY loved him more--thats why he never shield thier conversations from Jing.  haha! 


Gao Xing being subsumed by Xuan Yuan was likely going to happen sooner or later even if CX wasn't on the throne. It just happened faster with CX on the throne because the Grand Emperor was willing to cut the war short and to hand the throne over to CX, whom he had personally taught with the intention of making CX his heir.

White emperor planned to pass the throne to CX. However it would have happened in thousand(s) of years.

His father had ruled the country for thousands of years. He paid high price to get the throne. He just ruled Haoling for -400 years.

Haoling was not weak. if it was not CX as Xiyan’s ruler, Haoling could have fought against Xiyan in a different way. Old Yellow emperor would not attack Haoling and CX’s uncles were inferior in comparison with Shao Hao.

Agreed, Shao Hao was still healthy and mentally + physically strong at the time that XL accepted the bug transfer. A power change in Gao Xing wouldn't have seemed like it was likely to happen in the near future. 

Shaohao’s mental health deteriorated  after he brought XY to the desert to meet Ah Heng.

Yes, agreed. His mental health (and physical health, iirc) deteriorated significantly after chapter 36, and only recovered after he passed the throne to CX (in chapter 41), left Five Gods Mountains, and took up blacksmithing again.

Therefore, CX as ruler of Xiyan and XY’s return played crucial role to accelerate the merging of Haoling to Xiyan.

Yes, agreed. At the time that XL accepted the bug transfer, it would have been pretty much impossible to predict that Gao Xing would end up becoming part of Xuan Yuan as soon as it did.

As for evidence/proof of political landscape or characters’ opinion about the war and its outcome when XL accepted the bug, I think the information/excerpt in chapters after CX became king (actually after WXL ebecame Wang Ji) is irrelevant. XY’s returned and helped CX in his quest for power changed history

Where that information and the scenes in those excerpts clearly echo things that are shown in the chapters before XL accepted the bug transfer (and IMO there are many instances where they do), I think they are relevant. 

Where they reflect circumstances that had changed unexpectedly after XL accepted the bug transfer (e.g., changes due to CX becoming Emperor so soon or due to the Grand Emperor visiting Ah Heng with XY), I agree that they are not relevant for providing insight into XL's expectations and plans at the time that he accepted the bug transfer. 

Xiang Liu in the novel does know that Xiao Yao does not really love Jing


Wait, is this clear in the novel??

It would certainly make reading it far more interesting. 


Tonghua did not explicitly write this, but this is my understanding of the novel. Xiang Liu in the novel is stronger, colder, and shrewder, giving me a feeling of unfathomable, like there is nothing he doesn't know.

XL knows a great deal in the novel, but there are things that even he is not certain about. XL asking XY about who she wants to marry and who she most wants to spend the rest of her life with (in chapter 32) is evidence of that. Same goes for each of the instances where XL worries about XY hating him (e.g., if TSJ died / when she discovered how his blood had changed her). 


You explained very well what I had in mind too, I will add the epilogue too, since that's also XL's POV. He clearly said that he can't no longer stand watch to protect over XY, implying that that's what his purpose was all along. I belive that if he ever had other intentions, TH would have revealed it. I might be wrong here, but I am of the impression that that's what she does in all her epilogues, she reaveals things that weren't really a clear cut for the reader. Sound of the desert's epilogue was the same. 

Also, I never thought much of it, but you did raise a good point with XL's knowing beforehand that he can have the bugs killed. It definetely makes sense. 


"He did try to find a different solution before having no choice but to accept it. I mean, if it wasn't for XL to agree to the bug, what do you think it would have happened to XY? What other solution was there for her at that point in time?

 blabla100, were you referring to WXL looking for a different solution?

I was talking about how CX's killing attempt played în the drama. As H19279 pointed out, the drama added the "Even so, forcibly planting it will lead to endless troubles. Not only are they unable to join their hearts together and share the same fates/lives, but the poisonous bugs may retaliate against them and harm their lives." line, so I was speculating that that's what XL tried to do when he had FFY to kill CX. XY and CX's lifes weren't tied togheter, so I view this as an attempt on XL's part to get rid of the bug. 

 AH :
Liddi!! What a lovely LNY surprise to see you back here. Your presence in this thread has been missed <3

Love the before and after! I have no doubt you were as immaculate and stunning as XL on the first day of the new year. ^^

And you even brought LNY translation gifts! Thank you for that!

Thank you for the warm welcome! I've missed all of you too! Definitely making no claims to looking anywhere near as immaculate as Xiang Liu, even though he too does have his disheveled days (looking at you, Chapter 43, while still hoping and praying that the leaked script lied and we do get it after all).

Translating excerpts from S1 script had me starting another bout of translation activities - this time from the 37 years under the ocean. Some marked differences in the details, and in some cases, I love the description that accompanied certain scenes, which highlights a sense of poignancy. Will share those as and when those are done, hopefully before S2 airs. Based on TJC's interview, he expects S2 to air only after his movie I Miss You (8 Mar), and Love Has Fireworks...

I was talking about how CX's killing attempt played în the drama. As H19279 pointed out, the drama added the "Even so, forcibly planting it will lead to endless troubles. Not only are they unable to join their hearts together and share the same fates/lives, but the poisonous bugs may retaliate against them and harm their lives." line, so I was speculating that that's what XL tried to do when he had FFY to kill CX. XY and CX's lifes weren't tied togheter, so I view this as an attempt on XL's part to get rid of the bug.

That assassination attempt was instigated by FFYY, not XL.  She had "the contract" from the Uncles and contacted FFB for help.


That assassination attempt was instigated by FFYY, not XL.  She had "the contract" from the Uncles and contacted FFB for help.

Really?  I had the impression that XL hired FFYY. She even sent her a message telling him that the mission is complete. I don't remember if the novel explained who hired who, I will have to re-read that part. 


Really?  I had the impression that XL hired FFYY. She even sent her a message telling him that the mission is complete. I don't remember if the novel explained who hired who, I will have to re-read that part. 

FFYY atempted to kill CX at least twice. The incident on the lake  when CX, WXL and Ah Nian ate BBQ sea food. Thus it was for sure FFYY got the order to kill CX (FF family worked for Cang Lin). I didn’t think XL took the initiative to ask FFYY help him to kill CX. However collaboration might be “arranged “ via FFB. and killing CX was 1 stone kills 2 birds for XL .

There is no record mentioned the message between FFYY and XL in the novel. we know they collaborated because of timing between the attack and XL threw WXL to the water to make CX stun and painful thus freeze his motion and facilitate the success of archery attack


Really?  I had the impression that XL hired FFYY. She even sent her a message telling him that the mission is complete. I don't remember if the novel explained who hired who, I will have to re-read that part. 

In the drama, there were two messages, IIRC, on the assassination attempt on CX in Qingshui Town.  She's putting away her bow after arriving, and she receives a magic message from FFB / XL saying that yes, he'll help her.  And then after the job is done, she sends the message you are talking about to FFB / XL saying she'll send him his half of the payment (for the assassination job) for his help.

FFYY atempted to kill CX at least twice. The incident on the lake when CX, WXL and Ah Nian ate BBQ sea food. Thus it was for sure FFYY got the order to kill CX (FF family worked for Cang Lin).

Hmmm.  I didn't think that was an assassination attempt when I watched it, but I was wondering why she was so angry at him.... but now that you bring it up, I can see it, and that makes more sense.  I'll have to watch it again.


Hmmm.  I didn't think that was an assassination attempt when I watched it, but I was wondering why she was so angry at him.... but now that you bring it up, I can see it, and that makes more sense.  I'll have to watch it again.

CX explained FFYY’s intention to WXL. FFYY recognized CX