AH :

I find the suggestion that XL would sleep with XY when she couldn't move, see, speak or otherwise communicate deeply disturbing. I don't think it's supported by the text of the novel, and it definitely wasn't depicted in the drama. 

Agreed. XL would never do that to XY.

 AH :

I find the suggestion that XL would sleep with XY when she couldn't move, see, speak or otherwise communicate deeply disturbing. I don't think it's supported by the text of the novel, and it definitely wasn't depicted in the drama. 

He is worried she might hate him because he starts to more aggressively push her away. I think this is what TH was referring to. I believed this was discussed in this thread previously. I don't know how to link thread articles!

This theory is very out of character considering his mo is to restrained himself and push her away. I also read previously that the big belly doll meant she was pregnant. That is extremely ludicrous... She isn't getting pregnant decades later.

I respect everyone has their own opinion but this theory seems very far fetched to me.

He is worried she might hate him because he starts to more aggressively push her away. I think this is what TH was referring to. I believed this was discussed in this thread previously. I don't know how to link thread articles!


This theory is very out of character considering his mo is to restrained himself and push her away.

Yep. And I would lose all respect for Tong Hua if she actually wrote a storyline like that, especially for her favourite character.

I also read previously that the big belly doll meant she was pregnant. That is extremely ludicrous... She isn't getting pregnant decades later.

Yes, ludicrous. The doll's belly is big so that it can fit the ice crystal ball perfectly. Reading it as an indication that XY was pregnant makes zero sense in context. 

I believed this was discussed in this thread previously. I don't know how to link thread articles!

Find the post you want to link.  On the bottom right hand corner, click on the downward V symbol.  A drop down menu gives you the option to Share.  Click on that, it gives you a pop up window with a link to copy.


Find the post you want to link.  On the bottom right hand corner, click on the downward V symbol.  A drop down menu gives you the option to Share.  Click on that, it gives you a pop up window with a link to copy.

Thanks. This board is so long now that it's actually so hard to find the information as well. Is there a way to search within the thread?


Thanks. This board is so long now that it's actually so hard to find the information as well. Is there a way to search within the thread?

Google searches sometimes work, if the page you’re looking for is old enough to have been indexed and you can get specific enough with your search terms. 


Thanks. This board is so long now that it's actually so hard to find the information as well. Is there a way to search within the thread?

Yeah, I wish there was a way to sort through it. But as far as I know, we can only search manually :(

AH usually has the pages of some important discussions saved. 

Hi everyone

I’m new here.

I have actually been following the post for a month and read pages 1- 200 until I decided to create an account lol 

I watched the drama for fun as I’m not particularly a fan of any actors or YangZi but after a few episodes I was amazed with the performance of TJC as XiangLiu, the last time I admired a performance was ChengYi in Love and Redemption. 

Having said that the ending of s1 left me wondering who XiaoYao really love though I already knew the ending that she ends up with Jing and XL dies but since there was so many debates about who XY really romantically love I had to dig up google to read the novel and get myself the answer as I cannot wait for s2.

To be honest I was never a fan of reading, it consume too much time but I’m glad i spend the effort reading and get myself an answer. In brief it appears (on the surface) to me or many readers as though she romantically love Jing and choose Jing as her official partner and XL is like her soulmate but beneath the human’s eyes, XY does romantically love XL and if not that love is more than she thought she did or know because she was suppressing that in her bottom of her heart because that love was seen as forbidden and unjust. But at many times we seen she still take XL into account when choosing her long term companion. The love bug clearly explains that she has love inside for XL but she did not know because she thought it was a one sided thing she had for him, as he seem not to be interested or cared about her. But obviously I know that was not the case when I read the epilogue, it spelt out everything, XL’s selfless love for XY. 

I cannot believe I became addicted and love such a fictional character and seem that this is the most tragic love story ever where the guy did so much for the girl without her knowing to the point of making her hate him because he was gonna die and did not want his lover to suffer the pain of loosing him. And then on top of that is selfless pure love for his comrades who he owe nothing to but choose to die with them in the battlefield. I mean he has 9 lives but never once consider to live for himself? A demon born without parents, and die without a body. It is heartwrenching and tragic that I cannot seem to move on.

I read Liddi translated version of the leaked script, I hope this is not true as they have cut some sweet scenes between XL and XY already but I can understand they do that for censorship so it appears like she only love Jing since they gave them so many kissing scenes but i still hope they can fit his epilogue and dubbed his final wish otherwise it will defeats the whole purpose of XL granting XY her 3 wish. 

Hi everyone

I’m new here.

I have actually been following the post for a month and read pages 1- 250 until I decided to create an account lol


Welcome! Some flowers to you from our Lord and Savior <3

I cannot believe I became addicted and love such a fictional character and seem that this is the most tragic love story ever where the guy did so much for the girl without her knowing to the point of making her hate him because he was gonna die and did not want his lover to suffer the pain of loosing him. And then on top of that is selfless pure love for his comrades who he owe nothing to but choose to die with them in the battlefield. I mean he has 9 lives but never once consider to live for himself? A demon born without parents, and die without a body. It is heartwrenching and tragic that I cannot seem to move on.

Oh gosh. You have arrived at the right place. It's been some 3 months or so for me. It's now part of my life, this endless waiting for it to be over. So I just gave up trying to move on. The more I read about it, the more I'm convinced that this is the fictional character that I'll love for the rest of my life. And in my next life too.

So, again, welcome. You're not alone.

Can someone tell me the timeframe between Jings first marriage to officially divorce?  i know during that time XY was engage to FL for 4 - 5 years which is same time she made the ice crystal ball.  Also how long was she engage to Jing until she decides to marry him? Im re-reading the novel now but thought if anyone has the answer would be good. I know that Jing was missing for 10 years before they finally marry again. it was more for me to analyse how long it took her to ‘let go of XL’ 


Thank you for your welcome. It is my pleasure to be in this group given we all have the same love for XiangLiu, that YaoJing or Jingers fans finds him toxic :) . They prefer a more selfish love than a selfless love :) 



Thank you for your welcome. It is my pleasure to be in this group given we all have the same love for XiangLiu, that YaoJing or Jingers fans finds him toxic :) . They prefer a more selfish love than a selfless love :) 

Yes, unfortunately, we have tried to explain things to them but lately, we have been received with sticks and stones. 

I've been dressed in my hazmat suit for so long that I don't even mind it anymore LOL

but i still hope they can fit his epilogue and dubbed his final wish otherwise it will defeats the whole purpose of XL granting XY her 3 wish. 

Welcome! We cannot promise that there will not be any pain here, but at least you'll be able to suffer with others like you!

The epilogue and his wish for Xiao Yao is included in the leaked script, and takes place before the scene of the final battle. We also have a voice over of Xiang Liu's last thoughts and wishes for Xiao Yao just before his body finally collapses in death.

And yes, if the script remains unchanged, then they effectively negate Xiang Liu's sacrifices for her, and that last voice over makes no sense in the overall scheme of things since he did not play any part of ensuring she had someone to rely on for life, and a place to go to.


Thank you very much for the links you sent me earlier.

I have read through the differing opinions shared and the supporting evidence they presented. There are those who believe he gave most of his blood or even another of his lives to wake her up prematurely, while others believe he had no choice but have sexual intercourse with her on that very last day to forcibly wake her up (the closed shell being an indication, similar to the shell they saw when the merpeople were mating). It is up for interpretation, but I don't see anything that specifically indicates that sexual intercourse was the method he used. If anything, the novel specifically stated that he fed her his essential core blood during that last time, except this time it was a raging inferno that tore her apart from the inside before bonding it back together again. This seems to imply that he fed her a lot of his blood, far more than what she was given over the 37 years. One school of thought compared the amount of blood he must have used for that very last healing session, to the amount that he drew from Xiao Yao to wake Jing up. In other words, it would have taken a great toll on him (very possibly even to the point of losing yet another life) to have woken her up forcibly in that way. Not to mention the horrific pain she went through in the process, to the point where she passed out from it. 

The novel also only mentioned that she knocked her head against the shell when she woke up, but I don't recall it mentioning that that night was the first time it was closed. If anything, she always heard the sound of the shell opening and closing each time he came and went, indicating that the shell was always closed except for those times when he entered or left. As for the times he brought her to the surface or under the sea, he was described in the novel as holding her in his arms when he did so. There is no mention that the shell was brought along with them, unlike how it is depicted in the drama (which I believe has to do with minimising skinship between them).

Someone pointed out that the time she woke up was the first and only time he ever avoided her, and they attributed this to him feeling guilty for what he did. I don't quite see it that way, but that he had already determined he had to start distancing himself from her so that she would no longer hold any hope for him, especially after spending 37 years under the ocean together, and it starts there and then. The Xiang Liu we know, whose heart Sir Bi described as being purer and clearer than glass, would never violate her against her volition. And she would know if they actually had intercourse. Yet all she thought of when she pretended she was unaware of everything that happened, was only of their embraces and companionship, sleeping together during those years. So I am hard pressed to believe that he did anything more than that to her on that last day. Just my two cents.


Can someone tell me the timeframe between Jings first marriage to officially divorce?  i know during that time XY was engage to FL for 4 - 5 years which is same time she made the ice crystal ball.  Also how long was she engage to Jing until she decides to marry him? Im re-reading the novel now but thought if anyone has the answer would be good. I know that Jing was missing for 10 years before they finally marry again. it was more for me to analyse how long it took her to ‘let go of XL’ 

TSJ and FFYY don't get divorced. TSJ helps FFYY fake her death in chapter 36 and she dies for real in chapter 42. TSJ has to wait a year after FFYY's "death" in chapter 36 before he can propose to XY. When that milestone passes, TSJ proposes to XY in chapter 38. Then 43 years pass between chapter 38 and chapter 41. In chapter 41, TSJ and XY agree to set a wedding date for three months later. But TSJ disappears in chapter 42 less than a month before the wedding. He returns to XY in chapter 49. He was gone for 7 years. 

TSJ married FFYY in chapter 25. XY doesn't see him until a year later at CX's wedding to Consort Tan in chapter 26. TSZ was born another year later (I guess deity pregnancies are much longer than nine months), still in chapter 26. XY gets engaged to Feng Long and CX takes the throne in chapter 28. Three years pass between the end of chapter 29 and the beginning of chapter 30, and XY spends 13 months in Gao Xing in chapter 30. When XY returns to Xuan Yuan in chapter 31, she studies medicine for two years before setting a date for her wedding with Feng Long. CX said that nearly 20 years pass between chapter 32 (when XL/FFB takes XY away from her wedding with Feng Long) and chapter 39 (when he pushes XY to stop avoiding Feng Long). 8 years pass between chapter 38 and chapter 39. 


TSJ is married to FFYY for something like 15 - 20 years (between chapter 25 and chapter 36).

TSJ waits one year before proposing to XY in chapter 38.

TSJ and XY are engaged for 43 years between chapter 38 and chapter 41.

TSJ goes missing for 7 years, beginning in chapter 42 and ending in chapter 49.