
I need to make one of his mom running after him for a good beating lololol

And the crazy dancing scene. 

All the scenes, actually :D

YES!  I love the one of his mom running after him to whup his butt!  lol


A Disney Princess. Please don't. Don't offend my princesses like that.

He is a mole on a witch's nose. That's the closest to a fairy tale he'll ever get.

Hahahahaha literaly I can't believe it.  I thought my vision as blurry as it was late cause noooo they really dared to going this far. 


I can't share my screenshot but you need to see this tumblr post.  OMG Jingers going to kill me BAHAHHAHAHAHAAH HE'S AN DISNEY JESUS HYBRID WTFFFFF. They forget he's such an weakling it the only hing he can possiby do.


The guy act so manly in front of others but act so passive, meek, weak, insecure, negative in front of XY. 

cant stand it.


Yes, the life long labeling decision.  I've marked White, Asian, Pacific Islander, and now, I just mark Other on forms.  I've been called White, Native American, Latin, Italian, etc.

Other gang!


ikr. Chubby as well. He's just like his master, he can pull off different vibes <3



LOL chubby is so talented


That's right. He's like a Disney princess! He's like sleeping beauty who needs his wo(man) to save him. But like Jesus? Ahahaha don't make me laugh. He seems more like a shady businessman to me, not Jesus.

Typical they always exaggerate his character ;)

Waitttt the hospital doesn't care about charity with them. Who did he save again. Its' more like Xiayao save him from being butchering in an one to one with XL. Im dying from laughterrrrrrrrr their thoughts are erroneous. BAHAHHHAHAHAAHHAHAHA man came to save her so that she could beg XL not to kill him and he is the one seen as an savior. God have mercy for them finding an ideal partner.

Chubby agrees with everyone here!


I watched Till the End of the Moon and I barely remember his role there. Very forgettable character and his acting was... ok.

Same! I remember that he was there, and he was pretty. Though to be fair I skipped through quite a bit of TTEOM because I don't like continuous suffering


Chubby agrees with everyone here!

Chubby is such a little boss.

I love him.

Love me some short Kings.


The guy act so manly in front of others but act so passive, meek, weak, insecure, negative in front of XY. 

cant stand it.

omg I can't believe I just realized this. He does act more confident in front of other people but when it comes to XY, he acts all passive. Now this is making me believe this quiet and insecure act is for XY to sympathize with him and to make her chained to him even more. God, this makes me sick!!! She did admit to her grandfather she preferred to surround herself with people weaker than her. 


The guy act so manly in front of others but act so passive, meek, weak, insecure, negative in front of XY. 

cant stand it.

Yeah the perfect poor guy and actually even when he acts manly in front of others you still realize how they're shading him looking carefully 


Looks pretty good to me. Not surprising the quality isn't as hd since the movie is old.

I wanna gif his awkward dancing lol

Oh thank you! The movie is not even that Jurassic but the image is so awful lol

The awkward dancing is a must hahahaha


omg I can't believe I just realized this. He does act more confident in front of other people but when it comes to XY, he acts all passive. Now this is making me believe this quiet and insecure act is for XY to sympathize with him and to make her chained to him even more. God, this makes me sick!!! She did admit to her grandfather she preferred to surround herself with people weaker than her. 



omg I can't believe I just realized this. He does act more confident in front of other people but when it comes to XY, he acts all passive. Now this is making me believe this quiet and insecure act is for XY to sympathize with him and to make her chained to him even more. God, this makes me sick!!! She did admit to her grandfather she preferred to surround herself with people weaker than her. 

Guys!!! I'm telling you!!

He's more insidious than we've been imagining. Dude is a fox. That's not a green flag at all!!

Wake up!! I really think Tong Hua decided to pull the rug.