Lmao those comments got me in tears.

The countertops y’all. Better clean it all up. Go wash some dishes.

You never know.


I want it.

Which.. the topless version? Totally understandable, no judgement =P

Its only 36 RMB, so ~5 USD. Forget your wardrobe, u can fill your whole house with this! 

I didn't focus a lot on Cang Xuan in my analysis (it was so long already), but I might have to go back to flesh out his part.

I'll do a separate post on Xiang Liu as well.

I cannot wait to read your analysis! 

Besides, Tong Hua created such a beautiful/intriguing character in Xiang Liu and his romance with Xiao Yao that it's difficult not to be moved by him. It's a credit to Tong Hua. I still railed against XY on a regular basis, and I will never let Jing forget that he didn't get a wedding night :-).

Sigh, she did. And TJC had to be perfect for the role. We didn't stand a chance.

Ha, Jing not getting a wedding night was epic. Lol-ed at that part. And the fan fic that extrapolated that to 100 years or something. Guffaw.

Do you really want help, though??? Are you not having fun??? Now, why would you want to give up all this good time :-)

Oh its fun indeed. I love counting moles. You are right, I do not want help. What was I thinking?

I admit to nothing!!!!!

You know, we know, you know *wink*


Which.. the topless version? Totally understandable, no judgement =P

Its only 36 RMB, so ~5 USD. Forget your wardrobe, u can fill your whole house with this! 

I'm not sure, I just woke up, saw all those things and I want everything.



I mean, here we (you included, right? right!) are ogling at him being soaked, imagining a bathrobe clad TJC on our countertop, and counting moles on his body. I think that ship has sailed.......... into the ocean............... right into XL's shell. OK I dont know what I am talking about anymore.

Ooooooh…pls let me help counting. I swear I‘m pretty good at math ;) No forget it, I‘m REALLY bad at math, I can only count to five and then I need to start all over again LOL

So how many times have you started over? =p 

You know how XY wondered if XL thought of her a pervert when she was decorating the poisons for him? Man, if they knew we are counting TJC's moles...............................


You luckyyyyy  gurll’l !!!! I understand your emotions now. It’s only available in China I guess what an shame 

The model unfortunately is only available in China. :P

But the lipstick can be found online. Just not with all those goodies that the Chinese fans are lucky to get -_-




I HAVE no Words !!!!!!! ??? 

My nose started bleeding yesterday.


Lmao those comments got me in tears.

The countertops y’all. Better clean it all up. Go wash some dishes.

You never know.

Christmas is coming~~~ I have been a good girl, Santa.


I'm not sure, I just woke up, saw all those things and I want everything.

The prices are not helping. I wanna get everything. 

Oh no,  what did I just find. Bolster sized TJC cushions? WHUTTTT. 


Christmas is coming~~~ I have been a good girl, Santa.

The prices are not helping. I wanna get everything. 

Oh no,  what did I just find. Bolster sized TJC cushions? WHUTTTT. 

Ok but these are not gonna be used the way they're supposed to LOLOLOLOL


I short circuited myself this morning from those pics and video, hence im late to reply.

I'm just imagining the discussion between the production crew and him?

"Can we get a footage of you, ummmm, soaking wet in a bathtub? Of  course, apart from being naked as one should be in a bathtub (but we can't be too obvious in giving what the lusty ladies want), the only other appropriate attire is a white sheer singlet (dang it not sheer enough IMO)"

"OoooOOOoooh those muscles and (sexy-this may not have been said aloud but everyone is thinking that) arms. Hmmm, let's take some shots of those too. Up close..reallll close...closer still"

"Next, can we have you dressed in a bathrobe? You know, 'cuz its really fashionable"

Lol, look, they draped some cloth over the refrigerator in that bathrobe shot… for the fashion! We all want less clothes on TJC so more clothes on appliances is a good substitute


Ok but these are not gonna be used the way they're supposed to LOLOLOLOL

no they arent HAHA. What a waste otherwise. Our way is the only way.

ooooooooh we have no shame ~~~


Lol, look, they draped some cloth over the refrigerator in that bathrobe shot… for the fashion! We all want less clothes on TJC so more clothes on appliances is a good substitute

I went back to take a look at that fridge! That bathrobe should join..the..frid..

nope. control yourself, pom.


I went back to take a look at that fridge! That bathrobe should join..the..frid..

nope. control yourself, pom.

Mostly just a test of whether posting images is working because you’ll only find support from me lol

"Can we get a footage of you, ummmm, soaking wet in a bathtub? Of course, apart from being naked as one should be in a bathtub (but we can't be too obvious in giving what the lusty ladies want), the only other appropriate attire is a white sheer singlet (dang it not sheer enough IMO)"

And on top of all the sheer sexiness, this photoshoot has such a French 60's aesthetic. 

Mon Dieu je crois que je l'aime T_T

I kept blinking and not believing my eyes.

The moles y'all. Right where they're supposed to be!

This one got me blushing, not gonna lie.

FIN <3


I went back to take a look at that fridge! That bathrobe should join..the..frid..

nope. control yourself, pom.

That fridge is freezing.

Cover it up!
