
That's the downside of it. No one catches my attention anymore lololol

And when I say no one. I mean it.

Not even Henry Cavill, for example.

That's serious.



Not my type ???


Really? I thought he was everyone's type hahah


Cavill is eye catching, but he hasn't captured my attention yet.  Granted, I haven't watched the Witcher yet.


For caucasian guys Thor, captain America or Jensen Ackles are my type ??

Jensen Ackles.  Hmmmm.  Loved him in Supernatural, but haven't seen him in anything else that has caught my attention.

Thor and Cap ... nice bods.  But again, haven't fully captured my attention.  Trying to think of my last big crush ... was it Gerard Butler?  Surely I had someone else after him ...

You are back!

Yes! I'm so tired! I bought some fans, some really huge fans, and plenty of mooncakes.

And a shell mirror & makeup brush set. The sound I made inside the store may have spooked some customers.


Hey Kokuto, no feeding Champloo until he quits this nonsense hahahah

Champloo gives you the O_O 

He's behaving now ... but the night is young.


Yes! I'm so tired! I bought some fans, some really huge fans, and plenty of mooncakes.

And a shell mirror & makeup brush set. The sound I made inside the store may have spooked some customers.

The level of SQUEEEEEE! can shock some people.

Ooooh, moon cakes.  Aren't they full of sugar?  Yum

Rest and drink plenty of fluids.

Granted, I haven't watched the Witcher yet.

Don't bother. That became a mess as the seasons went by. And now that they've replaced him with Liam Hemsworth, it'll keep going downhill :(


Don't bother. That became a mess as the seasons went by. And now that they've replaced him with Liam Hemsworth, it'll keep going downhill :(

Wut?  I already read all the book!


This, tho.

Oh, wait. Giving each other up in the name of making each other happy. Let me stop you right there. That was in the name of making Nathanna unhappy.

If only XL knew you were unhappy.  Things could be so different!

The level of SQUEEEEEE! can shock some people.

The store's owner was Chinese and I kept trying to talk to him but I forgot my lines lol what a mess. He was smiling at me but the poor man may have been concerned about my mental state. It was the heat, I'm blaming the heat.

Ooooh, moon cakes. Aren't they full of sugar? Yum

Some of them are like little pizzas hah

Rest and drink plenty of fluids.

I still need to work. T___T


Best idea ever for a script!

I think so!  Well, maybe second best.   I need to see an LYF quality costume drama with Tan Jian Ci playing the romantic ML.


Wut?  I already read all the book!


Henry Cavill decided to quit because he saw how much butchering was being done to the original work. That's what I like about him, he's such a geek, and he respects the source material. The producers started to deviate from the novel so blatantly that he had to step down. The first season had some questionable choices but I never played the game nor read the novel, so it wasn't a big deal for me, but the second and third seasons were just absurd.


The store's owner was Chinese and I kept trying to talk to him but I forgot my lines lol what a mess. He was smiling at me but the poor man may have been concerned about my mental state. It was the heat, I'm blaming the heat.

Some of them are like little pizzas hah

I still need to work. T___T

Wut??  It's the weekend.  You spent all day in the heat.  You haven't even looked at Tan Jian Ci properly yet!

Moon Cake Pizzas???

LOL!  Yes.  Sometimes our enthusiasm can cause some concern.  But the heat works, too. ;p


If only XL knew you were unhappy.  Things could be so different! 

Casting description: Making Nathanna happy.



Henry Cavill decided to quit because he saw how much butchering was being done to the original work. That's what I like about him, he's such a geek, and he respects the source material. The producers started to deviate from the novel so blatantly that he had to step down. The first season had some questionable choices but I never played the game nor read the novel, so it wasn't a big deal for me, but the second and third seasons were just absurd.

The novel? I read like the whole series!  I think there were like six books.  LOL!

Oh well.  They were entertaining enough.  I'll still watch the Cavill Witcher seasons at least.


Casting description: Making Nathanna happy.

LOL!  We don't ask much.