
Going by MBTI, ppl said TJC is an INFJ-T (same as me!)

Since he shows both introvert and extrovert sides, he has this balance of both ends. Interesting to see.

Anyone here is into mbti?

Serious. I just did a test. INFJ-T too lol. Then how did we end up paying stuff online!

TJC is so shy sometimes. Anyone have a clip they like to share?


Serious. I just did a test. INFJ-T too lol. Then how did we end up paying stuff online!

TJC is so shy sometimes. Anyone have a clip they like to share?

This is my favorite clip of him being shy:


They were screaming obscenities lol and he turned so red poor baby hahahahahaha

From the little that I've seen of him, ZYLong is very different from TJC. He's introverted, quiet and rather serious. We all know what TJC is like :-). Guardians has some of ZYL best looks

These gifs make me want to watch Guardians. I liked his character in Story of Ming Lan.

BUT there are times I slip up and think about XL as a character, as if he's real when I know he isn't, and my heart still aches for him :( I don't know what magic TH possesses =p

SAME. The thing that helps me remember that none of this is real and to make me not feel too sad is to watch BTS funny moments with TJC.

Xiang Liu killing flies with an electric fly swatter lol. That's one of his outfits for season 2. That black outfit is what he wore when he gave XY that forehead kiss (in the novel).

Can Xiang Liu cook too? xD

lol he can't chop the wood



SAME. The thing that helps me remember that none of this is real and to make me not feel too sad is to watch BTS funny moments with TJC.

Xiang Liu killing flies with an electric fly swatter lol. That's one of his outfits for season 2. That black outfit is what he wore when he gave XY that forehead kiss (in the novel).

Can Xiang Liu cook too? xD

lol he can't chop the wood


Those are so great!

Lol poor thing, he's even with the mask on 

That mask kept irritating his skin because of the heat :(

Bad mask >:(

Alright, which one of you ladies is responsible for the Spongebob addition?

And a completely different vibe.


These gifs make me want to watch Guardians. I liked his character in Story of Ming Lan.

If you enjoy BLs, then Guardians is worth a watch. The production values and supporting casts are questionable, but ZYLong,  and Bai Yu - both individually and as a "couple" are excellent. 

Alright, which one of you ladies is responsible for the Spongebob addition?

I had nothing to do with it. 

When I woke up this morning, I was already pissed at Spongebob for the blatant disrespect hahahahahaha


If you enjoy BLs, then Guardians is worth a watch. The production values and supporting casts are questionable, but ZYLong,  and Bai Yu - both individually and as a "couple" are excellent. 

One question: Does it have a happy ending?


Alright, which one of you ladies is responsible for the Spongebob addition?

And a completely different vibe.

Bahahahahah that sponge licking is so well thought :clapping 

I love him with those headband :cuteguy material hello


I had nothing to do with it. 

When I woke up this morning, I was already pissed at Spongebob for the blatant disrespect hahahahahaha

Are you sure you weren't pissed at Spongebob for doing something that you wish you could do :-) ?? 


One question: Does it have a happy ending?

It's an open ending. Definitely not like LYF, but it's not a happy ending either. It leans towards melancholy and wisfulness. 

It's based on a novel by the same author as Sha Po Lan, TJC's BL drama. 

One more cute gif 



I really don't understand the Chinese cancel culture. What do their fans have to do with it? Are they banned for life.

In USA unless you have sexual or serious assault, I don't see them getting cancelled. Even so they would have their names scrubbed.

The c-netizen hold their actors/actresses (especially the liuliang/idol type of actors/ctresses) on much higher standard than for normal people. I think it has something to do with their insane influence on their fans. So they must also fill in as the good role model for their fans and be judged constantly by the public.  Moreover the chinese gov also can punished an actor’s misconduct by deeming it an act that destroying public morality (or something like that) by banning him temporary or even permanently (the case where this actor‘s name got scrubbed clean from every projects he was in, his weibo and douyin account got deleted  his new projects won’t get censorship approval so can’t be released). 

Some very egregious/unmoral misconducts  in c-netizen‘s view, like I mentioned before in my previous post, will caused a big enough backlash from the public (or even turn their fans against them) to affect the actors/actresses career permanently, as the image of these actors is everything. It is the THING that got them ads and brands ambassador contracts. As soon as the image crumble the knee jerk reaction of the brands is to distance themselves and their own image from these suddenly problematic actors and the brands cut them off. They are also then dropped from dramas or variety show they are in or in negotiation with. So the public and fans play a big role in an actor career. 

Fans can even cause an actor’s downfall like what happened with Xiao Zhan a couple of years before, where his rabid fans caused a beloved fanfic site to be closed down and made the public and users of that fanfic site so angry that they then retaliate by boycotting him (and also because they hold XZ and his team to be responsible for the misconduct of those rabid fans as it is a known and common practice that the actor‘s agent/team has close cooperation with the fans groups and often coordinate with them for promotional events or to hype up the actor or his upcoming projects). It was then followed by gov official ban for about a year or so. I think no drama starring him was aired in that year and his weibo and douyin got suspended. I‘m not sure if he was dropped by his brands as well as I‘m not his fans and only know about this big scandal years after it happened. 

The government even tried to control the fans after Xiao Zhan‘s case by holding the actor hostage. Basically the gov says that if the fans caused trouble (excessive fans war for e.x.) then their beloved actor will bear the consequences (getting soft ban) like getting his weibo‘s account suspended for some time, etc. This happened to Zhao Li Ying and another actor, when their fans got in nasty fans war with each other.

The c-actors and actresses must keep their nose clean and their image as white as snow at all time and control their fans or risk the c-netizen and/or gov wrath and lose their career. Once their image is destroyed, they won’t get any new project as no one want to finance/bet on a dead horse, because although those actors may still have many loyal fans the public opinion (possible backlash on the project for casting this actor) weights more while gov permanent bann is the nail on the coffin on their career. The ones getting soft ban are the lucky ones. 

Hope this answer your question. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than me on this issue can correct me if I said something wrong in my post above or give more insight about this topic.


This is my favorite clip of him being shy:


They were screaming obscenities lol and he turned so red poor baby hahahahahaha

Is this the one where one of the fan yelled out for him to "shoot at my face" with that implications?  the minute that he understood the double meaning, he got so embarrassed, probably wishing he could escape from all the "crazies" that were screaming at him. Lol.


Alright, which one of you ladies is responsible for the Spongebob addition?

And a completely different vibe.

Bad bad bad Sponge Bob. Go to your box of shame LOL. Ok now I can pass out. Bye