What were your favourite moments of the first few episodes?  I'm quite enjoying the humour.  The tavern scene with the three men in Episode 6 had me in stitches!

There's just so many to pick from.... spoilers ahead for all of the first 6 episodes !! I personally think Ep 6 is my favourite so far

Episode 1-2: 

  • The flashback scenes of teen!Eugene in America. I can't seem to find the actor's name anywhere but that scene of him cutting his hair short was really symbolic...
  • Dong Mae's introduction... how we're shown right away that he has a more humane/compassionate side to him
  • Dong Mae tending to Hina's wound... I still want to see more of what shapes the dynamic between these two
  • That first encounter scene with Eugene and Ae Shin... them staring at each other on either side of the train tracks afterwards

Episode 3:

  • Ae Shin and Eugene confirming that they know each others' identities/involvement in the shooting
  • "What is 'love'?" 
  • Dong Mae protecting Ae Shin 
  • The boat scene !
  • First meeting between Dong Mae and Eugene

Episode 4: 

  • That awkward encounter at the hotel
  • Dong Mae buying the candies was endearing
  • Eugene admitting that he's protecting Ae Shin ("because he can")

Episode 5:

  • Ae Shin awkwardly excusing herself from the hotel meeting with Hui Sung and Eugene's awkward response (plus the impromptu walk that ensues afterwards)
  • The scene at the hut where Ae Shin points her gun at Eugene

Episode 6: 

  • As you said, the bar scene was quite possibly the highlight of the episode (and also the encounter in the hotel where the 3 main guys meet)
  • The skirt scene with Dong Mae and Ae Shin... amazing acting from both actors
  • All the Eugene and Dong Mae interactions in this ep were gold... that kinda rivalry/bromance with jealous feelings in the mix
  • Ae Shin returning the stolen gun (and the scenes afterwards... "the safest place in Joseon is by my side")
  • Eugene humiliating Minister Lee in public
  • The ending... that cliffhanger?