I'd love to watch a drama where the main couple (1) are set up in an arranged marriage, (2) strive to support and defend each other from the beginning, and (3) develop a steadfast love relatively quickly (but it doesn't have to be immediate). I'm not looking for an enemies-to-lovers sort of arranged marriage, or one where disinterested parties take a long time to realize they like each other. Basically I want a ride-or-die couple brought together through arranged marriage who actually have a healthy relationship.

Does that exist?


Besides the great choices already mentioned, try Sweet 18? It may differ a tiny bit from what you’re asking for as the husband does take a little longer to fall in love/realize he’s in love with his wife, but as she’s really young it’s a natural progression. They do originally fight against the arranged marriage but that only lasts like the first episode iirc, afterwards they’re really supportive of each other as people even if they do bicker a ton. 

Thanks for thisss recommendation I'm loving it !! 

@mirarmy Right?? Such an underrated fun gem imo


@mirarmy Right?? Such an underrated fun gem imo

I had exams so I couldn't finish it but loving it so farrr do you have any other recs?