I'm not sure about redemption arc but they're all trying to compensate FLs in some way and some of them give FL an option to leave them, so maybe:
Another Miss Oh (ML is the cause of FL's suffering as he scheme FL's fiancee to be convicted as he was mistaken about FL's identity)
Bread, Love and Dreams (ML2 forces FL to marry him using ehm money iirc)
Feast of the Gods (ML is trying to destroy/take-over FL real family's business)
Hotelier (ML is trying to take-over the hotel FL's been working for more than a decade)
Kleun Cheewit (ML is torturing FL physically and verbally because he believed FL is the driver who hit his late fiancee)
Story of Kunning Palace (ML is the one who order FL's death penalty in previous life)
You Are the Best! (ML is using FL to win a bet with ehm a friend/love interest, I kind of forget)