She likes the second male lead at first, bu then falls for the male lead. Their hatred for each other doesn't end though and even though the female lead becomes friends with the second male lead, she chooses to not interact with him anymore at the end because of the male lead. The 2 males never stop hating each other in the end.

All the ones I know the guys become friends or the girl chases 2nd lead later not first 

Strong woman do bong soon kinda...  she’s in love with childhood friend, falls in love with ml, childhood friend falls in love with her but now she loves ml. She doesn’t rlly stop seeing 2 lead, neither do they hate each other, they just compete with each other... slightly aggressively- just a warning; I feelthis drama this drama is marmite you love it or hate it so bear that in mind if you hate overly fluffy extras dramas sorry I can’t think of any better suggestions x :)

  • The Last Empress | enemies. 
  • Romance is a Bonus Book | so far they dislike each other. 
  • Falling for Innocence | enemies. 
  • Korean Odyssey | albeit the 2ML doesn't have that much screentime. And the hate only come from the ML towards the 2ML.
  • Let me Introduce Her | enemies. 
  • Another Miss Oh | 2ML hates the ML (and for good reason, tbh). 
  • Bad Papa | rivals turned enemies. 
  • Because this is my first life | ML hates the 2ML, while the latter is indifferent to the former.
  • Cheese in the Trap | ML and 2ML used to be friends, now they are enemies. 
  • City Hunter | enemies turned friends. 
  • Go Ho's Starry Night | they dislike each other. 
  • Gu Family Book | 2ML dislikes ML. 
  • Kill me Heal me | 2ML hates the ML (though the former is one of the personalities from the latter). 
  • Lovely Horribly | they hate each other (though I don't recommend this one). 
  • Marriage, not Dating | ML hates 2ML.
  • Mirror of the Witch | 2ML hates ML. 
  • Missing You | they hate each other. 
  • Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo | enemies

Try Summer Desire. The ML and 2ML hate each other though toward the end, they need to cooperate for the sake of FL.

Oh and The Eternal love ( not the ten miles of peach blossoms one)

This sounds a lot like The Heirs.