Old setting or nostalgic feeling+heartwarming story, for example:

Reply 1988

Sunny (2011)

Miss Granny

A Wife’s Credentials

Alone In Love

The World That They Live In

Amnok River Flows

Dear My Friends

The Light in Your Eyes 


One Fine Spring Day


Late Blossom

First Kiss (1998)

Bungee Jumping of their Own


Alone In Love

The World That They Live In

Amnok River Flows

Dear My Friends

The Light in Your Eyes 


One Fine Spring Day


Late Blossom

First Kiss (1998)

Bungee Jumping of their Own


Another one that hasn’t been mentioned is Pheonix with Lee Seojin. It’s a romantic drama with a really classic, somewhat melancholy feeling. Also I think Winter Sonata, Spring Waltz, Summer Scent, Autumn Sonata fit this concept well too? Of course I’d recommend watching the rest of the Reply series too if you haven’t already.