bruh daniel why so direct and harsh lmfao

Where are the haters?  XD

The people on this thread are insensitive and completely ignorant. A part of watching korean dramas is about appreciating the culture and history. If the people of korea have a problem with such  a drama, then using reasoning it would appear that this drama does in fact have issues. 

You can't tell a korean person to get over tramua, that's just fowl and frankly it's demeaning to what they have gone through. If anything aired like this in another jurisdiction do you really believe it will be fine? Nope. 

I understand that people want to support their faves but limits must be drawn. This not simply fiction, it real people and their lives that have been twisted and romanticised. I hope anyone who decides to watch this drama, takes a second to reconsider. The people on this thread aren't those who appreciate korea, they are people stuck in a cycle of parasocial relationships and honestly an fetishism of culture. 

I've seen a couple of German people on this thread  speaking on this issue and making comparisons. Firstly korean history is entirely different from the holocaust, yes parallels can be drawn but it is not the same. 

Account created on the same day as the posts, never logged in again, 0 dramas watched...

at least you took the time to upload a profile picture of someone who isn't even you. who do you think you are fooling ???

Well, they still exist after all XD at this point it's just parody really.  

But during the drama it doesn't glorify NSA. In fact it puts it as the bad guys. I mean, it started putting them as the good ones but then all the shit got uncovered. For me it was pretty clear who was the bad in this story.