Video not staying in articles when being edited

I got them to stay when using the embed code directly into the HTML Editor, but now that the first staff editor has gotten to the article both videos are gone again, is there a way to reimput the URLs after the editor has looked at them.  I don't want to imput them then resubmit, it might mess things up.

Matsuda Shota's stalker guide got published with out the videos and I feel it is wierd or off with out them, and I do not want the same thing to happen to Ohno Satoshi's

Yuanwei Volunteer Staff

Video not staying in articles when being edited

I got them to stay when using the embed code directly into the HTML Editor, but now that the first staff editor has gotten to the article both videos are gone again, is there a way to reimput the URLs after the editor has looked at them.  I don't want to imput them then resubmit, it might mess things up.

Matsuda Shota's stalker guide got published with out the videos and I feel it is wierd or off with out them, and I do not want the same thing to happen to Ohno Satoshi's

It's a bug. It will probably take a while until it's fixed. So you can just contact directly the editors and give them the links to the videos and ask them to add them where you want them to be. 

I think I was the one who edited that article in this case so you can just send them to me. :)) I really want to see if it's a big bug that affects the editors as well or just the users. :D

Ok when I get home yuan ill pm you the links

Hessa Volunteer Staff

When ever I try to edit my profile, the video I have embedded disappears too.

I did get them to stay while I was editing by going directly into the HTML code and Embedding and not using the yt tool provided for the hand-holding editing.  It works for Profile too.