Not able to see the images in MDL ..This is happening when i open the site in my computer system. However the internet speed is good. and not facing with other sites.

What browser are you using? Can you try using another browser and see if it's still like that? 

I ma using Google chrome.I tried using Opera,but getting same error.

gets the same issue. I'm sure my net is good as I use my work pc which means net is very stable. Using google chrome here.

Please let me know if this is still an issue.


Please let me know if this is still an issue.

Still an issue on my desktop. Using google chrome with stable net (i do phone calls online with no issues)

yes ...issue is still there ....Cant see the images :(

What do you see when you open this link on your desktop?

This site can’t be reached

Above is the message i am getting 


What do you see when you open this link on your desktop?

This site can’t be reached

The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

That's weird. Does it work on other browser?


That's weird. Does it work on other browser?

It gives the same message even on IE 11.

Ji-N closed this Mar 14, 2018 08:52 pm