Hessa Volunteer Staff

Noticed that the recommendation page is not working:



Looks like it has been stuck since 2014.

Thanks, that's weird.

When you click Make a recommendation button, Resource not found alert is displayed on the upper right hand corner of the screen.

When you submit a similar title, it shows Invalid title id alert. I also noticed that the If you like thumbnail on the left remains grayed out while the thumbnail on the right under ...then you might like gets populated by the show's poster/photo. Could be that the If you like show's id does not get retrieved or populated upon opening the Make a recommendation  form.

 Maria Clara:
When you click Make a recommendation button, Resource not found alert is displayed on the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Yea I just tried to and kept getting this error. i thought it was just me.

Should be working now. Please let me know


Should be working now. Please let me know

Yea, I tried it and it went through :-) thx

Ji-N closed this Nov 6, 2018 10:56 pm