From The Past to the Future :

Revelations in the Extranatural Heaven books
Actor/  Actress
[10]   Liù Míng  六冥
He was the Demon Emperor, Master of Liú Yǔ. He tried to create Chīmèi 魑魅 monsters, claiming it was to help the Immortals to resist the Divine, but he could not control the monstrous creatures. 
He was also the former master of the Immortal tribe, including of Shěn Mùyuè who led in the Immortal army camp (until she rebelled against his crazy ambitions).
Despite he was the  father of Mò Fāng he had no care for his son's life, only looking to complete his own "grand plan". 

Qiū Xīnzhì
邱心志 b. March 31, 1968, in Taiwan
178cm (5'10") tall. He has played in many dramas and movies since 1995.  
--Fandom Name: 丘比特 Qiūbǐtè ("Cupid" ; 1.92 million fans on Weibo)

[63]  Fèng Lái  凤来
Shen Li's father, created as "Chīmèi" (魑魅) from a phoenix feather in the Demon King's alchemist oven.
He did not want obey the Demon King, refused to kill, and was distressed over the death of a pet dog he and Liú Yǔ raised. 

But his power of Fire was needed for the Five Elements Seal that Xíng Zhǐ used to create the Abyss, so as to contain the rogue Chimei that threatened Divine and Immortals alike. Which was why they called the God for help.
Misled by Liù Míng and enraged by the revelation of Liú Yǔ's death, Fèng Lái attacked and wounded XZ, while only SL remained to stop the Abyss from collapse and freeing all Chimei. SL used her spear to keep the fire barrier up in part, while she flew to prevent  Fèng Lái from killing XZ. 
Xú Hǎiqiáo 徐海乔 
aka Joe Xu
b.Xú Yáo 徐垚 1983-Apr-17 in Jinan, Shandong, graduated from Shanghai Theater Academy. 180 cm. Prolific actor in dramas and movies since 2008.
--Fandom Name: Hǎi bǎo  海宝 ("Sea treasure") ; 12.1 million fans on Weibo.
[9]   Liú Yǔ     琉羽
She was Shěn Mùyuè's younger sister and Shěn Lí’s mother. She had named and offered to take care of and teach the unusual humanoid Chīmèi in order for him to become the King of Chīmèi under Liù Míng. 
When Liù Míng wanted to force Fèng Lái to kill people, injuring him, she fled with him to hide in Mortal Realm.
When she gave birth to SL, she replaced SL's fiery inner core by her own, to protect her in her youth, and handed to her sister the fiery "bead" (which she named the "Azure Sea Pearl" Bìhǎi Cāng zhū 碧海苍珠 as a wish that the child would sail freely the vast ocean of life) . She entrusted SL to  Shěn Mùyuè, who would act as surrogate mother to the girl, after her death. 

Xuān Lù, 宣璐, b. Jan 15, 1991
 168cm (5'6") tall.  A Chinese actress and professional ballet dancer. She graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy and made her acting debut in 2010 TV series The Dream of Red Mansions. She portrayed 'Lan Ma Shan Di' in the 2013 historical TV series Legend of Southwest Dance and Music, and 'Jiang Yan Li' in the  2019 xianxia web series The Untamed. Her breakthrough lead role came with 2020 Well Dominated Love
--Fandom name露水  (Lù Shuǐ, "Dew"), 11.75 million fans on Weibo

This "illustrated portrait gallery" of the protagonists by order of appearance, with precision of which episodes they appear in (screenshot pictures also lead  to relevant episode on WeTV)  does not take into account non identified or too short roles. Although with some exceptions (like Shen Li's maid in Divine Realm [47] , the mermaid [58]  and  the children/Koi carp spirits  [48]), the two remarkable cameos of the drama director (playing as the Chicken Seller) [13] and the drama's art director Zhào Yǔ 赵宇,  (playing as Meat stall boss 肉摊老板 [13.1].

  So, here are some I left out :

  • the other  traders on Qingsheng market in the first episodes such as 
    • the Rice stall boss 米摊摊主 (played by actor Wáng Fēng 王峰)
  • the father of  Zhōu Sān Láng, 
    • "Zhōu Dàláng" 周大郎 , played by Lǐ Hóngquán (李洪权) who tried to restrain his grieving daughter-in -law from pestering Xing Yún, in ep.2
  • the Gù family head and personnel in eps.3-6 :
    • father of Gù Chéngruì and Gù Chéngjǐn,  顾家首领 played by Lǐ  Yán (李严) ; 
    • Gù Chéngruì's  henchmen, such as the "Killer", played by Zhāng Tāo (张涛) not listed on Baidu ; 
    • Yáng Zhēng 杨铮  [Gù Chéng Jǐn's subordinate]  played by Zéng Xītáng (曾希瑭) ;
  • "old Xing Yún" 老年行云 , played by Yù Qìnghuī (喻庆辉) in a glimpse until he vanished in the mist ;
  • the soldiers of the Immortal army (anyway, the "Immortal Realm Soldier", mentioned by dramawiki list as played by Guō Jiāqí (郭嘉琦), is not on Baidu) ; 
  • the guards in Divine Realm : 
    • "Heavenly Emperor's attendant" 天君侍官  played by Liú Yǔzé (刘宇泽) 
    • "Guard of Nan Tian Gate" 南天门守卫  played by Kǒng Yǔchōng (孔宇翀) ;
  • the old gods that were glimpsed in the peeks into Xing Zhi's youth and past ; 
  • the couple who was having a wedding, when Shen Li passed by their house on her revisiting Qingsheng : Jiáo Fū's sons  樵夫儿子 (x2) and new daughter-in-law 樵夫儿媳, played respectively by Sū Zhènhuá (苏振华), n Chén (林晨), and Cuī Yíng(崔莹)  in ep.14 ;
  • the Mortal realm lesser immortals/gods and followers of Hú Lù, in eps.6, 14-15  :
    •  "young Earth Immortal" 青年地仙 played by Zhāng Xǐlái (张喜来) 
    • "Earth Immortal Lady" 地仙妙龄少女 played by Jiān Wén Wén (菅雯雯)  
  • the traders/sect members who were seeking help from the Golden Lady.  ep.38-39
  • some who were not clearly identified by me in the drama or remained anonymous :
    • Hán Lùjǐn (韩录锦) as Madame Wang 王娘子  (Golden Lady's attendant?)
    • Jìn Bāngyī (靳邦壹)  as Zhāng Yáng  张扬 
    •  Xù (马旭) as Lù Yuǎn  陆远
    • Wú Tiānháo (吴添豪)  as Liú Zhāng  刘章
    • Lóu Qīng (娄清) as Shěn Lí (imaginary) 想象中沈璃
    • Lín Shǎoyáng (林少阳)  -- no clue! He is not in the Baidu List
    • Bó Lái (铂莱)  child actress - not in the Baidu list - (perhaps the child who fell and was protected by Mù Zi Chún)
    •  Qiàn Fēng (李干锋) listed as "Devine Realm soldier" on MDL but appearing neither in Baidu nor on dramawiki lists.
    • Mǎ Míngyǔ (马明宇) listed as "Liang Wei Ping" on MDL, but appearing neither in Baidu nor on dramawiki lists.

Some of those are listed on the dramawiki cast list, some on MDL, but not all are on the Chinese Baidu list (those who are get their character names in Chinese characters). But even the Baidu list, inexplicably, forgot at least one significant protagonist who is also famous enough as an actor/singer to have been spotted by those familiar with dramas, music, or variety shows : Mù Zi Chún (played by Zhōu Jùnwěi ).  If you spot a familiar face, which you think should be added to list, feel free to do so in comments !

This part and section of Characters gallery completed and last revised  on 2024-04-07

back to Table of Contents          /  to   alphabetical list

Wow thank you so much for taking your time on writing infos for this series! I cannot express my gratitude well enough ????

5.   Xianxia Gods and Fate - some thoughts

This drama has to my mind very interesting messages about what the Gods/Immortals/Demons/Fairy Worlds/Mortals/Ghosts etc are about in the Chinese xianxia and related context.

I had already expressed that feeling in my comment of 2024-04-06  when I wrote :  

"Episode 39 and the "surprised expression" of Xing Zhi in the end was so entertaining. 

I enjoyed this xianxia very much, thrilled to see that it got over 100 million views lately, to share in the excitement.  Lady Jin had been missed, but we did get to see her, tying in with a very nice finale !   The core was important, but not so much that it couldn't be lived without.  Finally, the time of the gods ended but not our favorites',  to enjoy peace and love, and mischief, that added spice, after all the pain they'd gone through.

Sometimes, deep reflections and thoughts were proffered : are gods still needed in our new age ?          Do they need to be violently killed or cremated, or can they just retire and live for themselves ?        Can those who have been put into power and accepted the duties, always be up to their tasks ?  

I liked that the drama was a soft romance too, satisfying if not of the steamy sort, and that the marriage question was shown as not that necessary, as a political or society requirement, but just as a cherry on top of the cake, sealing the union in less flamboyant way as sealing an Abyss, but leaving room for sparks and continued slow burn but long lasting fire.  This viral message to those who still see marriage as needed at a certain age, with desirable or not age gap, and body appearance in terms of height, roundness of face or filling the clothes as well as the shoes. 

The God walking bare feet on the shards was one striking moment to show how despair and depression can hit even those that are relied on, taking them for granted, watching their moves and judging behaviors from below.

                                                   Shen Li discovering Xing Zhi's depressed  past, from ep.33

This drama actually went further than only pure entertainment."

 MDL user Kar     made a meaningful comment that I can't resist singling out to copy below.

"If you want to write about gods, you can't write about the bloodline and class of gods.
If you want to write about romance with gods as the identity setting, you can't write about traditional abstinence and fate.
You need to write about why "gods" exist, and how do "gods" disappear.
The Legend Of Shen Li has ended. This ancient idol drama that seems to be a romantic historical drama is just another traditional and commercial idol drama for people who have preconceived ideas when they see the name.

But this can't explain the broadcast effect of the series and it can't explain why Zhao Liying, who has reached the height of popularity, chose to take on another ancient idol drama and supervise it.
Some things, like the unnoticed places, can convince her, and they are the real core of the whole story. here are some cores you have never noticed.

The Legend Of Shen Li is essentially a story about killing gods. At the end of the story, the last ancient god falls, Extranatural Heaven and Xutian Abyss disappears, and the god's mission ends. If you have ever been shocked by Xingzhi's extremely cool shots and cried for the fall of Xingzhi, I would like to ask you to shift your gaze slightly to the side, to Shen Li, who does not seem to be cool/awesome. Let’s talk about how this is a gods fall, but also not just a story of a god’s fall.

In Chinese history, The Chinese have created many stories with gods as carriers, from the creation of the gods to the later legends of Immortals, every Chinese has already read some of them more or less. Then have you discovered? The Chinese do not allow the divine nature to be superior to the human personality.

In the history of religion, from gods to immortals, the creations of all parties have constructed another realm that exists parallel to the human world.  Some are called the Three Realms, and some are called the Six Realms.  From the local primitive religion of Taoism to the later introduced Buddhism, they all have a great influence on the literary and artistic creation of gods and goddesses. Generally speaking, these stories have one similar distinctive feature: Gods have to work.  The Creator God opened up this world and gave us space for civilized activities. After God, there are immortals. Whether they are born immortals or mortals who are born as normal people and practice Taoism to become immortals, they still have to work in the immortal world. They would have to work for the stability and peace of the human world. Work for development.  Manage wind and rain, manage sunshine, manage harvest, and manage wealth.

So you look at the birth of Xingzhi again and think, why are there ancient gods? based on the mindless worships of the immortal world, it is not difficult to see that in the world view of TLOSL, the birth of the ancient gods and their powerful power are essentially used to maintain the balance of the three realms. This is somewhat close to the concept setting of the most primitive creator god in the Chinese native culture. However, the greatest beauty of the story of this drama is that this story is to overthrow Xingzhi, and the subversion is very reasonable.

To give so much power to one being (even if they're a god) is a huge pressure for them. The human beings imagination of gods comes from the extension of their own desires. To understand gods, don't use religious worship, but actually   understand the existence of "gods" in literary and artistic works from a human perspective.

Based on this perspective, it is not difficult to find the way heaven casts gods to control huge power. This kind of power will inevitably bring chaos to order based on irrational distribution. This gave birth to the action of the six underworlds of the spirit world casting demons in an attempt to subvert. A thousand years ago, Xingzhi sealed the demons and created the Xutian Abyss, causing the spiritual world to suffer from the negative effects brought by Xutianyuan.  Everyone will think that there is nothing wrong with God's behavior, and it is the most reasonable thing for him to do.
  If this is really the case, then why would the Extranatural Heaven and Xutian Abyss end up together for Shen Li a thousand years later?

Huge power is in the hands of one person, which will inevitably lead to selfishness eventually.  There was no mission given to Xingzhi when the Way Of Heaven was born, so Xingzhi’s mission is to end the influence of absolute power on the three realms. A thousand years ago, he did not end at the expense of himself. A thousand years later, he chose to end for Shen Li.  Because of the great power that was given to him since birth, it is cruel to a god (human) who has seven emotions and six desires but has not experienced them yet.

The Heavenly Realm calls out for the safety of the three realms, but if you don’t know how to love someone, how can you love the three realms?
Before Shen Li appeared, Xing Zhi was passively performing his mission to protect the Three Realms.  Then when Shen Li appears, Xing Zhi would be  understanding how love works?  If it were that simple, then this drama would be called the Legend of XingZhi instead of the Legend of Shen Li."

back to Table of Contents                                                                          Last edited 2024-04-07

By the way, those lines said by Kar were actually translated by them from a chinese user who posted a meaningful message about the drama on weibo! 


By the way, those lines said by Kar were actually translated by them from a chinese user who posted a meaningful message about the drama on weibo! 

Thanks, so they are from that Weibo post?  Thank you for having found it and pointed it out, and to Kar for having translated the beginning. Anyway, it was worth quoting , so worth translating. Copying the original below, for those who read Chinese  :)  The comments to that post, in Chinese are also interesting to read there !

 I added some Gif to illustrate what I meant by the fatigue of gods, and people who are expected to be flawless leaders or rulers.  We live in an age where Gods are not revered by all, but where everything is acknowledged as illusions, including the faith of those who enter sects or blindly follow those who claim they know what the meaning of life and the afterlife is...   (Presently watching the last episodes of "War of Faith"  which is about other, more modern, forms of clash of beliefs and illusions.:)




























I was debating in comments about how this concept, in the way it was visually translated, evoked different things, "space", the "Milky Way" or something else...

The creation of the Milky Way, painting by Guo Xu 郭诩 (1456-1532)

Wang Hui 王翚  (1632-1717)  master of landscape paintings from Suzhou.
Traditional Chinese ink painting,  Shui-mo (水墨)  is closely tied to Taoist and Confucian philosophy, valuing simplicity and harmony with nature. It goes back to Tang (618-907) and Song Dynasty (960-1279) art & poems.
Yang Yongliang 杨泳梁 (b.198, Shanghai), Sleepless Wonderland, 2012   
This painting "the silent valley"  reminds me of the style used in TLoSL Extranatural Heaven landscape. (click on painting for info about the contemporary artist)
Shi Weili  石伟力  , digital painter of Shanshui in the World, 2016, made an short film explaining what he meant and the relevance of shanshui in the 21st century.

Cai Jingxing 蔡景星 (b. 1924) West Lake --  misty mountains rising over the void in the distance.

To me, The Legend of Shenli's  Extranatural Heaven looked like the world view of traditional shanshui Chinese landscape paintings, with the void between lower planes and more lofty ones.  It was reinforced by the black (ink) and white colors,  the brush Xing Zhi used to "repair" the falling heavens, on the large scroll painting with colors. I felt a connection between the painting action and the "world building actions" that creative artists, plastic or literary, use to gift us with the fruit of their imagination. Behind creative process, there's always a mystery (despite some may reduce it to "reasons") which link it to the arcane. In Chinese lore, there are also scrolls with cryptic, magic messages, like in the Yi Jing which are to be used by the action of throwing objects as one could throw spells.
Xianxia being a godchild of Daoism, encompassing other faiths and views like old folk religion and Buddhism, and the cycling between various forms and planes of existence of souls (or soul shards that must be reunited), the action of painting and unfolding scrolls, the talk about stars that might be picked, seemed symbolic of the importance of "higher powers", and magic. The Milky Way is indeed important in Chinese myths, so there may have been some influence for the set and CGI design, there.

Shen Li discovering Xing Zhi's painful loneliness (ep.33)

But in the "Beyond heaven" depiction, Xing Zhi being seated on a round flat plane with void around, and in the distance, a sketchy peaks-barrier like veils hanging from nowhere, fluidly showing a sort of crumbling and rewinding : all that was rather removed from my notion of the void of interstellar deep space. I viewed it more like symbolic of  a magical, unfathomable, removed, vision or  "plane" where the power of the mind could create at will, such as the walls Xing Zhi put around Shen Li, or the wine that lonely Xing Zhi drank, the shards he walked on to get at least a feeling of pain against the depressing numbness and void.

Xing Zhi and Shen Li rebelling against the Natural Law (ep.36-37)

It could also be in modern worldview, an alternate or parallel universes in the string theory where energy might create the tools to build and act.

From "Everything, Everywhere, All At Once", the movie -  The many alternate strands of the universe, including that of the talking stones, which evoke to me the stone from which the Monkey King was born.

From arts, pictorial, plastic, or alchemist, to science : action is the link and the cause of cycles, ancient or renewed, and finally, we end up wondering where and how freedom can arise, since cycles when "broken", are merely replaced by other ones...
This xianxia can induce quite a few philosophical thoughts ! ?


Note: Dao is the preferred spelling from Chinese pinyin transliteration, but Tao, the other spelling from the Wade-Giles transliteration based on English, is equivalent.

There are 3 Realms in Daoism, which are not exactly the same as the 6 ones in Buddhism.

About the division into "Realms" and the link to Daoism and Buddhism, there was a debate about whether xianxia only operated a simplification of the "6 realms" of Buddhism. It is not that simple!

Wudanghan           Taijijian practice in Wudangshan

In various Chinese religions and philosophies, the Tao or Dao   is the natural way of the formless universe, so  the "Natural Law" transcends and is above everything.  It is "unknowable",  "a flow" which should be followed instead of resisted (concept of " Wu Wei  无为  "- not doing or rather, "effortless action"). There are also the Yin 阴  and the Yang ,  which are the dual moving principles (dark/light, female/male...)  that "make the world go round" (but are not much thought of in Buddhism). This is mirrored in the  Yi Jing 易經  , a mysterious text, which appeared as a divination manual even before the time of Lao Zi ("founder of Daoism") and Confucius.  The Yi JIng or "Book of Changes"  is as a series of oracle like short poems, that are meant to bring understanding for those who know how to use them through certain techniques (throwing lots with coins or straws to form hexagrams: these are linked to yin and yang and Wu Xing.). The Yi Jing is different from the Daodejing 道德经 the canon fundamental text of Daoism, which contains allegories,metaphors, stories, that are meant to teach rulers. To this should be added the Zhuangzi 莊子 a collection of poems, essays, and srories named after its author.  And the Neiye 內業 (probably older text, that influenced the Daodejing and Zhuangzi, it focuses on techniques for the "qi", vital energy).

Whereas the Buddhist have a division into 6 realms for "ascending" to "nirvana", the Daoist view it differently, with "3 realms" (三界 Sanjie ) which are :

  • the World of Desire ( 欲界 Yujie ), 
  • the World of Form ( 色界 Sejie ), 
  • the World of Formlessness ( 無色界 Wusejie )

These encompass different forms of Heavens, so if not numbering 99 like mentioned by Tianjun in TLoSL, there still are 36 identified. There are 9 levels  ( 九壘 Jiulei ), each can further de divided into four Realms, for a total of 36 Heavens ;   35 of those are part of the Great Overarching Heaven (大羅天 Daluo Tian ). The Great Overarching Heaven is infinite, while other heavens are all finite. It is the highest heaven, transcends all the other heavens, and has no limits. In space, the universe is infinite.  In conclusion, the "Natural Law", over the  Extranatural Heaven (天外天tianwaitian) is another name for the Great Overarching Heaven( 大羅天 Daluo Tian ).  

In these heavens there is a Primeval Lord of Heaven ( 元始天尊 Yuan Shi Tian Zun ) who is one of the highest divinities of Daoism. This patriarch (who was Pangu 盤古 the creator who separated heaven and earth before becoming the ruler of Heavens) lives in the middle position of the upper first rank, i.e., in the Jade Clarity Realm ( 玉清境 Yu Qing Jing ). Living higher than the other thirty-five heavens, the Primeval Lord of Heaven occupies the highest position in Heaven. In the Jade Clarity Realm, there are pavilions of purple clouds and mansions of green clouds. All the immortals duly go to the Jade Clarity Realm to pay respect to the Primeval Lord of Heaven.

Outside the heavens, there is  the Netherworld , which is "is dark and obscure. It cannot be entered by common people, but the soul of the dead must inevitably go there, unless it has become an Immortal. The Chinese call the place where the souls of the dead go 'Supreme Yin( 太陰 Taiyin ). The netherworld is governed by the Five Kings of Hell ( 五嶽 Wuyu ), especially by the Spirit of the Eastern Hell of Mt. Tai ( 東嶽泰山之神 Dongyu Taishan Zhi Shen ). It is also said that the netherworld is governed by the Great Emperor of Fengdu ( 酆都大帝 Fengdu Dadi ). The netherworld is where the souls of sinners are locked up, as well as ghosts and goblins. "

More info on these pages published by the Daoist database, and on this other page, by a Daoist association.

There is a Chinese Daoist Association  which speaks for the various daoist sects. The Daoist priests and monks robes are more colorful and varied than the Buddhist saffron colored robes. They also wear different headwear (mostly to keep in order their long hair, because Daoists don't shave their heads, contrary to Buddhist monks). The Wudang Daoists taiji quan (martial arts) practitioners usually wear black or white clothes, white covering on lower legs and characteristic black shoes that lace up on lower leg.

BUDDHIST 6 Realms : 

Buddhism in China

In Buddhism, there are six levels that make up the possible range of existence within saṃsāra. These are the realms of the gods (deva), the demi-gods (asura), humans (manuṣa), animals (tiryak), hungry ghosts (preta) and hell denizens (naraka).  These concepts draw their source from sanskrit texts, the sutras, which are themselves derived from the rich Hinduist lore and texts (Vedas, Bhagavad Gita...) so some of the words have been translated into Chinese in the process of bringing Buddhism to China (*)

The realms (or state of existence) of hell, hungry spirits, animals, asuras, human beings, and heavenly beings are another way to refer to the "6 paths" 六道  (*) possible to be followed by a being going through life and rebirth in the process of transmigration.   Buddhist cosmology typically identifies six realms of rebirth and existence: gods, demi-gods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts and hells that are mirrored in the six paths that disciples may follow.   Liùdào  六道 means 6 paths : Ghost /饿鬼 [è guǐ],   Asura 罗/阿修罗 [āxiū luó , Hell 狱/地狱  [dìyù] , Heaven 天/天堂 [tiāntáng] , Human 人 [rén], and Beast 畜/[chùsheng ]. Among these, there are "evil paths" (hell, hungry spirits and animals) which all represent conditions of suffering, they are collectively known as the “three evil paths.

  •  饿鬼 [è guǐ] "Hungry ghosts" (traditional Chinese form ).
    "Hungry ghosts"  play a role in Chinese Buddhism (प्रेत preta in Sanskrit) and Taoism as well as in Chinese folk religion. They are "beings who are driven by intense emotional needs in an animalistic way. 
  • 阿修罗 [āxiū luó]  "Asura"   (traditional form 阿修羅 ) , from the sanskrit word असुर,literally "not heaven" refers to the struggle between gods and demi-gods over a sacred tree, the roots of which are within the territory of the asuras. But its ripe fruits are in heaven. The asuras are divine beings or "demi-gods". They are either seen as belonging to one of the "4 evil paths" or  one of the "3 good paths"
  •  地狱 [dìyù] : "hell",   traditional form  . (नरक in sanskrit) . 
  • 天堂 [tiāntáng]: "heaven Simplified and traditional form (referring to the benevolent divine beings  देव deva in sanskrit).   In Vedic texts, Devas compete against Asuras, Yakshas (nature spirits), Rakshasas (fierce man-eating beings or demons), Bhutas (ghosts) and many more. -- One of the 3 virtuous paths.
  • 人 [rén]  :  "human being" Simplified and traditional form ; in sanskrit : मनुष्य (manushya, a word derived from  the Sanskrit root "manu," which means "to think" or "to understand,"  i.e. the rational thinking and consciousness, moral judgment, which are seen as the key factors in achieving spiritual growth and liberation.) -- One of the 3 virtuous paths.

  •  [chù] : Beast path  referring to Buddhist  (animals) तिर्यग्योनि  (tiryagyoni in Sanskrit) concerns the chùsheng  (a generic term for animals, birds, fish and insects, as the reincarnated form of one who had bad karma in a previous life) and "brutes", "contemptible persons", "bastards" for talking about people.. - One of the 3 evil paths.

The living being can next ascend to the 6 heavens, which are : , in ascending order, the Heaven of the Four Heavenly Kings, the Heaven of the Thirty-three Gods, the Yāma Heaven, the Tushita Heaven, the Heaven of Enjoying the Conjured, and the Heaven of Freely Enjoying Things Conjured by Others.

Another way to view this possible ascension (through enlightenment) of the journey of the soul, is taking a path to worlds which are, in ascending order of the degree of free will, compassion and happiness one feels, the worlds of: (1) hell, (2) hungry spirits, (3) animals, (4) asuras, (5) human beings (6) heavenly beings, (7) voice-hearers, (8) cause-awakened ones, (9) bodhisattvas, and (10) Buddhas

Although there is a lot of overlap between Daoism and Buddhism, which both look to "cultivate" through meditation (mostly Buddhist) or exercices (mostly Daoist), and improving  in view of "ascension", the path of the "dao" is not exactly the same as the different paths of the buddhists.  The Daoists have a strong emphasis on the role of the "qi" (breath") both for health reasons and for following the dao.  The Buddhists have come to a similar view, but the practice of qigong is different : The main emphasis of Buddhist Qìgōng is on becoming a Buddha, while Daoist Qìgōng focuses on longevity, enlightenment, and spiritual immortality.  Both types are linked to martial arts which have sect-like characteristics and differences:  Shaolin is Buddhist,  Wudangshan is Daoist.

Since everything cannot be totally explained without over-simplifying and missing something, it is better to just view this as an introduction, to dig deeper into, if interested. I am far from a specialist, although I have "drunk a lot of ink" and dabbled with a lot of things, including baduanjin qigong in Wudangshan!

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From Weibo, a long webposter (one of a series, see also this one )  about the OST :

and another one :

+a 3rd :

Click on pictures to access the full posters which you can view more clearly in detail.

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(GIF excerpt from the variety show "Seeking Treasure: The Legend of Shen Li") :

From Marcus Here!  Ep.821 of April 17,  (timestamp 6:26 to 8:02)  screenshots of the reporting of Shen Li farewells :

Link to the audio message of Zhao Liying on April 13, 2024  (2'46).

Text of the Weibo message left by Lin Gengxin on April 11, 2024 :




时光一眨眼就这么匆匆溜了,在一起相处的时光仿佛还在眼前。感谢邓导@邓科导演 对我的信任以及在拍摄期间对我的帮助,在表演上给了我很大的发挥空间;感谢赵老师@赵丽颖  在拍摄时也给了我很大的信心,小小身躯的你总是充满能量,这一点真是令人无比佩服,与你搭档是我的荣幸。还有《与凤行》剧组所有演员朋友们,感谢大家的精彩演绎,是大家成就了这部剧。还有剧组全体幕后工作人员们,感谢你们的辛苦付出,期待与你们再合作。




"So fast, it was over, today. The memory goes back to two years ago. When I first joined the group, I felt so familiar, with familiar people and a familiar production team. All the filming process was very happy. I had fun with everyone every day, worked and played together. It was really comfortable. Yes, I cried on the day when filming was finalized. I cried a lot. Looking back now, it was quite unforgettable. In fact, I was reluctant to let go. I couldn’t bear to see the end of this character and say goodbye to everyone.

About Xingyun: You were just so worthless, could step on those without money or power. But I know that you liked the life in the small courtyard, the tranquility of the setting sun, the tranquility of the small bridge and flowing water, the romance of collecting fallen leaves, and the life of wandering clouds and wild cranes. You were free, wanton, and lived your contented life. If it hadn't been for that person's intrusion, what would have been your ending? Would you have lived your life in an ordinary way? But, Yunzi, I know you don’t regret meeting her, you liked her light, and you wished to live an extraordinary life. I hope you can live the life you long for in the future.
PS: Your cooking skills are really good and you are my role model. I want to learn from you.

About work as God: thank you for your hard work in protecting the three realms. Everyone callled you the King of Gods, you were respected and worshiped by thousands of people. But everyone put you on the moral high ground. You couldn't realize your inner thoughts, and no one knew the pain in your heart. You obviously yearned for a free life, but being destined as a God were your shackles. Friends left you one by one, and no one understood your loneliness. The people in the three realms needed your protection, and no one could share the pressure on your shoulders. You had no one to talk to, only sourness in your heart. I sympathized with your situation and wanted to help you out, but there seemed to be nothing I could do. Fortunately, you were also very brave. You dared to fight against the law of heaven and protect your heart. You could protect all living beings in the three realms, and you also protected the ones you loved in your heart. I really admire you! I hope you can stay with the person you love for the rest of your life and live the life you want.

I, Lin Gengxin, was lucky to be able to play both of you.

Time flew by in a blink of an eye, and the time spent together seemed to still be before our eyes. Thanks to Director Deng 丁克  for trusting me and helping me during the filming, giving me a lot of room for performance; thanks to Mrs. Zhao 赵丽颖  for giving me so much confidence during the filming.  You were always full of energy despite your small body, which is really admirable. It was my honor to partner with you. And to all the actors and friends from the crew of "Walking with the Phoenix", thank you all for your wonderful performance. It is everyone who made this show possible. And to all the behind-the-scenes crew, thank you for your hard work and looking forward to working with you again.

Finally, I would like to thank my colleagues and my fans[我的Kids们 *] : all the "kids" who support me. Thank you for your unwavering support and your constant encouragement and confidence. I received all your love, and I will continue to move forward with your encouragement in the future!

This time I really must say goodbye
In the days to come I will miss you, but we shall meet each other again
Goodbye Xingyun
Goodbye Xingzhi
Goodbye "Traveling with Phoenix". "

* Note : Kids is the fandom name for Lin Gengxin fans.

On April 11-12, Liu Guanlin posted two pictures to conclude : "busy with wedding preparations", and "blessings from the Heavenly Emperor".

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Thank you for your interesting and prolific post! I've enjoyed it and will come back again and again. 

Haveninmuse  37 minutes ago

For anyone interested! There is a fan made analysis video: "When do you think Xing Zhi first fell for Shen Li?"

Translations below under spoilers.

 1 Reply  


  • Haveninmuse  33 minutes ago

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    When do you think XZ fell for SL? In fact, from their very first meeting (as human form), XZ did not "fall in love at first sight". SL has never been a "likeable" girl that people would want to confess to and bring home as a wife.
    FRJ: “Who would want to marry this kind of feisty warrior woman as a wife? She does not have any bit of vulnerable charm for anyone to pity her.” In FRJ's eyes, although SL is beautiful, she is like a rose with thorns, prickly woman no one wants.
    XZ: “She has.” Only XZ will deny this and want to pity/care for her.

    When XZ first met SL, he treated her as a pet, to tease for fun. The first time changing his view of her, would be when she assists during the ghost soldier and his wife. She has a small petite body, but would push XZ behind her to protect him. In XZ's 10,000+ years of life, no one has ever given him this feeling of protection. In this scene, he cannot stop looking at SL many times in a new light.

    When he fell into the lake, he even waits for SL to save him (smiling), to experience the protection again.
    XZ: "Who saves someone by pulling hair?!" Frustrated, but playful.
    SL: "Now that I'm human again, I will leave." You can see XZ's look of sadness, as the warmth and fun he felt is about to leave. When she then turns back into a chicken, you can see his emotions change to happiness immediately, even laughing again.

    If not for the bad guys coming, XZ would not want to move the stone and let SL regain her human body. Because XZ knowing this would cause her to leave, so he becomes like a naughty child, faking pain, fussing, and attracting attention. Although SL doesn't treat him with tender care, she is still showing softness and pity when she read his leaf of his tragic past, and it made him happy. In the kitchen, both touched accidentally and become embarrassed. This might be when SL is the most feminine, blushing red, and XZ's ears redden and he stutters.

    When SL confesses that she likes him, his first reaction was a smile, but it changes to sad, and then a fake smile and "got it". Seems like he was happy, but knowing there is no future, gives her "an answer that is not an answer". He might like her, but cannot like her.

    SL: I've spent more time with him (Mofang) than with you.
    XZ: *sad face* (A reminder that separation is inevitable; they belong to different worlds.)

    XZ gifts SL a poisonous arrow hairpin. In ancient times, hairpins are usually tokens of love and gifted to lovers. "Sturdy, lethal, but dazzles beautifully." This is how XZ sees SL, and the reason he fell for her: She is the light that has brighten up his gloomy lonely days.

omgash!! the info is beyond my love thank you!!

Annex : "When did Xing Zhi fall in love with Shen Li  ?" 

(link to the translation by Haveninmuse  of the commentary in a Chinese video, posted above in May) + link to the Profile of Lin Gengxin.

Thanking warmly Havenimuse for having taken the time to translate it and add it here. Since I can't add more than 30 seconds, just click on the Gif to follow to the original 3 minutes video to watch it in full with sound, if the pictures in the Gif taster below whet your appetite :

I am also linking this translation as Annex in the Table of Contents.

Lin Gengxin also played another important albeit more difficult role on screen this year : Fang Xiewen, the husband of Meigui in The Tale of Rose (for which I also did a companion piece). -- I also compiled a Profile of Lin Gengxin (as of July 2024)  so readers can know more about the actor, who might now be absent from screens for a long while, since he is embarking on 4 years of full-time doctoral studies.   

I am very happy that this lovely xianxia drama,  The Legend of Shen Li is still being watched and re-watched by audiences and that some find their way to this column and still add comments. Wishing all of you who came here continued joy in c-drama watching!

July 23, 2024

Note:  [The Tale of Rose mentioned above  is not a fantasy costume drama, but a modern psychological portrait one, set in the years 2000-2022, without touching covid years. It spans the life and loves of a woman with personal ambitions, falling helpless to passions, which cause her pains and burns even more than the phoenix falling to earth and reduced to "wood chicken" with no "qi" left to escape. Huang Yimei is played by Crystal Liu / Liu Yifei, another impressive actress (although perhaps, between the two, LGX preferred ZLY for whom his ears still can turn red off screen!). "Meigui" / Rosie  grows and transforms from ebullient post adolescent until she learns to love herself and recovers her ability to fly...  That drama may be for more mature audiences, since it is less entertaining than thought provoking, and the romance seekers who need loads of love and kisses may be frustrated after Meigui breaks off from her first lover. The husband arc, next, is the principal one, as all the others are "guests" in her life ; even Fang himself is finally reduced to the role of "guest" in this story, although he will never totally disappear from Yimei's life, but, like herself, he will transform to acceptance of a wiser and different status.]