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Shows that keep me thinking about them long after.  They made my heart swoon, and cry, and smile, and/or have unique premises with excellent, charismatic acting.

12 titles
All the Dramas I have been watched.

I began using My Dramalist in 2016.These are all the Dramas that helped me speak Chinese and understand a little bit of Korean.Chinese was the easiest language I ever spoke.I was watching Chinese dramas to the point where I could speak the language.

21 titles 1 love
fav actresses
5 people 1 love
BL outside of university

List of good to great BL's that are not centered around university life. personal ratings only based on opinion, but if you disagree let me know :3

18 titles
Thoughts on GMMTV Part 2

This is pretty much so I can look back and see what I think/which ones I think are worth looking out for.

14 titles

Hi, these are  kdramas that changed my life

7 titles
10 titles

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