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Jack & Joker: U Steal My Heart! thai drama review
Jack & Joker: U Steal My Heart!
5 people found this review helpful
by mmimi_ah
26 days ago
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 1.5
This review may contain spoilers

I like Grandma

There are glaringly 3 main problems I've encountered watching this. The first one being ;

1. The story's writing. The plot centers around the protagonist jack being bamboozled (big word for scammed) by Joker and forced to work as an enforcer for a criminal as restitution. Joker coming out from prison to help jack pay off his debt as penance for destroying his life and ruining his future. The both of them growing as people and falling in love while taking down the big bad boss.

This is a very good plot that would have worked efficiently with better writing. I noticed that the deficiencies in the story lied with several branching arcs of different characters and storylines that were mostly forgotten and firmly rushed at the end of the series The pacing of the show was either too fast or too slow a lot of times with scenes being jumbled up with poor continuity as it moved from an episode to the next, with the same characters doing several sidequests and repeating the patterns of previous episodes.

2. Character development
Unfortunately there were a lot of the characters storylines, that might have improved the overall quality of the storywere in fact neglected . Everyone else that wasn't jack or joker barely had any backstories to explain some of their actions or to predict what they'd do next. The whys weren't explained enough so we didn't care about the hows. I never felt anyone was really or danger or going to die. Maybe if they had exposited a bit more, it might raised the stakes and heightened the tension. I never really felt

As for our two leads...Jack was the same naive fool that had been tricked 4 times in the span of 10 episodes while his love interest, a reckless bull headed idiot (that thought he was a genius) that escalated situations for the worse. Joker still often times resulted to being a thief to solve problems and Jack ran headfirst into problems because of this. And that's why the story fell in a loop as they always ended up in the same issues again and again.

3. Love story
McSexy Feat. McHottie
That's my nickname for yinwar. They make a very cohesive and attractive pairing. Both being very good-looking with striking constrasts. If not for anything they'll continue to be successful because people genuinely enjoy watching them on screen. Good chemistry and palpable sexual tension.
The reasons why i praised yinwar for their ship earlier, is because they're damn good ship. Better than most I've seen this year because, you actually can see them in your head sneaking off somewhere being in love or just being friends. They sell it. And they sold it. Even with the plotholes , we were rewarded with a cute scene or two per episode of them just being them. I wanted the satisfaction of just seeing them lock eyes and say the "i love yous" and kisses of deep passion. I always looked forward to their scenes.

The buildup to their characters falling in love was quite rushed. There was no real resolution of the past that would justify jack forgiving joker for fucking with him, and then later falling in love with him, after hating his guts for so long.

Then there's hope and save. Just throw those two away. Wasting precious screentime that should have gone into arranging this story.

It had some good solid moments. A lot of heartmelting scenes that reminded me of human resilience in the face of poverty. Corruption nd systemic oppression.

Zorzo is gorgeous as always. I enjoyed scenes with her. A lot of the side characters were criminally unutilized except as brief comedic relief or plot vehicles. Applause to the older actors (boss man made me despise him fr) for doing great jobs. Nice to see Mark Siwat in a new role as well.

Grandma was a treat.

I felt the most relief watching the boss and that psycho sidekick of his get defeated. So satisfying. But I'd say that the ending was a bit silly in how it escalated as them cosplaying the squid games.

I think all in all with its mistakes it still rounded out to be a fairly good show that made you root for the underdog. I see the excitement for yinwar and they carried it as best as they could.

P.s are we ignoring that people were stuffing crystals into teddies?
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