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Just a Fanpage

Originally Thailand | Currently Ohio

Just a Fanpage

Originally Thailand | Currently Ohio
Venus in the Sky thai drama review
Venus in the Sky
0 people found this review helpful
by Just a Fanpage
Jan 4, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Should be called "Sky getting on Venus"

I'm so glad I had a second rewatch of this, I completely skipped out on watching episode 10, which is my favorite. This series was cute If you start at episode 7

Sky & Venus: Venus annoyed me up til episode 7, poor sky was trying to make amends for what he did in the past and he was trying to be happy and let Venus know that he cared about him and Vee was so mean to him, I do like though when Sky went silent for a while, Venus realized he could lose sky if he kept up the act he was doing. Venus also annoyed me during the special episode when Sky was sick and Vee saw the pills, instead of asking Sky what this was, he just left and ignored him. Not to mention, Sky was sick and took care of Venus when he was sick but Vee couldn't stay to ensure Sky was okay.

Janus & Bomb: These two were so funny, I love that they could care-lesswhere they did it. I like that they both didn't let Bomb's mother dictate if they dated or not and they showed her that they love each other.

Tong & Kla: These two were okay, I'm a big Max Detter fan so I loved him but after these two sorted out their differences, they were pretty cute.
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