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Monster Next Door thai drama review
Monster Next Door
0 people found this review helpful
by yoshimura_hayate
Oct 14, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers

Comfy beautiful little series

This series was such a comfortable watch as it didn't really prolong any conflicts and was full of genuine connections. With it's 12 episodes, I didn't feel like there was any time I thought that the things happening on screen are unnecessary, everything was paced very well. Let's dig in deeper:

The portrayal of an introverted character that doesn't have a lot of friends honestly hit close to home. I could relate to Diew's anxiety in front of other people. With that said I am glad that he had Game, his best friend, to spend time with in and after classes. For me, it seemed like perfectly okay and nice life. With that said, enter God!

I enjoyed every little interaction between Diew and God. God is very green flag character, which I really appreciate as a portrayal of healthy friendship and relationship is something very comfortable to watch for me. It was beautiful how God respected all Diew's wishes and how careful he was when interacting with him, so Diew didn't feel uncomfortable in any way (like checking if it's ok to touch his hand while teaching him basketball or being ready to instantly stop touching him when they suddenly got close on the sleepover).
It was sad that God's jealousy took over him so intensely regarding Dr. Pi. But nobody's perfect and until then we were able to see only God "the perfect boyfriend". I was glad that they gave each other time and then talked it out calmly.
It was also a joy to see them getting more and more comfortable with each other as time passed.

Second pair, Beer and Wan, was interesting to watch. I didn't really like the cliché of "what happens if we break up one day", but it was okay.

I liked the (subtle) relationship between Game and Win. And I appreciated moments when Game and Diew interacted and Win and God just looked at them lovingly (reminded me a lot of Love in the Air, haha).

I didn't really enjoy Jane playing a questionably bad character, because I don't enjoy shallow characters, her only motivation seemed to be famous. But I can still understand that maybe she didn't have any friends and thought that maybe being famous could help her. But like, no one sane would ask seemingly uncomfortable person three times to do modeling... BUT! I really like that she got her redemption arc lol, and was chill at the very end.

With Dr. Pi, I don't even know what to say :_D His group of friends from the past was so evil for no reason? Like, why would you say such a mean things about boyfriend of your friend? Well, didn't make sense to me... I was glad when he walked out and let Diew breathe. I don't really believe his apology, as just a few episodes before he was stirring things up with God. But I don't really care as long as he didn't make a reappearance.

The family stuff at near end was a very important part of the story and I loved it. I deeply adored how Diew stood up for himself by saying: "Can you stop pressuring me?" when his mother was trying to emotionally ambush him. On the other hand I really liked the self-reflection his mother went through after that and their clear conversation after that. Don't we all love healthy communication in all aspects of life.

The grandpa was the star all along. Such a nice guy! I liked how he managed to be there for both his grandson and his daughter in all difficult situations, very caring of him. My favourite line from him was: "Your love needs to have a space for him (Diew) to grow." as he said it to Diew's mom, that man is just spitting facts in the most caring way possible.

Acting: I didn't have any problems with none of the cast. I think all played their roles well.

Music: I am normally listening to other genres, but I appreciate that the lyrics matched the story very well.

This review was compiled from notes I made when watching the series, which I normally don't really do, but I did enjoy this series profoundly. I liked the vibes, I liked the all-embracing communication, I liked the affirmations, I liked the character growth and the whole message it sent: "...maybe extroversion and introversion aren't fixed things."
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