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Ways your ESA Dog could Affect your Sleep..........For Better

Having trouble going to sleep? Sleep disorders are quite common in people dealing with stress and post-traumatic stress conditions.

The good news is that your emotional support dog can be a cost-effective and healthy way of getting your beauty sleep back.

Living with your ESA dog will require a valid and genuine ESA letter that could be used for other ESA animals also. However, considering the benefits your ESA dog offers, we don't think that you would think twice before getting your letter.  

Before moving forward, allow us to give some ideas of how an ESA dog could help you have a good night's sleep and lively morning.

1. You will Wake up Less in the Night

This is especially true for women who sleep next to a dog. Studies show that women who slept next to their ESA dogs reported less restless nights than the ones who slept next to their cats or other humans.

The researchers have associated it with the way people feel and perceive their sleep and in this specific case, people felt better when slept with their ESA or service dogs.

2. You will Have Fewer Nightmares

Since having an ESA lowers the level of stress, you will experience fewer nightmares. Generally, people who are recovering from a loss or suffering from PTSD sleep better with their ESA dogs.

3. You will not Suffer from Insomnia

Insomnia is caused due to a number of reasons and anxiety is its topmost reasons. Having an ESA dog will relieve this anxiety and stress and helps you sleep better.

Many people, especially the ones suffering from stress and anxiety, are often afraid of the dark or sleeping alone. With an ESA dog, both of these issues are solved.


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