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by FoxFae
Oct 18, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

I regret waiting so long.

I can't tell you how many times I heard I needed to watch this show, but from some stupid reason, I kept putting it off. Why? I dunno. I'm dumb? Lol. Either way, of course once I started. I literally couldn't stop. To say I'm going to remember this show until my last breath will be a understatement.

Trust me when I say if this show has caught your eye but you're still like "eh".... JUST WATCH IT !!! ... right now. It's so amazing!

If anyone wants to see my full review, feel free to check out my blog post ^_^ (Link is in my profile)
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Ongoing 40/40
Men in Love
0 people found this review helpful
May 19, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 5.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 3.0

Copy of gentleman's dignity

Copy of gentleman's dignity with overblown cliche and drama. I loved gentleman's dignity Korean drama. When i first thought it was different story, but they only good scene from gentleman's dignity and core story. If you want to copy a story at least they should have made the story better and have better acting. They included overblown cliche for the story
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Big Mouth
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 11, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

A Must Watch!

First of all, Are you are wondering if this drama is worth to watch. The answer is YES! And I'm gonna explain you why since this is my first ever review (yeah that means it's worth my time lol)

1. I don't really like Thriller/Suspense dramas because I need to get attached to them from the very first episode which some of them failed to do. Big Mouth captivated me since the first minutes and kept me focused on the storyline until the last episode. It was so well written and the pacing was perfect (maybe the last two episodes felt a little rushed but that doesn't ruin nor affect the overall drama at all in my opinion)

2. The acting was 10 out of 10! Not only the main leads did an amazing job but the supporting characters as well. It was the comeback drama of Lee Jong Suk which delivered an outstanding performance (just like his previous roles) and we saw a more consistent and developed Yoona which to my opinion she did soo good!

3. The cinematography was on point and even though the drama doesn't have a wide OST, it didn't matter at all.

Final Thoughts!
Watch It. It is not going to dissappoint you. If you need some references from other dramas of the same genre, I would say is as good as Flower of Evil and Mouse.

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Jun 14, 2024
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 3.5
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Because of the cast, I decided to watch the drama, but the poor script left me disappointed. Wei Zhe Ming and Zhang Ling He are my favorites, and they were also one of the reasons I decided to watch the drama. The last scenes of the drama didn't make any sense to me, even though it had a happy ending for all the couples except for Wei Zhe Ming's character.
Wei Zhe Ming's character and his lover were the only ones who remained; the others either died, separated, or one person of the couple demised.

All I can say is that it was a fairy tale that teenagers might like.

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Radio Romance
0 people found this review helpful
by Edenie
May 17, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
The drama is very simple, cute yet sad.

It wasn't much, not enough to go out of my way to search it, but not lacking enough to just not listen to it.

The acting was cute, main actress portrayed stubborn yet cute girl very well. I was satisfied since she never over reacted in the aspect of cuteness, which most dramas will do. The main actor is great. He portrayed fakeness well. Other actors were great, and didn't lack enough to make me forget them!

The plot is well written, MC isn't dumb, nor stubborn to the point of annoying. The male lead is a romantic who loves a girl even after 10 years. I love that he's not just an arrogant rich boy, yet he's dealing with depression and issues, that have enough of background. The plotting of his family is not grand to make me stop the drama (given I hate major plotting). The side stories are great, making me really invested! What I really love is the radio stories they do, that make me sad everytime.

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Fireworks of My Heart
0 people found this review helpful
by Faimac
Oct 19, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Respect to the Firefighters!!!

Firstly let me start by saying the I salute all firefighters, if they go by what i saw hats off to them.

I liked the series, mainly for Yang Yang, and he did look good in uniform.

I loved how the series just went straight into it, and they never dragged on the past, accept for a few back story line which they did jump too, but it was nice and short and they did not stay too long or dwell in the past.

The doctors were also played they part well, and they did make it look like they knew what they were doing in terms of the doctor roles, qin qin was a bit annoying in certain episodes, especially at the parts where she knew what her mother was doing was wrong, but she was too timid to say anything. Wow talk about a controlling parents, esp that mom, holy hell, she was something else, the 1 part that kind of hit nerve with me, was when her son got arrested and the comment or line she said, money can be everything or nothing can be resolved without a price, I guess for the super rich that would really be the case, and it does hit a nerve, watching a lot of rich people buy the way through life and have no sense of obligations for others.

The firefighters role was really pleasing to watch, and the training they have to endure, for risking there lives in order to save a stranger, who in the end will probably not be thankful. the scenes in which the firefighters showed cased were really good, and look realistic, I think the most heartwarming or tough episodes to watch was ep 39 when the typhoon hit, and it made more grateful then anything that my country does not see those kind of disasters.

Overall : This drama was really good and of course i love Yang yang, and he really good and well matched in this drama.

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Put Your Head on My Shoulder
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 18, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

Excellent acting, great story, & sweet romance

I’m not usually one to watch college romance dramas because (since the actors are so young) they often cut out kissing scenes, the romance tends to be a slow burn and the actors are sometimes a bit stiff and inexperienced. But there are a few college romance dramas that have a perfect blend of some great acting, an epic romance that sizzles, some hilarious comedy, and memorable characters that touch your heart. This is one of those dramas.

I was surprised at how funny this was. The male lead is very quiet, serious, and focused. So when he’s put into awkward situations, his facial expressions are absolutely hilarious. In one really funny scene he uses a toothbrush to fish something out of a dish of soapy water only to realize, to his horror, that it is a bra. The look on his face was priceless! Then, when he has to explain to the female lead why her toothbrush is laying in that dish, I just about died laughing.

Even though this is a slice of life type of drama it’s not boring because the characters are refreshingly different and the story is interesting. I like that the male lead has a unique personality. He’s not your typical wealthy, arrogant heir that’s cold and aloof. He has many facets to his personality which is quite appealing. One minute he’s all cool and sexy. The next minute he’s this nerdy little genius scientist thats always creating or fixing things. Then he will show this sweet confused little puppy side. And the way he was always googling things on his phone because he was so clueless on how to handle most social situations was adorable. His acting was really very good too.

The female lead is outgoing, confident, hardworking, and loyal. She may be tiny but she’s feisty and always stands up for herself. As she’s about to graduate she realizes accounting isn’t really what she wants to do. The male lead encourages her to follow her heart and do what makes her happy. So she switches to advertising which really excites her. I really liked her characters growth and her acting was great.

What makes this drama so good (other than the great romance which I’ll get to later) are the really great side characters. Like the male leads classmate that was always throwing tantrums or pouting because the male lead was better than him at everything. His childish antics were hilarious. And it was so refreshing to hear the female leads mom tell her that she didn’t have high expectations for her in her career, she just wants her to be happy. It’s not often you see a parent in an Asian drama make that kind of statement. And watching her hilarious attempts at matchmaking the leads and getting them together was too cute. Then there was the Easter egg at the end of each episode with some behind the scenes stuff that I always looked forward to.

The romance here was just perfect. It wasn’t a slow burn but it wasn’t super fast insta love either. It was just right. There are some cute kisses, piggyback rides, cuddles, lots of handholding, and lots of sweet moments. And (thankfully) there aren’t any ridiculous breakups or noble idiocy either. They go through issues like any normal couple but they work through them together in a very normal realistic way.

This is a slice of life drama so you won’t see any evil devious characters, there aren’t any action scenes like car chases or kidnappings, and it’s not super sad or filled with angst. But it does have some super interesting characters, a sweet romance, a touching storyline, and hopefully you’ll walk away from it feeling all fuzzy inside like I did. This cute height difference couple will always be one of my favorite drama couples.

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0 people found this review helpful
9 days ago
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Lin yi ? Liu haocun ? chemistry ?

Lin yi and Liu haocun chemistry in this drama just mind blowing...
Qi Lian is such a gentle, caring and sweet boyfriend...
I just hope both of them will come back with season 2 or another drama, with more interesting story.. Obviously the main cast Lin yi ? Liu haocun ?

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The Clue
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by Vakuo
May 5, 2014
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
i rlly luv this drama bcuz its not like any other dramas...

its filled with lots of warm things..n also it makes us watchers desperate for it..

im a mystery fan n this drama is one of the best that ive ever watch...

i give full points for this drama and also u peeps(people) out there..i rlly appreciate if u watch this drama
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Wonderful Days
0 people found this review helpful
by Cat33
Feb 17, 2019
50 of 50 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
1. The drama was so frustrating, With a dysfunctional family, and an unhealthy relationship of the MC, that made me skip almost all the scene of the main Characters (My opinion) they gave me anxiety LOL.

2. The scenes that I love the most it was of Dong hee, Kim Mary, the twins and Mul, DongOk and the Dr. was really Enjoyable and funny. If this characters wasn’t in the drama I would no waisted my time watching it. For them I endure. LOL

There’s more to write, but If I put that in here would be spoilers.
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Semantic Error
0 people found this review helpful
by emmm
Mar 19, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Mediocre but unique in a way.

Watched this series because of the massive amount of good reviews and I must say that it didn't disappoint.

Story is pretty much a typical university enemies-to-lovers trope but the leads' chemistry really gave justice to their characters. Their cuteness makes you anticipate the next episode. The last episode is really satisfying with that domestic scene but will also make you beg for a second season.

If you're going to watch this, don't get too realistic or be so logical about it because it's really just a feel good series that will make you smile.
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Color Rush
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 28, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


METAPHOR! METAPHOR METAPHOR!. The show is a metaphor. See, he sees in gray! Except for his love, oh, I mean probe. Word of advice, don’t call one half of a gay relationship the “probe”, you might as well have called him the “pitcher.”

Do you SEE THE METAPHOR. Its right there. See, his world is sad and grey, and then LOVE brings COLOR to his world. Love in the form of a stalker who won’t leave him alone even when he asks. LOVE who he considers kidnapping and killing, then hangs himself, LOVE that still will not go away.

ITS A METAPHOR! DO YOU SEE IT! I HOPE IT IS NOT TOO SUBTLE FOR YOU. YOU SEE, LOVE MEANS COLOR! HE’S SAD, then an unwanted manic pixie dream guy pesters him until they have long monotone conversations full of nothing and lists, colors, and more nothing. Nothing is happening...NOTHING IS HAPPENING! NOTHING HAS HAPPENED FOR ninety minutes. Please, I beg of you, let something happen...LET SOMETHING HAPPEN!!!

(Quiet sobbing) please, just one plot point would be nice...please.


no thank you I get it.


also, I would like to have had more kidnapping and cannibalism.

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My Bromance
0 people found this review helpful
by MyuBL
Apr 30, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers
I won’t write too much as English is not my first language and I don’t wan’t to hurt your eyes.

I just watched the movie, and I have mixed thoughts about it. During the first 30min i thought is was odd, the story was going really fast and it surprised me. I had trouble getting into the story because the scenes were organised strangely and the characters not very well developed, resulting in me having troubles feeling the same as them when they were crying or angry, because i didn’t get the time to know them or sympathize with them. But at a certain point, I thought they were kind of sweet together, and I really loved the values of friendship in the main group of friend. Their behaviour is something rare to find in movies or dramas. So because of that, from the campfire scene, i started to finally get into the movie and enjoyed what was happening. Still, approaching the end, the plot with Tom started to get a little bit messy again, and the story was going everywhere with it’s plots. I was a little confused, so again it was hard for me to cry with them. But i must admit that the ending scene almost got me.

My overall feeling after watching this movie is good. The chemistry between the actors was really existing, and it left me with a good feeling in the end. The actors also helped a lot because if find both Fluke(s) very attractive.
That is why my opinion on this movie is two-faced. I liked it, but at the same time i thought it was terrible. And to maybe understand what i mean you have to watch it. Because in the end I’m happy i did.

I fell for Fluke Teerapat from Sotus and I went and watched a lot of his work. In this movie he is quite good as well and it’s interesting to see him in this position. I really like this actor. I know a lot of people often talk about the other Fluke (Natouch) more (because of until we meet again etc) but too many people are sleeping on Fluke Teerapat. Well that’s it for my first review on this website!

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Why R U?
0 people found this review helpful
May 7, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
First of all, I was skeptical because at the first scene of ep 1, the acting is weak and the voice over at the cartoon really is too... bad. But that was only that time. Because when it came to acting, everything fits so well! Although, Zon's character is too cringey (it gets better) , Timmy delivered it pretty well.

Saifah x Zon shipper to the max!

I love how balanced the two main couple are- FighTor as the 18 +ship while Saifah and Zon's is the innocent ship. BUT I KID YOU NOT, SAIFAH AND ZON'S NO MORE THAN 20 MINUTES COMBINED KISSING AND HUG SCENE RIVAL'S THOSE OF FIGHTOR. The french kiss is too *chef's kiss* i kid you not, i was not at all expecting that! Then all of a sudden, there's tongue! Good lord , the sound *swoons*. I rewatched it multiple times and rewatches it still.

Saizon is really to pure, especially with Saifah being so cute!! Zon matured pretty well I like how he calmly just go to Saifah without being the shy baby that he is - Idk if matured, I don't also know if it's character development because his change is pretty abrupt- but after episode 8, he became less of a 'korean girl in novels' as said by saifah. He's a big baby ! I so love the saizon ship! The singing part?? Heavenly. It's like they were on their own little world. I especially love it because Timmy's (Zon's actor) has a godly voice.

Fightor is another hand- they were hot. The kissing scene was hot (nut no tongues, sadly). Let's talk about the emotional scene, I was not at all expecting to sob hard i tell you, at 3 am because of Zee and Saint's crying scene. Especially at Tutor's bedroom in ep 12 part 1. I was heaving and sobbing I could not breathe and im not even lying! They make me cry and laugh at the right moment, evoking the right emotions with their acting.

The music is oh my god, this is the first time I watched a thai series with a song that makes me have an LSS. I can't get the song out of my head ;_; and this is particularly hard because i don't eve know the lyrics and most of the time i just improvise it hehe/

11/10 recommend! I feel like i can watch this multiple times and not get tired at all. Wishing for more Saifah x Zon scenes that were abruptly cut short because of miss rona ! Please just go away miss rona :')

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0 people found this review helpful
Jun 5, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Just Okay at the End

From the first episode, I thought I knew what I was getting into, and I confess, the first few episodes did seem to confirm my thoughts! But by the 18th episode, I had lost a lot of interest. In my opinion, there was way way more that could have been done with the writing. I understand it was a dark comedy thing they were going for, and the comedy was many times really good! But the villains were lackluster, and the development of characters was nearly non-existent. The villains kept doing the exact same thing (that OBVIOUSLY didn't work), and when Vincenzo would intercept it, they'd be like :O. But you kept doing the EXACT same things?? And the romance between Vincenzo and Cha Young, like I enjoyed it, but when it came to Cha Young's character values, it seemed way too muddled. At least there could have been some sort of conflict in that area, since she was initially portrayed to somewhat have some reserve towards how far she was willing to go, vs Vincenzo. There was also the wasted opportunities for the op character and even the writing of the Plaza's people was questionable sometimes (felt unbelievable/convenient). But anyways, that's just my gripe and this is just my opinion. Though it made finishing the last few episodes a hassle, the show was still a solid okay, I won't argue with that.

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