My Man
0 people found this review helpful
by Elena
Feb 1, 2016
Completed 1
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
*grown-up women and men shouldn't be used as teenagers bc you can clearly see through them and it's irritating (good example of that mistake is the movie Night Flight (though this movies is one of the best gay asian movies, if not the best, so if u like yaoi, pls watch it ))

I wasted 2 hours.
I could've watched 4-6 anime episodes.
Um, movie is shit.
I have no idea what kind of ppl watched this movie, so I can't really understand the comment section: "creepy" and "disturbing" and "u need to watch smth lighter after this"
Based on their comments I thought this movie was going to be sick and twisted.
But it's not. It's about "incest"...They're not blood related so it makes it even more suffering to go through the comments again. *this isn't spolier, you can see that clearly at the beginning.*
The beginning was interesting, but then it got stupid, I mean don't get me wrong this movies isn't that bad, it's just that that I had expectations which weren't fullfilled.
It was nice to see Kora Kengo ( watch Snakes and Earrings, now that movie is creepy...not that creepy but most definitely more creepier than this....WATASHI NO OTOKO IS NOT AT ALL CREEPY MOVIE, WHAT'S WRONG WITH Y'ALL).
My fujoshi brain woke up just a little bit at the end, but then it went back to sleep again. *tear*
The only thing I liked about this movie didn't.
Again, don't get me wrong, this movie isn't horrible, but it was just not good, at some parts they were overreacting and the last quarter of the "such creepy much taboo movie" wasn't the clearest.
Acting wasn't wow, there was almost no music(or I wasn't paying attention bc I just wanted to get over with it) and story isn't much (as the end was coming, I think they sped up everything).

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Love Sea Special Episode
0 people found this review helpful
28 days ago
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Never felt so single in my entire life

I loved every second of it. Seeing their lovey dovey relationship made me feel so single ? they were so cute and even though Rak is a rich man the relationship looked so simple and wonderful. Seeing how much they loved eo made me feel so happy. Every scene was beautiful!!
Idc what everyone says but it‘s just a simple special episode. There was no drama needed, just seeing their beautiful love life was enough ❤️❤️people really expect too much when just simple things are more than enough ?
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Weak Hero Class 1
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 19, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


I did try to understand what's behind the hype, but.... there's nothing (but fight maybe?...)

I feel like i lost so much time for something very bland.

There's plenty of good drama on the bully subject, this one is really not bad but not good either, it's useless..

When people is talking about this drama, it feel like the best thing ever, but nothing great happened.. I am suprised actually !

Definitly not for me
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La Pluie
0 people found this review helpful
by coco
Jul 18, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
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Alright, at first I loved how this story was heading, but T is too bothered by how his parents ended up. While i understand it’s just so bothersome for the storyline, i would understand if something seriously happened to split his parents up…but not having similarities? really? That’s why you’re effected…
Besides that i can see that his mom had also effected how he reacted when everything happened between him and Patt, which inevitably in my opinion made everything worse. Aside from his and Patts story, i really enjoyed Tien and Lomfon. Seeing the end im guessing there may be a season 2? The whole being effected by divorce, being confused about who you like, etc. apart from that Im glad everyone in a way learned from the mistakes that were made, who know maybe they can grow from everything that happened.

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Be Mine SuperStar
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 19, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 6.5
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No expectations is the way to go.

It should be a general rule that one should not go into watching a series with expectations. Having a preconceived idea about what should happen takes away from what actually happens and more often than not leads to disappointment.

I think this may be the case for most of the negative reviews this series is getting. That and the fact that when we see the same pairings over and over, we get into the mindset that these characters should be playing a certain role in every project they do. I think some people forget that these are actors and they can be anything and anyone the script calls for them to be.

Unfortunately, I think this is what hurt this series the most. Sure, it just finished and there's still a lot of watching to be done, but I'm concerned the bad reviews will turn people away before they even give it a chance to make their own opinions. In my opinion, it was a decent watch though it certainly wasn't anything to write home about. And, while I can't see myself watching it again, I may look up some scenes occasionally.

Regarding the main actors and their roles.. I get it. I know this is based off a novel but it really feels like a manhwa or manga. It's got the "everyone chasing after one of the lead characters," an older uke with an innocent, puppy-like seme, not much dialogue between the couples... etc. And the second couple was practically non-existent except for their NC scenes. I even remember thinking at one point, "why doesn't the doctor have many lines? Are they not confident in his acting and only using him for eye-candy?"

In this respect, I though Ja actually portrayed the character well, actually. I may prefer him in a more serious, mature role but that doesn't mean he didn't capture the essence here. It was almost believable that he was younger and more immature than First's character. First, on the other hand, in the attempt to seem older and more put together, seemed to be mostly expressionless throughout 80% of the series. I think he just has way too much passion and charisma to try to pull off that aloof, in control older-man vibe. I appreciated the attempt because I like it more than the whiny brat he was in TharnType 2 and the start of Don't Say No, but it still felt a bit flat and 1-dimentional to me for the most part.

Early on in the first few episodes, I was about ready to drop the series on account of the supporting female cast.. the actress doing the series with Ashi and the 2 managers were driving me nuts but, thankfully they don't get all that much screen time as the story between Punn and Ashi progressed. The managers just get enough to actually further along the plot which was nice after a while. Even Worra became amusing after a while with her over-the-top performance in the lakorn within the series. I wonder how many times the real actress, Noon, had the crew cracking up with her antics and found myself looking to the other actors to see if they crack any smiles.

Ming was a very good character. He is the best wingman and "daddy" to Ashi and Punn. His scenes with the doctor were nice to watch too, being that they were always banging. But hey, it was hot and well done. It was hard to get invested in the doctor as a character since they didn't develop their relationship much or even develop him as a singular character until they gave him a half-assed backstory in the second to last episode. The writers/director put more emphasis on and effort into explaining how Title became such an a-hole than they did with showcasing the doctor and why we should care about him as a supporting character.

Speaking of Title, he was your standard, cookie-cutter villain where he is so in love with the main character that he will do horrible things in order to get his crush to notice him. It's a trope I'll never understand because what good guy "hero" is going to be like "wow, look at how awful that guy is.. he must really love me. I want to be with that guy." And then you have Title doing the whole "well, if he won't love me then he can't love anyone" thing. Like, he flat out says it, not just hints at the mentality with his actions.

Them going to Japan was a nice change of scenery as I don't think I've seen any Thai BL use this storyline yet. Usually if a character goes abroad somewhere, we don't usually see them in that country. Off the top of my head, I really only remember Kirin briefly being in Korea in Cutie Pie and Shi De being in the US in We Best Love. The scenery and architecture in the Japan portion of the show was stunning, especially with the snow. It was mainly because they were filming a period piece but it provided some great visuals and of course the use of hot springs.

The pacing felt a little weird since Punn and Ashi's story at times felt dragged out while Ming and the doctor could have used so much more. It made the whole thing feel unbalanced though I was still invested enough to watch to the end and feel entertained all along the way. Again, it's not the best series but it was an enjoyable watch for what it was.

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Hidden Agenda
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 24, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Coming of Age Story of Assessing your Worth

I loved this coming of age story. I loved how neither family were bothered or questioned the closeness of Zo and Joke's relationship, which shows a nice change for an Asian family.

The message of Asian parents loving their child despite how he/she sees their own accomplishments, versus what they think their parents' expectations are, is a very powerful message for those of us who come from Asian families. We "know" this, but are rarely "told" this. Some Asian families are more stoic that others, and I thought the scenes between Zo and his mother, and Joke and his father, were very important for some Asian and maybe even non-Asian children (regardless of age) to see. Asian families do not have to express their love in a western style, but it's still nice to hear it once in a while. Even our elders need to hear it once in a while.

Jeng and Pok started this series on the low, but Jeng had to make a decision once Pok decided that having a secret relationship would no longer work for him. After deciding that his relationship with Pok was more important, Jenk became very public with his relationship, and was willing to change football teams due to homophobia.

So while the messages were delivered in a comedy romance, it does not negate the importance of these stories. I think this is an example of a story for and by Thai/Asian families, and since we are taught to "read the air," it makes sense to me.

I know this is a dumb criticism , but why Nita is wearing heavy sweaters in Thailand, but when leaving for Helsinki, she is wearing a crop top and short skirt? Even during the summer, Finland will seem cold to a Thai person. I'll never understand why in these series, the actors are dressed for a cooler climate, when their country's climate is so hot and humid.

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Dropped 3/20
1 people found this review helpful
May 22, 2021
3 of 20 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
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I guess this was one of those heavy dramas that one should thoroughly prepare oneself before committing to watching the whole thing.

Frankly, the initial premise of the show being that it may be possible to identify psychopath genes from the very beginning to identify future serial killers was an interesting idea. Yet, it also presents a moral dilemma of whether or not it's okay to try to decide whether or not it's okay to kill fetuses who may end up getting those genes. Or whether or not everyone has said genes will inevitably grow up to be killers.

While starting this drama, I suddenly recall Lee Seunggi mentioning that he wanted to play a psychopath character, which was a break away from the usual good guy roles he used to get. I guess, with Mouse, he's really getting that wish. With that in mind, one most likely needs to be wary while watching this drama since you may end up encountering some unexpected twists.

As much as the plot initially intrigued me, because it's been a while I doubt that I'd actually find the time to watch this. Dropping this drama because I'm no longer in the state of watching this without ending up becoming depressed about it.

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Dropped 3/20
Uncontrollably Fond
1 people found this review helpful
Jan 7, 2022
3 of 20 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

if i could rate this lower than 1 stars, i would.

it is frankly not worth it. it is one of those dramas i tried to watch when i was barely beginning on the genre of kdramas and i had to drop it because it is simply not engaging. it follows harmful tropes that really seem to suggest you should let yourself be bullied, stalked and treated like a doormat by a man because thats how he shows he LIKES you.

this kind of stuff esp in fiction leaves a bad taste in my mouth and frankly, it doesnt really get that much better there on out. don't waste your time on this.
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Ongoing 2/27
In Between
2 people found this review helpful
5 days ago
2 of 27 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 5.5

Unexpectedly refreshing take on the cheesiest mainstream genre.

this is so oddly (in a good way) unusual that i decided to say a few words straight away (watched 2 eps for now)
so far seems like a very high-quality production through and through.
the characters have real depth, look more like actual people then u're probably used to in these kinds of series. the FL still annoying, puts too much effort in opening her eyes as wide as it is anatomically possible which is a bit suffocating to look at - the familiar clichéd "ingénue type" or so it seems so far.

the depicted world where all is ruled by materialistic interior motifs is alien to me. and personally, i wouldn't have survived past daycare for sure. but it's depicted so thoroughly, with so much attention to detail that I couldn't help but appreciate it and was drawn in (for the most part).

loved the music, Accusefive is 1 of my favorites, although admittedly I happen to know just a handful of Chinese musical artists.
loved the opening credits sequence and i don't skip it (!!)

most of the dialogs and the attention to visual details that help to tell the story and actually are essential to the plot in a smart way (as in "respecting the viewer's IQ") - wow, never saw this high level in such a mainstream genre before. (did see it in "heavier" types of Chinese series though)
oh, and the long-takes! (is it what it's called?) they are a treat! maybe just 'cause i don't see them all that often anymore and wasn't expecting a fancier camera work...but still)

So there you go for now)
Let's wait n see how much (if any) disappointment there's gonna be for the viewer as the story unfolds LOL
Thank you for reading.

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Dropped 3/28
My Amazing Boyfriend
1 people found this review helpful
Jan 22, 2021
3 of 28 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 3.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Just watch the clips on Youtube...

I've only seen 1 full episode, but I've seen all the clips from the Asiancrush Youtube channel.
The concept is pretty good. It reminds me a bit of Twilight, but it's not massively similar for me to be bothered. I have 2 main problems with this show:
1. The pacing
2. The characters

When I say this show can get boring, I mean it. Don't get me wrong, there are so many good parts (if you've seen the clips on Youtube, then you'll know) but the bits in between are SO LONG AND BORING. There are 30 odd episodes, they could easily cut at least 10 off because nothing significant happens.

My other problem is the main female character. SHE IS SO ANNOYING. I get that she is rich and famous, but I hate her attitude. She is so selfish and ignorant. She basically assaults her boyfriend and gets annoyed that he doesn't like her back.

If you want my honest advice, watch the clips on youtube.

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Dropped 7/65
I Left My Heart in Sorsogon
0 people found this review helpful
by Bell
Nov 23, 2021
7 of 65 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Eye rolls

Please, I want to slap Heart's character in this story. The kaartehan is too much and out of hand. Like seriously? She lived in that place before, and now she's overreacting??? GMA always ruin female characters for the sake of their patriarchal satisfaction. I have never saw a single strong female lead from this stupid network. :/

Also, technical wise, it seemed like it was created by a newbie wattpad writer and produced by Junior High School students from the lowest section.

The only notable thing in this drama would be the Sorsogon and the sketches. Other than that, none.

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Dropped 4/17
Easy Fortune Happy Life
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 22, 2018
4 of 17 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.5
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
I am not going to make a long as to why I don't like it, annoying characters, no appeal at all, its so weird and overly to dramatic on the hating grandfather part that leaves no base for a solid foundation on the story itself, the basic premise takes to long to be told and becomes boring and unwatchable that you are left feeling why am I watching this, since the first episode this story is so shabby that I really try giving it a chance since its from China which must Chinese drama are so bad and weak.
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Dropped 4/17
Marn Kammathep
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 4, 2021
4 of 17 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.5
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I just can‘t....

So... many of you may wonder where i watched this drama. I watched it on yt (i think) but dubbed in vietnamese as i do understand some vietnamese ^^
I kinda like the beginning and the story it self. (A man who wants to take revenge on a man who hurt his sister by hurting his daughter and falling in love with her) BUT the way the main lead tried to hurt them was... i just can't accept that. Although he already liked her, without knowing that she's the enemies daughter, he still tried to maker her fall in love with him, playing as if he was the nice guy... She was just too nice and (sry but) dumb. I just don't like this kind of female lead that is overly nice and naive.
The cast and the acting was pretty good. I'd love to see this couple in another drama.

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Dropped 2/65
Descendants of the Sun
16 people found this review helpful
by Aquana
May 25, 2020
2 of 65 episodes seen
Dropped 1
Overall 1.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
horrible acting i mean over acting.
do not spoil my love for DOTS (original) with this crappy shit
the original is one of my favorite dramas. re watched that at least 10 times till date. thought maybe it would be brilliant to watch it under someone else's production and maybe a different portrayal but that was a horrible decision
now going back to binge watch my yoo si jin and Kang Mo Yeon aka song jong ki and song hye kyo, and their epic love story in the Korean drama. if anyone want to watch this crappy drama i suggest you re think your decision

p.s. given story a 10 because because the original plot line is fabulous

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Dropped 13/36
Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 1, 2024
13 of 36 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

The strangest tale was that the love interest was dropped out down the line

I am at episode 13 and seriously considering to stop watching it. The first thing which draw my attention for being quite off was the fact that the love interest presented in the first five or six episodes was completely forgotten by writers, actors and directors in the next five episodes. Two young people, who were presumably in love with each other while events and people kept them appart, are as stiff as wood when events bring them together, sharing meals, rooms, adventures. No emotion, no furtive glanses, no pauses full of yearning. Nothing. It did not have to be lines, or hugs or kisses. But it had to be something there, that the actors and director could have put into it, if the writers completely forgot what they wrote in the beginning. Well, it was not. The only thing going for the series was the detective stories. And the fun the actor playing the older detective put into his character. Otherwise, no character development, overall, and the series walks the thin line which lies between skematic and bare naked and lacking.

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