I Told Sunset about You
4 people found this review helpful
Dec 4, 2020
5 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

A Masterpiece

Too often, Thai dramas fall into tropes and predictable storylines. BL in particular can sometimes serve up flat stories that lack depth and drive. The characters’ actions can also seem legally dubious and morally questionable, which lessens my respect and support for them. This is not the case with I Told Sunset About You. It felt modern, refreshing, informed, emotionally mature, and rich. It is a masterpiece, probably the best drama to come out of Thailand.

Much has been said about how the production did not seem to cut corners, but in my opinion, the best choice the director made was the simple rule of “show, don’t tell.” So much of the action takes place beneath the surface. Emotions and motivations of the two leads are obvious, but not openly discussed: Teh always wanting to smell coconuts, down to smelling coconut-scented ink and literally sticking his head in one; the characters increasingly finding excuses to touch each other (though not necessarily in a sexual way); the jealousy they both try to keep hidden; the conversations they have about their other love pursuits where the body language clearly states, “I’m really into you, but don’t think I have a chance.” The unwillingness, particularly on Teh’s part, to deal with the reality of their emotions yields results that spill over from their relationship with each other into foolish and consequential decisions that negatively affect other people, but again, the cause-and-effect is shown, not explained. It’s not easy to bring out or deliver these performances, which makes the entire production all the more remarkable.

The other thing I adored about this series was its maturity. The relationships, while ridden with mistakes from characters, were healthy. While there was jealousy, there was never a lack of consent or an attempt to control the other person. There was a heart-wrenching conversation between Teh and his brother, when everything finally spilled out, that was realistic but heartwarming, and reflected what many in the queer community need to be ready for when they acknowledge who they are. In other BLs, the female characters end up being treated with scorn, as one-dimensional obstacles and nuisances. I really appreciated how Tarn was given motivations besides being love-struck, and at one point basically says that she is too busy trying to get into college to deal with being jerked around. She was dealt with as a full character who also must cope with the consequences of Teh’s actions; the show gave her dignity, which is incredibly rare in this type of drama.

The only small flaw I could find in the show was that the music timing seemed a bit overly dramatic in a few instances, but this is common in many Asian dramas and doesn’t really take away from the overall show.

This piece was extraordinary and a treasure; I hope other directors and writers take note of its success and why. An absolute standing ovation from me!

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No Room for Crime
6 people found this review helpful
Jul 16, 2024
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
This review may contain spoilers


This drama started off pretty well with action and a massive PTSD situation that have our main characters have huge changes to their careers. We get glimpses of PTU and OCTB working together and it is great… but…

What makes this drama quite annoying to me is that the wonderful Rebecca Zhu is a lead investigator in the OCTB and scenes with her were great, but the drama focuses too much on the PTU that we don’t get enough scenes with her! Why? Why do this?

And boy, everything bad keeps happening to Jonathan Cheung and his family. He is not even a main character, but for reasons only the writers can understand, all the crazy stuff at the beginning of the drama all happened to him, and I found it such lazy writing, like a school accepting bribes, his kid getting kidnapped, his kid nearly dying, getting abducted and beaten up in a case of mistaken identity, his son stealing money from the family because he joined some small time triads, his mother-in-law stupidly getting conned out of her lifesavings so he has a huge debt to pay on her behalf, wife having to deal with his father hiring illegally for cheap labor, like nearly everything happens to this family. Come on, please give this family a break! I started shaking my head whenever something happened, so I know later more stuff would happen to his family because the writers are clearly sadistic.

Then we have Owen Cheung as the classic trope of someone undercover for the cops and having to carefully navigate his way around the Police and the triads. This was so predictable that I called it immediately when I saw him and it got boring real fast. He really wanted to desperately become a cop again, so I knew the drama would throw something to prevent such a thing happening and boom… he has a brain bleed that impairs his vision so he can’t be a cop anymore. And in typical TVB nonsense, he tells nobody about, not even his handler.

Talking about his handler… the handler just sucks. He sucks in this role and he sucks in every role. I can’t remember his name but what this show really needed here was Michael Miu as the handler. Jesus, I miss Michael.

Joel Chan is the other male lead and he is okay. I mean in all these action dramas his role is pretty much the same so when you see him in a public servant uniform you know pretty much how it is going to turn out. I like the guy but these roles for him are pretty safe and, if I’m honest, a little boring.

By far the most annoying person in this drama is played by Adrien Yau. I cannot stand him in this role as a rebellious moron trying to be a gangster with his 3 other young friends. I understand his back story and him trying to portray an impetuous youth but come on, you have better people for this! Even Ricco Ng would be a better choice as he has infinitely more charisma.

Surprisingly, the best roles are were with Hugo Wong and Benjamin Yuen. They are both undoubtedly villains and really hateful ones as well with no compassion at all for anything or anyone save for one or two people, but their conflict really was a great story driver. You could cut the revenge story out of this drama and make an entirely separate drama from it without an issue. But of the two of them, Benjamin edges out slightly because he was such a huge bastard and steals every scene he was in. He is unpredictable and you don’t know what he would do next, like when his underling messed up. The underling apologises and asks for some money so he can go into hiding, and Ben replies “sure. Hey, have some noodles before you go.” And as the guy sits down and gets ready to eat, Ben says “you want money? Get it from down there.” And throws the underling from the roof of the building. That’s hardcore.

The score for now is 5 out of 10 because sadly Hugo and Ben have stopped appearing in the drama, so we’ll have to see where it goes. We all knows Ben is still alive after the implied “death” and if he comes back it’s an automatic +1 point to score but for now it’s meh. So far I’m episode 17.

Episode 19: yup I called it. I said before Jonathan Cheung’s family would end up with more nonsense happening to them and boom, it happened. His wife, played by Kelly Fu, wanted to go out and work to support her husband after her idiot mother was conned and fell into all the debt her husband had to repay. She got a job at a hair salon her old friend opened and she was doing okay but suddenly young girls started chasing after her and asking for refunds. Turned out her boss said he could get Blackpink tickets easily, which are usually sold out, so Kelly thought she could make some quick cash by essentially being a scalper. Each ticket costs 1000 HKD at face value but she charged 6000 HKD, and once 20 young girls purchased them, Kelly sent all the money to her boss to get the tickets. Her boss suddenly replied “oh sorry I couldn’t get the tickets” and before she could ask for the money back, her boss flew to Japan for “business”. Suddenly, Jonathan now has an extra 6000 HKD x 20 angry girls = 120000 HKD of debt to repay thanks to his wife! Like what was his wife thinking? There was foreshadowing of the wife’s naive nature when her son didn’t want her to go out to work because she was so gullible and easy to con, but man I felt so bad for Jonathan when this occurred.

And to top it off, you would think the notion of going out to find work and helping your husband repay your own mother’s debt was noble, but after she started working there were no arrangement on who would look after the 3 kids at home. Jonathan would have to ask his own mother to help out or be at home to take care of the kids when he was not on duty as a Police Sergeant. Jonathan had to take care of everything. And when Kelly got her first pay-check the first thing she did was buy gifts for everyone. Kelly, honey, your mother has a huge debt your husband is paying off for you. Stop wasting money. Even better, stay home and look after your kids since you’re easily conned and you can’t afford a babysitter.

Episode 20: oh my God, Kelly is at it again with another job, this time as an insurance sales rep. Do you wanna bet another TVB trope of “hey you're a woman trying to sell me insurance, have sex with me and I’ll sign” will be in play? Possible attempted rape later as well. Look, after the Blackpink you would think she would stay home but nooo. Let’s see how this unfolds.

And man, Adrien Yau is still being an idiot. The cops chase after someone shoplifting a phone and coincidentally Adrien steps out of the public bathroom and is stopped by cops, and he has the same model phone on his person. This was bought legitimately like 10 minutes earlier, so all he had to do was politely suggest to the cops to go back to the shop and compare the IMEI number of his phone with the one stolen and get the purchase receipt from his girlfriend and boom no problem. Instead, he gets all upset and actually punches the cop. Ffs, when cops are involved just cooperate and you can be smug later when you’re proven right. All he did was make his life harder by attacking a police officer.

Episode 22: oh look, Kelly is again in deep doo doo. As an insurance sales agent she also dabbled in cryptocurrency so managed to make a lot of money, at least on the surface, so she started disrespecting my boy Jonathan. But then, later while she was in Singapore on a business trip, her mom runs to Jonathan and says “Oh no she might be in trouble” as it is revealed she dabbled in crypto and might have been conned. Wtf? So she now has another lump of debt for her husband to repay. Jonathan tried to call her but can’t get through. Good work Kelly, you stupid b….

And boy the worst acting in the drama was in this episode. Carmen Ngai is at hospital because her dad, a triad boss, had died and she had to identify the body, but my goodness she didn’t even shed a tear for her dad. She was making crying noises but it was so fake like come on Carmen! You graduated from TVB academy right? Wtf was that s**t? Just awful.

Best part was with Owen Cheung and Elaine Yiu as Owen now knows that Elaine found out he is an undercover cop. The conflict is predictable but after the other nonsense of the episode it was a welcome bit of drama to cleanse the palate.

Oh yeah, and Adrien’s girlfriend had both her kidney’s harvested in Thailand while she was trying to be her own boss. I should feel bad but at the same time I just thought “pfft serves you right” as she was young and naive but wanted to get rich quickly.

Completed: okay, I’ve finished the drama and I can say the ending was so unsatisfying. There was a hint of Rebecca Zhu getting back with Joel Chan, but instead Joel marries his crappy girlfriend that kept running off on her worldwide escapades with Rebecca’s younger brother. Like what a terrible couple they made and it screams divorce if there is ever a 2nd season.

And Benjamin came back! I knew he would return, but I didn’t expect the plot twist of his wife still being alive. That caught me off-guard and the explanation for how she survived was such nonsense but boy can Benjamin emote really well. He is still a hateful and disgusting person, but his devotion to his wife was very touching and I couldn’t really hate him. Instant +1 to the overall score.

We also get to see Owen Cheung become a cop again. It was touch and go with him not really wanting to return as a cop, but in the end he showed up as a constable and surprized Joel Chan by being in uniform. Owen’s complicated relationship with Elaine Yiu made for great drama and conflict, but it was all so predictable. Plus, despite everything he did, Adrien never had a good life and ended up in prison anyway, so all that effort was just a waste of time.

So Benjamin ends up dying at the end of the drama for real, and we get a post credit scene where someone in a mask and black overcoat is seen cutting something up. It turned out Benjamin’s body was stolen and his flesh was minced up and fed to dogs. Everybody I spoke to seemed to think it was Owen that did it, but I’m not convinced. I think this is setting up a season 2 and this mysterious person is the next major criminal mastermind. Overall it was okay with some great performances from some actors, but overall just average with an unsatisfying ending.

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Udagawachou de Matteteyo
6 people found this review helpful
by estar
Jan 13, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

this is beyond sweet

first off aggression isn't something to applaud, but both leads r teenagers, that r on uncertain ground - confused about what they want or rather expressing that "want" and getting it fulfilled. its easy making the right decisions when ur a spectator and not got all those hormones bombarding ur every cells, clouding ur judgment.

this deals with two different teens, one who's into cross-dressing and although he has gathered up the courage to do it openly, he isn't ready to get caught by anyone he knows, let alone think about his sexual preference.
Momose on the other hand, might be gay - or bi - but that's beside the point - the point being his discovery of Yashiro in drag, and after the initial shock he is curious, but also turned-on. as he never had a gf or any type of relationship he goes with logic - blindly forging ahead trying to "help" Yashiro be who he is, and also to get him as his gf/bf. he has zero knowhow in the art or romancing Yashiro - or even, on how he should approach him. cause from his perspective if Yashiro is openly walking around in drag, he has made peace with that side of him - Momose for sure has.

but Yashiro hasn't and that's why, they keep "butting heads" - cause in Yashiro's eyes what he is doing is abnormal and perverted (he hates and is ashamed of being this way, but can't stop), so Momose who not only seems "ok" with him being in drag, but want's to "help" him and add being attracted - wanting a relationship. Yashiro chancels all his worry, shame, self-hate and terror onto Momose.
most of this is misunderstanding and miscommunication, but Momose doesn't give-up and his persistence not only in accepting but encouraging Yashiro to be who he is - is what breaks through to Yashiro's fear addled brain..

this was really well made and acted - i loved Momose from start to finish - he the type of person that knows what he wants and doesn't care for society or family, but follows his heart and that is what landed him Momose's acceptance and heart at the end - love!

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South Wind Knows
6 people found this review helpful
by Le Ho
Oct 26, 2023
39 of 39 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.5

Scriptwriters and director ruined this drama despite good acting from ML.

South Wind Knows is the most anticipated modern drama of the past two years and is finally airing. It is watchable but nothing too exciting.

The first 10-12 episodes were interesting when they were in M Country, but things got boring and slow after they came back to Shanghai. The conflict between the cousins is too weak, and the 2nd CP's acting ability is so bad. They are both one-dimensional actors/actresses with no facial expressions despite their marital problems and when he betrayed his grandfather.

I invested my time, watched 35 episodes, and intend to finish it. However, I am disappointed with the scriptwriters for this drama, especially since it has been anticipated to be aired for a long time.

I gave it 7.0 initially, but I am downgrading it to 5.5 because I think Fu Yun Shen is a weak man. He can't stand up for himself and his love for Zhu Jiu. The overbearing mother is annoying and a bad mom. The actress who played her is good because she did a good job of making audiences hate her.

The last few episodes were so stupid that I am disappointed at wasting my time with this drama. I believe the director and scriptwriters should be fired from making this drama.

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6 people found this review helpful
Jan 24, 2021
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

This is a great step forward for BL

This is a BL that doesn't follow the same formula as all the others. BL love can be in all genres and I'm glad they were creative enough to showcase this. This was my BL of 2020 solely because it was different, and it didn't have those corny moments that made the other shows hard to watch at times. The Philippines have really been crushing this category. Lastly, the twist at the end will have you wanting more. You can stop reading now at this point I'm just trying to reach my 500 character limit. There's not much I can say without putting spoilers, this show is just really good so do yourself a favor and watch it.

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Drama Special Series Season 3: Sirius
6 people found this review helpful
Feb 10, 2014
4 of 4 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers
When I begin to watch it that was not because I love the casting or because some people said me it's great ! I just fall in it by chance !! When the drama begin you're directly in the storyband I love that kind of bigining.
I love really love the main lead when he was teen and after. Act to kind of person totally different is success !!

The story is heartbreaker and so beautiful at same time whitout story love the drama is great and don't need something else !£

I don't want to say more because I'm going to do a spoiler but every people have to watch it it's a masterpiece of special drammmmmmmma

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Omotesando Koukou Gasshoubu
6 people found this review helpful
by nerak
Aug 1, 2016
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
I remember dropping this drama awhile back for some mysterious reason that I don't remember, but I am soooo glad I picked it up again (emphasis on "soooo"). I admit, I was curious about this drama initially because of Shirota Yu, but I grew to love every single character in this drama.

OVERALL: 10/10
It's a light drama perfect for times when you want something feel-good to watch!

STORY: 10/10
The skeleton of the story seems like a typical sports/club centered drama, but there was something really refreshing about a drama revolving around a choir club, mostly because I've never seen one about that. And I love the overall theme of the drama: Music brings people together, no matter who they are, no matter where they came from.

As the plot progressed, I felt so happy as Kagawa helped her choir peers and her teacher fall in love with choir again, and helped new people realize the magic (and maybe healing powers) of singing with others. In a choir, everyone is important and must work together in order for success, and togetherness is one of the umbrella themes of this drama.

As for romance and things, you're probably going to be disappointed if you want a full-course meal of high school romance. Romance is like a side-dish in this drama, and I kinda wanted to see more romance on Kagawa's end, but there was enough cutesy romance for me to be satisfied and not flown into a frustrated outrage.

(Also, even though it was very brief, I loved that they addressed the LGBT community. I was pleasantly surprised!)

Okay, one of the more fundamental parts of a good drama is a likable main character, and Yoshine Kyoko did just that.. by creating a Kagawa Makoto who is innocently so earnest, trusting, and determined to bring out the best in people. I loved that Yoshine Kyoko didn't overdo her character. (whew.) Honorable mention to Yoshimoto Miyu-- she actually scared me a little in the beginning, lmao.

As for the rest of the cast, ability-wise, they were okay-- not the best, but I didn't cringe or anything. Aside from that, they were all very charming (especially Shison Jun. It's probably just me but I'm seeing him almost everywhere for some reason). Considering their ages, I cut them some slack, lol.

MUSIC: 10/10
THE MUSIC WAS GREAT. The music made me want to join a high school choir even though I can't anymore lmao. I'm mesmerized by harmonies, and this drama was harmonies galore (it made me cry sometimes). On a side note, one of my favorite choral songs in this drama was the first one that the choir sang. For some reason that song stuck with me.

This was a good drama, and there's a good chance I'll re-watch it in the future for the feel-good, fluffy feelings again.

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Age of Youth
6 people found this review helpful
Aug 28, 2016
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
Age of Youth was not on my watchlist but after reading a lot of recommendations for it on another Korean drama community, I think that it was a good show to watch.

I found out that the script was written by the writer of White Christmas. I couldn’t say enjoy because there’s no way that plot was enjoyable. Ha ha. But I was amazed by that drama. With that, I started watching Age of Youth with just knowing this and that it’s about five female college students living in the same apartment.

The Story
The drama is about the daily lives of the five female college students. I am currently in my 20s so I could somehow relate with their lives. The girls started with a lot of tension because of how different they are from each other but then soon realizing that it was normal for different people living in the same house have conflicts. The girls are in different levels in college and their personality suits them well. Their diverse personality matches well for a great dynamics among the housemates. It helps that each episode centers on one topic and that we get to see the point of view of each of them.

I was shocked and creeped out that there was a bit of a mystery to this slice-of-life drama. The mystery was incorporated well in the story for us to know more about each of the girls. I ended up invested on each of their story and kept on rooting for them with their lives and their love lines.

The Cast
I love the girls. At first, I don’t like Ye-eun that much because she’s the typical chic girl with all her clingy tendencies with her boyfriend. After having a few episodes knowing her point of view on things, I find her relatable and just like every other girl. Sunbae Yoon is someone to respect and Kang Yi-na is definitely a unique character but she I definitely learned a thing or two from her on the value of life. Song Ji-won is the life among the crowd and I love how funny she was most of the time. I sympathized early on with Eun-jae maybe because that is just how I am initially when being in a new environment and meeting new people.

Five girls means a lot of love lines to ship (my favorite is that of Eun-jae’s. Honestly, after watching so many Kdramas, this was the first time that I felt so lonely that I’m single. Haha.

I don’t specifically like any of the other girls because at some point in my life, I’ve been one of these girls.

Rewatch Value
It wouldn’t hurt that much to rewatch a 12-epsiode drama :)

This is a slice-of-life for women and college students on how they experience life, problems, and love at their very first stage of their adulthood.

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A Tale of Thousand Stars
5 people found this review helpful
Apr 6, 2021
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

ATOTS is not a typical BL.... It's a masterpiece

Right from the first ep that aired on 29th Jan all the way to today watching the final one on 2nd April... It's been a magical ride which has been put amazing well together by P'Aof and the entire cast including P'Earth and ofcourse everyone's big baby Mix.... They've just been amazing and I guess everyone is looking for more to come from this series..... And finally... P'Earth has the perfect pair up ...

Feels perfectly natural...

As for the show itself, each and every episode has its own place and waiting week after week for the next one to air would be one of the toughest ordeals... Such was how amazing the show was...

You could see the show a 1000 times and still laught at the funny parts, cry at the sad ones and connect with each and everyone who's played a role in making this one of if not the best series out of GMMTV and needs a lot more recognition for the same...

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Love Keeps Going
5 people found this review helpful
Nov 15, 2012
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
when after finishing a drama it leaves you with a warm and fuzzy feeling like on a cold wnter morning waking up with a happy dream you know u've just marathoned through one AWESOME drama!

The plot sounds pretty cliched and has been exhausted plenty times in other dramas with the cold guy falling for our sweet hearted heroine but this one drama actually reinvents itself in many ways.
The story is pretty nicely planned out and we actually can guess where its going(no surprise there..:D) but somewhere along the way we stop analysing or using our brains while watching a drama but this one is actually pretty complex in some ways.

I LOVED how Mike He played the main guy.He's not polished in his acting even after many years(can already hear the girls screaming..) but frankly here i would say he did a good job.He's easy on the eyes and is i guess the only actor who can have chemistry with anybody, even a tree..:D
Cyndi Wang as Mei Le did a good job.She doesn't overact as much as the other TWdrama heroines tend to do.

I am a sucker for damaged leads and this one drama delivered on this aspect so nicely and in such a touching way that this one goes down in my list of favourites...i like how the leads are so flawed and how they work together to heal each other and in the process fall in love too...:)
The chemistry is mind blowing in this one,reminded me of Secret Garden so much.The leads here are so snappy and adorable with each other and at the same time that it makes one wanna go crazy over this couple.The best part of their chemistry is that its so believable how these two could easily fall for each other.How they are motivated and the reason their attitude are the way they are leaves no room for contemplation and gives us a straight forward answer.The reasons for their behavior are pretty good and how they change gradually throughout the drama is very pleasent to watch.Their scenes has this distinct beauty and a dreamy quality that is so beautiful.Their scenes together are shot pretty beautifully with the whole sunshine playing tricks on the eyes that it makes their love all the more beautiful.their were enough cutesy moments and entralling scenes to keep a romantic like me glued to my screen for hours.The best part of their relationship is the spontaneous hugs and kisses.In many dramas they come out as pretty awkward but here it seems so natural and mixed in with Yi Lei's impulsive personality and Mei le's denial makes it great.What the writer did with the toast concept and mixed it with the romance was charming

At 13 episodes this was an easy watch and didn't drag long like other dramas tend too.The story does slow down and gets burdened with angst in the last episodes but it is all worth it since its pretty heartwrenching and believable and touching at the same time.

The subplot involving the lead couple's brother and sister was too cute.i loved their love story and could understand why they fell.They are running parallel to the love story of the main couple and its cute to watch them together fighting and snapping their heads off each other.I don't have any sympathy for women like Xuan Xuan or men like Yi Feng so their parts were what i fast forwarded the most through.Xuan Xuan is annoying.period.

The music fit well thoughout the drama and the one track stood out was stick to you sang by the leading lady herself..:)

I will definately be rewatching this since all those captivating and lovable moments filled with such amazing chemistry will always leave me wanting more of this couple.

Highly recommeded for any die hard crazy romantic fan like me..:D
Trust me this will leave you wanting more and more of this amazing couple

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The Untamed
5 people found this review helpful
May 7, 2022
50 of 50 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5


I fell jn love with both actor after watching this drama.
The acting, storyline and the music everything was perfect!!
Everyone in this drama had a good connection with each other, they didn't do extra (too much emotions or exagerated expressions).
Also, the storyline, was on point, since episode 1, i couldn't stop myself from watching, always having something that make you want to continue watching. Àlso, sometimes I got scared because of those "puppets" makeup loll.
I watched it twice very worth watching.
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The Untamed
5 people found this review helpful
Jun 12, 2021
50 of 50 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Definitely the TOP 1 on my list.

At first, I was quite reluctant to watch The Untamed because its genre (traditional + bromance/BL) is not the one I typically prefer to watch and I was even so confused on the first half of episode 1! I find traditional dramas to be cringey especially with all those flying around but not this one, it comes naturally and it's justified with the setting of the drama.

Now, I'm having withdrawal syndrome & sepanx. I can hardly move on from it that I even read the novel & manhua. After reading them, I probably would have expected more from the drama if I came across of those first. So I recommend to watch the drama first so you have no expectations what so ever then read the novel because THE NOVEL IS SO EXTRA. It's also quite a revelation to myself that I might like BL stories because of The Untamed. This may not be a popular choice and I may want more but I like the creativity & subtleness of how they work around the censorship in China. Anyway, we have the novel & manhua to supplement that need for more.

The Untamed are also full of eye candies! Wen Ning is so adorable especially when he was trying to sell the turnips, I love him there! Zewu Jun was like a different person from his role in Mr. Honesty, as well as Shi Jie (in Well Dominated Love) that I almost did not recognize her! Even the main villains are good looking too that you can't hate them! Hello Xue Yang! Hope to see you in another drama soon. Jin Guang Yao/Meng Yao is also cute & funny out of character. The only people I hate there would be those hypocripte leaders of small sects/clans and The Jin clans' Guang Shan & that unreasonably arrogant Jin cousin.

I particularly love Xiao Zhan's portrayal of Wei Wu Xian, his smiles in different emotions and how his character progressed and matured from being smart & charming yet annoying when he was younger to (as Jiang Cheng puts it) being "self-less" causing his fall from grace and ultimately coming into terms with everything that happened upon his return whilst he is still the smart & charming yet annoying one that everyone once knew and that probably what attracts the junior disciples of the different sects, without them realizing his real identity (believing that he is Mo Xuan Yu all along), to him. I find his interactions to them adorable as well as hilarious. He really charmed them especially Jin Ling, which I kinda feel that this is not the WWX Jin Ling had expected or imagined.

Wang Yibo, another huge eye candy! The more you look at him the more attractive he gets. His portrayal of cold & boring Lan Wang Ji is on point though I want LWJ to have more personal interactions with WWX. Plus I find it very amusing that only WWX is the only person who can call LWJ "Lan Zhan", never heard it from his uncle or his brother and everyone else is just intimidated.

The Untamed is worth watching and rewatching. I'll be hard to find another drama on par with this one.

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Meet Yourself
6 people found this review helpful
May 27, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

One word: Charming

I am generally an impatient person and can’t watch anything beyond 20 episodes but I ran out of shows to watch and decided to watch this, expecting to leave this in the background. 3 episodes in and I am glued to the sofa.

Absolutely charming drama. It’s slow paced, slow burn but it is exactly this that made it so so so charming.

I have sobbed and laughed at dramas but this is one of the first where I had tears from being touched. The slow pace had me attached to all the characters, had me shedding tears when they did. It’s almost as if I got to know them irl.

I am a sucker for romance and while this is super slow burn and doesn’t have many romantic scenes, I can only say - I appreciate that, I love that the focus isn’t on the romance.

I am elated, beyond elated that I found this drama (I only found out later that it is super popular). Give this a chance, even if you are impatient.

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6 people found this review helpful
by Ariane
Aug 11, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10


Stop reading reviews and go watch this MASTERPIECE ! It is worth it believe me !

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Tom Gay
6 people found this review helpful
by Tee
Jul 26, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
It obviously wasn't an extremely realistic scenario as it was a comedy, but I find the film portrayed homosexuality fairly well. Both couples, as well as the parties in said couples, remained monogamous (which isn't always the case in comedy films with gay characters). There were many funny scenes, which is expected from a comedy, but there were also some pretty emotional scenes. I found myself near tears at a certain scene (though I won't say which one as I don't want to spoil the film). It was also interesting to see how one mother was more accepting of their child than the other. It helped show how people treat homosexuality in different ways.

The main cast was very attractive but also portrayed their characters well. There were a few scenes I felt they could have delivered a little better, but that could possibly just be my taste. I didn't pay too much attention to the music but from what I remember, it was nice.

Now, do I think it's something I would watch again? I think so. It had an interesting plot as well as loveable characters. It made me laugh and (almost) cry. Films that bring out emotions in me are definitely ones that I would consider re-watching.

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