5 people found this review helpful
Sep 19, 2023
3 of 3 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

silly and short series

Overall: this is a short romcom filled with cliches, but it made me laugh so I rated it an 8. Aired on Rookie Thailand's YouTube channel and their TikTok.

Content Warnings: none

What I Liked
- it made me laugh a few times (including the drunk dancing)
- (neutral) comedy sound effects

Room For Improvement
- the organizing guy was unprofessional in the beginning, but he made amends
- this thing was full of cliches but it really didn't bother me that much
- that didn't really feel like an ending, wish they had more fully developed/concluded the story

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Romance on the Farm
6 people found this review helpful
by MartyS
Oct 26, 2023
26 of 26 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Promised more than it delivered?

I really enjoyed the beginning episodes of Romance on the Farm. It was overall a good, generally lighthearted show. I enjoyed many of the characters and the great performances. The scenes on the farm where the actors are working in the fields were very well done and that could have made for a lovely, healing show. Many of us are starved of such open endless rich natural surroundings, so watching this drama on farming was truly heartwarming. The vegetables, the greens- they were fresh and the lush green fields were beautiful. There was a family, which at least for the female lead that had entered this game world, here was a chance at being loved and belonging. Everything seemed just right.

Yet, the show is a spectacular example of not being self-aware. Is it a romance? Is it about family? Is it about rural politics? Is it about all of these?

This could have been a great show. There was potential and in the beginning there was the momentum. The ordinary life of farmers, the loving and not-so-loving family members. The bride burning and the selling of family members. Miscarriages. Irresponsible brothers, fathers, mothers, cousins, nieces that are incapable of understanding the suffering they inflict upon another member of their family. It’s only when they are faced with external suffering that they spring back to more acceptable versions of themselves. Family is family- no matter how horrible (and toxic) they have been and how much injustice has been inflicted.

That being said, the scenes of this highly strange and interesting family were in many ways realistic. This show was perhaps trying to describe too many things and ended up not being able to stick to anything. I would have liked the show to either get rid of the gaming concept or explore the complexities of virtual reality/gaming and the desire for belongingness, which evidently is crucial to the female lead’s story and yet goes unexplored. There are so many possible philosophical explorations of this situation but the show never ventures there.

The last five or six episodes were quite tedious to watch. There was far too much unnecessary political drama. The worst part was when events are reversed rendering them meaningless. Case in point: the family being forced to leave their land and the grandfather’s bowing to the land was a touching moment ruined by the swift return as though nothing happened. The worst of these is when death itself is reversed. Yes we see that on xianxias where the logic is different, but what purpose did the weeping and desperation of the characters serve when everything was reversed anyway*

So for me, these are glaringly annoying negatives: no clear overarching plot; the gaming part was undeveloped, and a weak last arc. Transmigration themes are getting outdated.

Should you watch it? Yes, it is still an enjoyable show with very good performances. I enjoyed Tian Xiwei’s character and her performance- she played a strong female character that gets things done and that was highly enjoyable. Zeng Shunxi was very good too and their chemistry really worked. The supporting characters were very good too, making us love some of them and hate the others. 8.25/10 for me.

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Bad Buddy
6 people found this review helpful
Jan 23, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0


You know a show is great when you purposefully ignore its flaws and focus on its enjoyable aspects. This choice does not stem from a bias but from a desire to appreciate the uniqueness of the show. Bad Buddy is everything and much more a BL fan can ask for. This show represents more than ten decade journey of Thailand attempting to hone its craft and ultimately becoming the premier BL industry in the world. My review will try to answer…. why this show is gaining massive praise? Why it’s not over hyped and worth a watch? And most importantly, why fans will remember this for a long time? I have avoided spoilers so feel free to read.

1. Script is GOD
This might sound like a cliché taught in every film school class, but alas this is the golden truth. The most satisfying aspect of this show is the level of attention that was paid at the scripting stage. The pre-production of this show i.e. story writing, scripting, character developments and narration was well thought off. The two main characters were drafted with great attention to details. The story wasn’t unique but Bad Buddy is the example of how good writing can be the key factor behind a show’s success. Of course, a massive amount of credit goes to the novel “Behind the Scenes”, but the production team did a great job in making the story authentic.

2. Music on Point
Over the years I have started giving great importance to the OST of a show. A good soundtrack can either accentuate the atmospherics or understate the emotions of characters, both decisive for the reception of a show. Bad Buddy has an excellent soundtrack which adds a new dimension to an otherwise generic story. The retro synth-pop with slight pop-rock influences will give nostalgic feels of 1980s teen movies (especially prom centric scenes). It’s hard hitting yet easy on the ears. The standout tracks are Just Friends by Nanon, Same Page by Tilly and Secret by Kacha.

3. Right Focus
For a long time, one of the most consistent criticisms I’ve had for Thai BLs is their unnecessary attention to 13574789 numbers of couple in a specific series. The biggest reason this show has hit the right chord with the audience is because it paid undivided attention to the protagonists. Even though there was one more GL couple, they appeared in the second half of the series and did not divert the story narration. This was good decision making at the scripting level, which heightened audience’s interest in the main leads.

4. Avoided Problematic Trends
BLs are many times notorious for misrepresenting the LGBTQ community. One of the most commonly seen tropes is a protagonist denying his sexual identity. With statements like “I’m not interested in other boys but only him” constantly used in so many shows, it was refreshing to see that the main characters were more accepting of their identities. Similarly, consensus, communication and trust seen as hallmarks of a good relationship were ever so present in their relationship. This positive development signals how far the industry has come and enthusiastically welcomed by viewers.

5. Basic Done Right
The story is very Romeo-Juliet-esque, frequently portrayed by thousands of movies and dramas across the world. The lovers trying to keep their love alive in a society that’s hell bend to tear them apart has been a textbook romance formula. You add enemies to lover progression and you get a delectable series with a right amount of buildup, angst, tension and chemistry. Bad Buddy has all the classic old school basics of romantic movies. The buildup of their relationship is just right, not instant love neither slow zone galore. These choices prove that the audience do not mind cliche, barring they are presented convincingly.

And finally, the crown jewels of the show are the lead actors themselves. It would be a gross understatement if one would say that they had a “good chemistry”. These two actors did not live their characters, they reincarnated as Pran and Pat. If the characters were written beautifully, then Nanon and Ohm did glorious justice in breathing life into them. And this is why this show is a must watch. The X factor, the USP, the único trait, the crème de la crème, the daebak factor of this show are Nanon and Ohm aka Pran-Pat. Because the story was well executed and the actors did a tremendous job in keeping their relationship natural, Bad Buddy successfully abated the need for cheap thrills to grab eyeballs, found in abundance in other shows. Pran-Pat will go down in the history of BL couple as one of the most endearing, passionate and healthy couples portrayed onscreen in recent times. This is their show, their journey, their pain, their friendship, their love and their quest in understanding emotions. As an audience we can only be glad to witness their transformation.

As a longtime BL watcher, it’s an absolute delight to witness Ohm’s growth as an actor. He has come a long way and his progress is displayed throughout this series. He was born to be onscreen and one can only hope for good projects to come his way. This was my first Nanon show, and he smashed my preconceived notions scene by scene. When I initially saw the poster and the trailer, he left me significantly underwhelmed. But he presented nuanced expressions and good awareness as an actor, which was not only delightful to observe as an audience, but also testament of his performing abilities.

Has Bad Buddy dethroned “I told sunset about you” as the greatest Thai BL show ever? No (Acc to me) But it is one of the BEST shows produced by the industry. Bad Buddy is hands down a spectacular show that deserves all the success that it is enjoying. Definitely in my top three Thai BL shows of all time. I cannot stress enough how good it is and why it deserves to be watched by the fans of this genre at least once.

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Her Lovely Heels
5 people found this review helpful
by Rule
Oct 14, 2014
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 2.5
A short and sweet drama. Good to watch on a boring afternoon if you have nothing else!!
Seriously, this lacked a lot of things, the story could have been a bit faster paced, considering it was such a short drama, it didnt have much substance.
The acting was quite bland and expressionless. There was absolutely no chemistry between any actor, especially the lead couple, as this was a drama based purely on romance, I was expecting some sparks!
Note the kissing scenes, so awkward and distant.
Overall, like I said watch if nothing else is there, but dont expect any fireworks.

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Liar Game
6 people found this review helpful
Dec 8, 2014
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers
Before I begin this review let me let you know that I've watched all the liar games and I've read the manga aswell. So a bit of this review is based off of the original.

While this wasn't the word to word the original story of liar game it was still quite good. The set designs, the character history, the twists, the manipulation, and the lies were scripted very well. And it flowed quite well. One thing that bothered me is what most pervious watchers of liar game will agree with, (**SPOILER**) is that the main character looses a match and struggles sometimes. Where in the original this wasn't the case...ever. Thats why it was so good. (END SPOILER) So this is definitely a good story.

Acting/Cast --------

Marvelous, Great, Outstanding. I was blown away. This is so well done, the cast is just right. Love it. Can't say any more than that.

Music ----------

I'm in love with the OST. That says enough.

Over all i give this an 8/10.

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Fairyland Lovers
6 people found this review helpful
Mar 2, 2020
35 of 35 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
I really wish I could’ve given this series more stars but in all honesty I could not. Let me be clear this series was not awful however it just seemed so uneventful. There were many things that took place during the series but it was just missing something. I would say it was anti-climatic but there was never really a climax in the series. While the scenarios that took place in the series were often emotional it was still missing various elements to the whole plot. Our two main leads did a decent job of portraying their characters and for the most part they were believable. There were some sweet moments however the chemistry was somewhat annnh. The issue with the chemistry could be due to the writing itself because they initially started off figuring but even though you could tell they were supposed to be closer there was never really any character growth into how they became closer. Another thing that I found a little bit distracting about the series was that our two leads just did not seem to match quite well. What I mean by that is for most of the series you see this handsome and well groomed man and then or female lead was bubbly and often dress like a teenager which just didn’t seem to fit the mood of the series. I’m generally not picky but I found it kind of distracting to Another thing that I found a little bit distracting about the series was that our two leads just did not seem to match quite well. What I mean by that is for most of the series you see this handsome, mature and well groomed man and then our female lead was bubbly, often immature and often dressed like a teenager which just didn’t seem to fit the mood of the series. I’m generally not picky but I found it kind of distracting. Again if you’re into the mystery, sci-fi type thing you may enjoy it just don’t expect this seriously complicated plot or romance. It’s not present.

What a series did have was death in terms of some of the writing and the experiences that the characters went through. It also portrayed really well how individuals struggle with moving on and letting go of things in their past. I’ve thought that that element of the series was pretty profound and thought-provoking. I also enjoyed looking at the male lead. He was quite handsome. I was supporting cast also did an amazing job with their rules. The only thing I can say about the cast is that some of the characters girl little bit more annoying than some of the others but not too much.

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Mommy's Counterattack
6 people found this review helpful
Mar 22, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Did it have flaws? Yes but it was not all that bad!

Do I agree with the first reviewer on here? Yes and No. The drama had flaws and parts were a bit far fetched. But it was NOT a horrible mini drama compared to many of them I have seen… and that is a lot! I am sorry but in the US, dramas and tv shows here have a lot more far fetched crap in them than in this drama. And a ton of the CDramas also contain unrealistic and far fetched elements in them. So… if you are going to down it because of the “butterfly can disguise someone and the glasses can see through said disguise” then you better stop watching any drama. They ALL have a bit of unreal-to-life things in them. So go watch it at least once and form your own opinion.

Storyline - needed work. There was a lot of holes in it. I have to agree with the first reviewer… if I was told my child died I would want proof. If I was told my wife had an affair while pregnant and I was out of the country, I would want proof. If he was on bad terms with his mom why would he listen to her and not search the truth in the beginning? And why, when she came back and the kid called her “mom” right off the get go and was the same age her child would have been…did she not do a DNA test from the start? So many questions. And are people really that naive in this Information Age? I do hate when they make characters stupid to simple things to find truth. I know… it is what makes it a “drama”.

I thought the “disguise” part was kind of a cute little twist so she could find the truth and also help them realize their mistakes/misunderstandings. I am not going to pick the drama apart like others do. Just a few things that bugged me I listed above.

I liked this drama! Like is said it has flaws but it is not that bad!

Acting/Cast - they were a lot better than most mini drama cast. I liked them and would look for the Main Leads in other dramas. I think they did a good job.

Rewatch - Yes, I actually would. It was not a bad drama. Worth the watch.

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All-Night SKZ
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 9, 2021
3 of 3 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers


The last episode doesn't feel like it was the last...

The theme song and them humming it throughout the show is such a tease! STAYS WANT IT NOW!!!

I'm sure all stays really enjoyed watching Changbin being the maknae...he achieved a lot in each episode. From washing his own hair, cracking/cooking eggs, and doing the laundry...our dwekki is out here working hard.

And as always, we really love the cute interactions they have with one another. Stealing each other's blanket, cuddling, and bonding through childhood stories.

Since the Skzoo characters are also used in the set, Stays have really been keeping an eye on Jiniret and how the members/skzoo interact with it. Hyunjin stans really miss him a lot.

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My Bargain Queen
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2022
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Don't Waste Your Time

High Key this drama is just really bad and has no redeeming qualities.

1. ACTING: I have watched historical dramas with the ML and FL before. Although, I cannot say I'm a huge fan of their acting but I wouldn't put them at the bottom of my list either. Li Gengxin is a stiff actor and that's why he can pull "the master/prince/lord" roles really well because they rarely require a wide range of acting. Wu Ji Yan is...very pretty and slim :). She is one of those actresses who needs a really good ML lead or support cast and since she didn't have that in this drama...her acting was a major flop.

2. ROMANCE: I have never seen two people in love acting "not in love" like these two in a Chinese drama before. Watching two hot actors in a romance drama having no chemistry is the most painful thing ever. This should have been an easy romance to nail with little effort on their part but they could not get the romance down. I just don't get it. The drama has all the elements to make it a good romance drama. They gave us cute story, cute couple, good reason for forced co-habitation, solid FL, solid ML, a good "villain", an annoying little sister, and a pseudo-love triangle. Like ... everything. But the chemistry just ain't there. It's not that it is forced... everyone played their roles like it was writing I guess but there is no fire, no passion, no angst, no chemistry...nothing. I mean I know there are couples like that in the real world, but I don't want them in my drama.

3. SUPPORTING COUPLE AND DRAGGING PLOT: The Nicky Wu and Rain Wang supporting couple's love story should have been a drama by itself (a verrrry boring drama but hey...they keep making those anyway right?) It was not necessary and just made this drama longer than it needed to be.


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Raise de wa Chanto Shimasu
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 9, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

Non-judgmental storytelling about casual sex - unique but not great

Completed - 6/9/2022

Japan really has its own unique style in telling stories. This drama not only focuses on our female lead's sex life with her 5 friends with benefits, but also touched upon subjects such as prostitution, asexuality, and transvestism.

This drama is not preachy or judgmental, but casually tells us stories of 5 working adults at a video production company. In order to enjoy this drama, one should be open to the above-mentioned subjects and the culture of having very casual sex. Each character is quite unique in their own way. I don't find any of them particularly lovable, and actually quite annoyed with the female lead. I am still trying to get used to Japanese humor and its uniqueness/weirdness.

It might seem like our female lead is enjoying her sex life just as much as all the male characters in this drama. However, she is not as liberated and carefree as it seems. Deep down, she is just like every other typical drama female character who longs for love and marriage, and is in love with someone who doesn't care for her. She's really no different than the women that her male colleague sleeps with. Maybe that's why, I don't particularly like her or her style of acting. I actually find the stories of her colleagues more interesting than her 5 sexual partners. Well, at least A-kun is quite handsome.

With such a strong focus on sex, this drama is surprisingly PG-13. There's not a whole lot of skin shown during all the intimate scenes and they are not sexy or sensual at all. I am actually quite disappointed (no, I am not expecting p0rn either). Towards the end, it does show some chemistry between two co-workers, but nothing much really happened. Maybe their story will continue in Season 2.

Overall, this is a quick and easy watch. It could be fun if you are open to the topic. It's not a drama I highly recommend, but watch it if you want something different. Oh, and I really dislike the opening theme song.

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Queen of Mystery
6 people found this review helpful
by Lily
May 28, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers
This is a drama I began watching because I didn't have anything else to do and wanted to check out some currently airing dramas. Um - Best Decision Ever!

Unlike other dramas from this year, I didn't hear so much about this one since the main actors aren't that young and don't get as much hype from the typical drama-watcher. But I loved them so much - I think both actors delivered so much more than some currently popular actors, as they added real depth and feeling to their characters.

This drama tackles what happens after the ending of our favourite dramas, when the heartwarming romance is done and you're now the housewife and have to do all the chores for your prosecutor husband's mum. Your husband's never home, and the most exciting thing in your day is that there's a sale on eggs in the supermarket - yes, that is the life of Yoo Seol Ok, that is, until she meets Det. Ha.

Without giving any spoilers, this drama is a fun mix between a crime and romance (though this romance is not very pronounced, but definitely there). I know the leads are not the hottest or youngest but trust me, they are worthy of your time and will win you over through their charms and acting. I absolutely recommend this. I will confess that I started this because I was having "Tunnel" withdrawals at the time but, in the end, I believe this drama turned out better than "Tunnel" (though both are very different).

Of course, I must mention the ending because it's a make-or-break situation for some. This drama ends on an open note, and knowing Korean broadcasting agencies, it is unlikely to get a second season due to its average ratings. The ending is similar to some Western shows - it ends on a sort of cliff-hanger, as if they ended it that way to get you hyped up for the upcoming season. I know many don't like that but after thinking about it, I don't mind it so much. Sometimes, I like to have things be left open for possibilities, because in real-life not everything gets wrapped-up perfectly for you and sometimes you're left out of the loop on some things, and this drama emulates real-life a little too well sometimes. So, from me, the ending gets a pass but it might be different for someone else.

I hope new writer Lee pumps out some more dramas like this one - what an impressive debut!

Watch it!

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Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 18, 2017
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I would say what a beautiful story. The story did move me, not too emotional or dramatic. Every casts carried a wonderful role. The storyline was amazing. I love the problem-solutions scenes.

I love all the leading roles & supporting roles. They have shown an amazing talent.

What I love the most was the relationship between the Hongs family. I would love to have that kind of relationship; how they take care of each other & being a loyal brothers-sisters. A wonderful drama thus I gave a perfect 10.

If you kinda hesitate to watch this. Please DON'T! you would love it. Highly recommended.

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Love Like the Galaxy: Part 2
6 people found this review helpful
Sep 21, 2022
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

Waited months for this to air only to finish it in days

First!! Review! Of 2022!! I started writing this as I inched closer to the finale, determined to keep the show alive even after it ends. Reviews serve as a constant reminder (to myself) of these masterpieces. I might be biased towards the main leads - love them both! but LLTG truly burst into 2022 and stole the show with it’s well paced storyline, character development and casting. It’s so hard to find a cdrama of such caliber.

I felt that the first couple of episodes were slow but I now look back on those eps with much fondness. After all, you can only show character development by contrasting the before/after and I get that the initial build up in part 1 was necessary but it’s part 2 > 1 for me. The plot really only thickens in part 2.

LLTG is one of those rare historical pieces that prove a show can still be good with a harmonious harem and strong familial bonds. None of that scheming bs, the revenge plot was clear cut but still threw in some surprises here and there. Antagonists were kept to a minimum which was much appreciated, that allowed us viewers to properly focus on the characters that matter.

The only qualm I have is that the show lacks an iconic song. Why can’t we get a liang liang equivalent?

I liked Leo Wu in Long Ballad but I love him here. I’ve come to the conclusion he suits historical pieces (ZLS as well) can’t wait to see more of his works!

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April Fools
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 16, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 6.0
I went into this after reading the synopsis thinking the story to be linear, but it's focused on many people, and the way it interwebs all the stories together is really neat. I think the only couple I didn't really connect to was the two gay guys, as I felt their story was given minimal screen time. However, all the other stories, especially that of the older couple was so heart warming and sad at the same time. I also really liked the little girls story arch as well.

Overall the movie was really interesting. I loved the different stories and all the characters. I did not expect the film to play out as it did but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

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The Victims' Game Season 2
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 23, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

"Some secrets have no room for so many people"

The Victims’ Game brought Fang Yi Ren back for a second helping of pain and murder. This time Fang would find himself the prime suspect when his mentor’s case from 15 years ago was re-opened and the bodies started dropping around him.

Fang is called into police HQ by Prosecutor Chang, who is new and takes an immediate dislike to Fang. Another fresh face is Dr. Hsueh, a medical examiner who also has no love for the retired forensics investigator. The case in question involved a teen couple in a murder-suicide which was closed by Fang’s mentor, Lin Ching Jiu. When civilians involved with the old case start dying, Chang is all too willing to point the finger at Fang. Intrepid reporter Hsu Hai Yin quits her job after her boss sensationalizes a teen addict case she worked on. One of the teens in the story ends up at Sevensleeves rehab. Handsome Lin Meng Cheng runs the rehab and home for teenagers from troubled families. When Hai Yin visits, he hires her right away as the foundation's PR rep. Her inquisitive nature tells her there is more to Lin than meets the eye. Fang’s daughter Xiao Meng feels suffocated and not understood by her dad and moves out. She coincidentally ends up living at Sevensleeves. Someone who was familiar with her problems from S1 offers her a job cleaning up crime scenes which leads to insights on her part.

I enjoyed the dynamics between Fang, Hai Yin, and Xiao Meng. Hai Yin and Xiao Meng were so sure that Fang wasn’t trying to understand them that they failed to see they might not have been trying hard enough to understand him. Fang and Xiao Meng struggled to determine if they could build a relationship while Hai Yin was feeling shut out from Fang’s thoughts. Whether Joseph Chang’s portrayal of a man with autism was accurate or not, is not a judgement I’m qualified to render. Chief Chao returned from S1 with his steadfast belief in Fang, a relief since Fang was being bombarded on all sides. I didn’t find the “who done it” part very suspenseful. I was quite certain who killer #1 and serial killer #2 were by the second episode. The heavy-handedness of Prosecutor Chang always trying to bring Fang down got old quick. He was a shady character with connections to an even shadier organization.

Warnings---If you are squeamish, there were numerous gruesome scenes of murder, torture, and decomposed bodies. The body count was high and bloody. Revenge was not a dish served cold but at the average body temperature much of the time. There were also a few gross scenes with insects. Tiffany Hsu’s Hai Yin smoked almost continuously in S1, so if smoking is a trigger you’ll be pleased to know that she didn’t light up once in S2 that I can remember.

The main theme of S2 was “What would a parent sacrifice for their child?” Some of the parents were willing to sacrifice lives, reputations, and peace of mind. As determined characters searched for the truth, others tried desperately to bury it. Despite its shortcoming, I found The Victims’ Game S2 engaging and binge-worthy.

23 June 2024

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