Pair of Love
5 people found this review helpful
by vero
Dec 29, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 3.5
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
If you are looking for something to watch with your friends when drunk and bored go ahead, otherwise you can skip out on this. The video and audio quality is pretty terrible, editing also, plot is understandable but kind of ridiculous (I'm sorry but some scenes just weren't believable). The ending was also kind of disappointing for me.

I definitely wouldn't watch it again. The only reason we watched it in the first place was because me and my friend got bored and wanted to watch something short.
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Wulin Heroes
5 people found this review helpful
Mar 12, 2023
22 of 22 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
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Psychopath Lovers of memory lost Female Lead!!

Majority of the side characters are psychopaths and toxic, writers seriously need to move on from such characters....The script and the pacing is terrible....The ML is quite handsome and the leads chemistry is great but their potential got wasted because of bad writing.....The first half of the drama is repetitive and irritating, I skipped majority of it...Both the lead characters were made "Noble Idiots" who just kept on saving useless people and FL was shown as quite Dumb..I mean even if she had amnesia it fine if she doesn't remember things but still ignored all the visible red flags and walked into the same kind of traps every time every single time, she fought for those filthy men who used her but was not able to take any stand for herself and deny the marriage instead when the male lead tried to remind her mistake she was ok with being used by those psyco men and ended up being trapped every single time...The dialogues were seriously very weak and sometimes even nonsense as the logic will make you hit your head many times
Still, after 11th episode, things got better because of the focus on the Lead couple and their romance..The OST is beautiful, I really liked It.
I rarely drop any series in the middle so somehow finished it but I feel it was not worth my time especially the 1st half where the leads were totally ignored, I am happy that the 2nd part was not that painful still the memory loss will the medicine was kind of stupid
Skip if you have something better to watch

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The Chase
5 people found this review helpful
by D23
Apr 24, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Veterans are veterans after all

A good story and amazing performance by some brilliant veteran actors. Both the characters, the rude and greedy landlord, Shim Duk Soo (Yoon Shik) and the AD-stricken old detective, Park Pyung Dal (Dong Il) were quite simple, but were played so well by these seasoned actors that it was a delight to watch them. All the supporting actors did a nice job as well.
A fast-paced script packed with elements of mystery and comedy. Overall, a solid movie which I will certainly watch again, conveys the following message:
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Not Me
5 people found this review helpful
Apr 1, 2022
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Not perfect, but a very promising path for GMMTV BL shows

I’ll try to be straight to the point, because with a show like this you can end up extending yourself too much cuz there’s so many things to talk about. But I think this one was pretty much almost impeccable in a few aspects, especially regarding its production quality. Well, if we ignore a few special effects here and there, where it felt a bit too amateurish. But it’s easy to ignore that when the rest is so on point. Art direction, music, acting by pretty much all the cast. The fact that we could finally see skin that looks like skin!!! That’s important too.

The social commentary theme is also a breath of fresh air in BL shows (and it’s brave too considering the political context in Thailand!!). It’s often too on the nose, but I think as a show that’s targeted at younger audiences they have to uncomplicate things for better and broader understanding. There’s also the writing conveniences which are mostly done by making the boys’ gang act clueless. Their plans are a mess! But I also think that it’s important to show those characters as far-from-mastermind individuals. They’re super young, after all, and they’re mostly moved by their emotions. Especially Sean. But honestly, all of them with the exception of maybe White, who seems to be the most rational character.

As far as the actual BL parts go, I must admit I was never that into SeanWhite as a couple, despite me thinking that the OffGun chemistry is perfect. What I was invested in, though, was the side couple DanYok, which kinda pulled me in even before I started watching the show (just from seeing Twitter/IG clips). There was something that felt magical in how the storyline began and proceeded to develop for majority of the episodes. Chemistry was fire. But then I don’t understand why the writers/director decided to make them so chaste? Like, Yok looked like he wanted to eat Dan with his eyes. And Dan looked like he was willing to be eaten. And then those two guys end the series with a hug? I’m not saying they should be having wild sex on screen (but I wouldn’t complain if they had)!! Not at all! But they barely kiss. And kissing is not a problem in this show, clearly. See, in the one scene they had in episode 13 they are there having a moment, a heartfelt conversation. The intimacy is visible just by the way they talked and looked at each other. Then Yok looks into Dan’s eyes and gently touches his face. His eyes move to Dan’s lips and that alone was sexy as hell. And then Yok proceeds to touch his lips on Dan’s for about half a second. And then sexy time is over. I don’t know whose decision it was to “nerf” this pairing like this, but it was very tasteless.

Anyways, despite the underwhelming finale (not just because of the DanYok hug, but as a whole), this show was a pleasure to watch and follow weekly. I hope other thai BL directors feel inspired by the work done here because after this the standards are gonna be high.

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Jan 9, 2013
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
Like another reviewer said, the synopsis of this story is misleading. The only thing correct is the male lead nursing his sick girlfriend only to fall in love with (another) sick woman. I felt that the main female lead was the one that learned to grow to love and accept herself as she is.

I watched this mainly for Lee Jong Suk. The story was interesting, but the way it was told did not do the story justice. I felt it was too rushed fitting in the span of one episode when it could have been paced slower and better as a movie or a short drama with maybe 3 episodes. While I did cry, I think if the story was paced better, I would've bawled. I thought the acting by the cast of actors was splendid and believable, which was probably the reason why I did cry.

The music wasn't terrible. Though I'm surprised this wasn't rated with a 19+ age restriction by the Korea Rating Media Board with the way Lee Jong Suk kissed Jun Ye Seo. (And the sound effects from that!) O.O

Overall its not a bad drama. I never really rewatch things, but I wouldn't mind if I had to. And if you're here for Lee Jong Suk, you won't be disappointed.

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See You Tomorrow, Everyone
5 people found this review helpful
Feb 16, 2015
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
The movie has it all: comedy, drama, romance, action, suspense, supportive and hopeless moments, everything set in 80's-90's. It's definitely a movie about coming-out-of-age with a suspense inch.
The plot itself is somewhat captivating, it doesn't bore you and at points keeps your attention. Since the story depicts about 20 years it's length is reasonable. With several turns it's somewhat more realistic.
The acting is great - all the main characters are totally believable, despite their changing age. Hamada fits his role perfectly and the girls doesn't fall behind.
The is no stunning music, actually having watched it it left no expression, which can be both good or not.
Overall, it might be nice to watch it again, but its definitely good to see it as something different for the first time.

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Days of Being Wild
5 people found this review helpful
Feb 29, 2024
Completed 2
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

"You'll see me in your dreams tonight"

Days of Being Wild showed what lengths broken people would go to in order to find the object of their desire. Time, whether it hastened by too quickly or dragged like a cement block, tethered the characters to their obsessions. Everyone had a myopic gaze of life and much of it revolved around a self-obsessed rebel.

Yuddy had a habit of seducing women and then breaking their hearts. Raised by a sex worker, he desperately wanted to know who his biological mother was. Rebecca had told him his mother was a Filipino noblewoman who had paid her to raise him. Mom really put a lot of thought into that one, didn’t she? Yuddy seduced Su Li Zhen who ran a snack stand and box office by having her look at his watch for a minute. One minute before 3:00 was to be burned in their minds on that date. Their relationship flared and flamed out when Li Zhen realized he would never marry her. Before he could change the sheets on his bed, he’d seduced exotic dancer Mimi.

Women were obsessed with Yuddy---Li Zhen, Mimi, and even his adoptive mother Rebecca. And I never could figure out why. He thought only about himself and constantly told them what they could and couldn’t say. He must have been one hell of a lover to make them lose their dignity and hearts over him. Young love is often messy and impulsive with heavy doses of heartache and drama but it was hard to understand why these women found him so irresistible. How desperate for love, sex, and/or companionship they must have been. Loneliness can be a harsh mistress.

Yuddy often compared himself to a bird with no legs who had to keep flying when in reality the bird had been dead all along. The story lost steam when he left Hong Kong to find his mother in the Philippines. Without the women he seemed even more like a loser with no job, no family, and on a headlong journey to disaster.

Much of the background noise was the chiming and ticking of clocks. “I used to think a minute could pass so quickly, but actually, it can take forever,” Li Zhen told the young policeman named Tide. Later Yuddy would tell Tide, “Life really isn’t that long.” For the heartbroken, the nights took forever to pass. For a young man who made a reckless decision, it passed all too quickly and that minute would be seared in his memory.

The cast was stellar. Leslie Cheung gave Yuddy a primal movement that even the corny pickup line of, “You’ll see me in your dreams tonight” made women thirsty for him. Maggie was gorgeous but other than standing or walking around looking anguished with her hair in her eyes had little to do. Carina Lau as Mimi chewed up the scenery as the brash cabaret dancer in love with Yuddy. Andy Lau, like Maggie, was underused until the final chapter. The dark, subdued lighting and greens and golds were reminiscent of In the Mood for Love, as well as the final character revealed.

Perhaps because the actors seemed too old to be so foolhardy, I found the characters difficult to connect with and care about. The despondent mood was as dreary as the rain soaked streets the characters wandered through. Days of Being Wild was beautifully shot, lit, and composed and while mesmerizing to look at, it left me feeling empty afterward.

28 February 2024

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Be Mbitious
5 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2022
3 of 3 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5


Let me first say all 40 participants are extremely talented individuals and deserve their flowers and recognition. As a person who is obsessed with dance and dance competitions this prequel did what it needed to do! It was exciting to see a lot of my favorite choreographers and icons compete so I can admit I’m biased. I was also introduced to new dancers that I now want to learn more about. I just wish we could have seen every single battle, but to fit the allotted time block that was not possible and Mnet has not made the videos available in my country.

Aside from that, judge panel this go-round was comprised of choreographers, which was great, because they analyze and see things differently and can make rational decisions regarding their peers and colleagues. Overall, the show was very entertaining and can be enjoyed by all. All eliminations were sensible as the purpose of the program is to create a project crew for the upcoming Street Man Fighter program.

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My Love Eun Dong
5 people found this review helpful
by Elise
Feb 15, 2016
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Let me start by saying that I am fairly new to Asian Drama, but when I saw the series description on Netflix, I decided to view it. I loved it! I would have given it a complete 10 star rating, had it not been for the poorly written ending. I have noticed that many other reviewers feel the same way -- for many of the same reasons.

I won't go into detail, since I don't want to include any spoilers in my review. So, I will just say that the intensity of the characters, especially the male lead character, Jin Eun Ho (Joo Jin Mo) was lacking in that final episode. And it was simply an unsatisfactory ending, given the story line and all that had taken place beforehand. The lead characters , as well as the son, deserved a better ending. And so did the audience.

Nevertheless, it is an excellent drama, with a great cast and great music! And I would still highly recommend it to anyone seeking romantic drama -- with bits of comedy thrown in. I have not heard any news about a Season 2. Does anyone know if one is planned? It certainly has the potential for another season --- so that we can see how the relationships go and grow. I'm rooting for another season.

And, I am hoping to see more of Joo Jin Mo's movies. And more Asian Drama! I would welcome recommendations.
Revised: I just re-watched the series. And as a result changed my rating from 10 to 8.5. It was a great story until around Ep. 14-16. I don't like how the writers turned Eun Dong's husband into the victim. I recently read an article that applauded KDramas for dealing with real life issues, like abortion, single parenting and in the case of this series, adultery and divorce. However, this series failed to grapple with the issue of domestic violence, kidnapping and anger and rage management.. I can appreciate forgiveness, but it is a process. And forgiveness does not negate punishment or dealing with the issues at hand. Choi's issues are not dealt with. In fact, the writers went overboard in making him this perfect father, as if that would lessen what he did to even be a father or husband. But the main characters are the ones to suffer, and amazingly endure another separation -- this time the separation includes the son. It simply makes no sense to me. I hope there is a season 2 and the writers get a chance to write in such a way that it brings integrity to the story.

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Yong Jiu Grocery Store
5 people found this review helpful
Mar 24, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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This was such a great little drama. I had never heard about it before and I'm glad I came across it.

The drama features good acting, story, cinematography, and OST which pairs well with the story. The story is not told lineally and uses flashbacks as one of its main storytelling devices. I greatly enjoyed it in this show because all the regulars got a backstory and it showed how characters developed into who they were in the present. The ones who did not get a fully fleshed out background story, still received a little attention in the future. This was one of my favorite things as it really helped me care about each and every one of them. Even the most hateful one had my sympathy, for about 2 seconds, but still had it.

It was also interesting for me to see similarities in the way the characters grew up, going to the corner store, getting cheap candy and thinking it was the best, and playing in the streets with friends. The traveling grocery van Jun Long came up with is especially nostalgic. It brought back memories of "la guaguita del pan" from my childhood. Its main product was the bakery bread, but it was like a traveling grocery store. We would all run to the corner while yelling, "we we we", so it would stop when we wanted to buy something. The prerecorded message was similar too.

My main complaints are that, even though I enjoyed the flashbacks, they repeated some of them one too many times, some closures were half arsed, and that extra scene after "the ending" was unnecessary. Especially, if there is no season 2, even almost 5 years later.

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My Bromance: Reunion
5 people found this review helpful
Jul 27, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 3.5
This just... shines a whole other light on the whole Movie that came before this.
Honestly after seeing it i have more questions then answers, and i think even tho this is short it gives everything another meaning and it literally is so damn wrong what they did. I just can't stop feeling sorry for Bank and the whole situation is messed up. Just the thought of what can go wrong with a scenario like this, and how they ever thought this was a good idea to begin with, i don't know but it's messy. I do wanna see the next part but only to see how it's going to end, let's face it Bank will find out one way or another. Internally i just feel mad at Golf for making up something like this, it's inhuman.

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Recipe for Youth
5 people found this review helpful
Aug 24, 2021
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 3.5

Interesting premise but unfulfilled

I started watching this in between dramas. It's nice and fluffy. Exactly what it says on the tin. The actors do a pretty good job of what they're given, but the story is pretty lacking since this is a short web drama. It would be much better if it was fleshed out into a full-fledged drama. However, the ending is quite a surprise considering the first 9 episodes we have seen. There are a lot of plotholes throughout the story, but considering the ending it makes sense.
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Lady Snowblood
5 people found this review helpful
Mar 11, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
THE BEST MOST SATISFYING ACTION SAMURAI REVENGE MOVIE EVER??? I think... YES!!! This movie is so beautiful, bloody, moving, sexy, action, and awesome in so many ways

I do not understand why this film score in under an 8 on MDL, so damn disappointing, it should be all the way up there, even though this film inspire Kill Bill, This movie is better.

Story: Not going to spoil much but the story is pretty much about a young woman who tries to track down the people who killed her mother, and mother's husband and son, the story is not so complex but it just makes the movie more awesome and a good length time, don't know why people rate movies that have come out the last past 10 years higher then the movies from the 90s and under, like really? Some of the movies from the past 10 years are great but the older Japanese movies are 1000x better and amazing in so many ways, like seriously! Even though this film is known for being really bloody and gory, it makes the movies even more amazing, with out the blood and gore, well... thats boring.

Acting/Cast: Kaji Meiko as Lady Snowblood = Super badass samurai girl, give this girl an Oscar for her amazing acting! She is an amazing actress, she totally fit the role as Lady Snowblood so well, with out her, the movie is gone, Lady Snowblood character is a serious woman who seeks for one goal but will stop anyone in her way, the other characters did their role really well to, old Japanese movies are always the best, especially the acting.

Music: I love the OST!!! It's really astonishing, Meiko Kaji - Flower of Carnage - Shura No Hana is a song that appear in Kill Bill and Quentin Tarantino just put in, what a thief, he directed some amazing movies but Kill Bill is pretty much a modern american version of Lady Snowblood, Lady Snowblood is the movie where Meiko Kaji - Flower of Carnage - Shura No Hana song first appeared in.

Rewatch Value: I re-watch my favorite Asian movies a lot, this is definitely part of the re-watch list because the story, acting, blood, and music is great.

Overall: For the overall, a 10 out of freaking 10, one of the best Japanese movies of all time, and everyone should give it a try if you like revenge, action, blood, and badass female leads, I'm glad that I found this film, its so great, I have the remastered version and it looks so much nicer then the original version, if you have not seen it people, stop what your doing and watch this now, you won't regret, I promise you!

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Last Minute Romance
5 people found this review helpful
May 26, 2018
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.5
Dating contract with your favorite celebrity's look alike as your last wish????

The story is so silly, but I still watched it because it had some humour element like kdrama parodies or how fangirls are in real life.
Lee Seo Won did a great job at his dual roles. (Sucks what he did to his career tho, very disappointed)

It's definitely a one time watch for me. It's pretty well made and everything but the story doesn't appeal to me

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Dear Tenant
5 people found this review helpful
by Shiro
Oct 3, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 5.0

So very sad but also so very touching, beautiful and even kind of sweet.

This movie is really powerful, to be honest it is a bit grey and slightly depressing in the cinematography and did start off a bit slow, but the pace picks up as the story uniwines it will keep you on your toes and have you feel a whole range of emotions from anger to being touched, to wanting to fight some one and just utter despair... but you will also feel allot of love and want to just give the kid and his dad a big hug.

The characters in the movie are really well written and well played, the acting is spot on conveying emotions with both dialog and mimics as well as grey and depressing coloring, alongside some beautiful scenery. However the OST is barely present but the few music bits that are included may not be masterpieces but are extremely well fitted. To be completely honest the entertainment value is not very high but the depth, the issues and the story make up for it, life is not always about being entertained.

This movie deals with very deep and hard to handle issues, and has a bunch of potential triggers as well as some sexual content and though it did not make me cry I was pretty damn close to tears so do have some tissues or a good sleeve ready when you watch this.

All in all definitely a movie worth watching when you feel like seeing something sad...

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