Aug 8, 2012

that was wrong!!!

first he propose to ji qing but she rejected and now he propose to xiao jie WITH ji qing ring. he dont know what he want
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Aug 7, 2012


All the episodes so far I've given 10's but this one is far beyond just a 10. It was the most epic! Oh my goodness! Kang To's the only one left in his family! :( This episode made me soo sad. I hated that Kang To killed his own brother! :'( But Kang San was too mad and went all out to avenge for his mother's death. If controlled his emotions he could still be alive! I wanted to see some brother tag teaming! But as always, dramas need to have people dying (oh dramas).
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Aug 7, 2012

Another Good Episode

I'm really enjoying this show right now. Episode 5 is no exception---I get such a kick out of the ahjusshi/ahjumma relationship. The scene with the lips is so funny...
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Aug 7, 2012

No changes coming?

Ruka found out. Woah, I'm relieved but the next episode doesn't look like it'll change anything. :(

I liked the motocross-scenes since my brother does it, too (professional). It felt homey.

Wonder what's wrong with Takeru. I like him a lot.
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Aug 7, 2012


Wow, that was a great first episode. So much happened.. and it's so different from other dramas, I look forward to continuing.

Sousuke was really scary! I felt so bad for Michiru. I hope she'll break up with him soon..

And I guess Ruka will die? Or that's how the narrating sounds. Mhh, I'm going to watch the next episode now.
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Aug 7, 2012

Not that Pudding..

Urghs, I hate the pudding parts. It's way too overacted.

But the mail-parts (especially in the meeting) and the superhero scene were hilarious! xD

Also it's cute how the class is getting closer. I don't like the romance between Hikari and Makio, though. Really, it's creepy. He should stop. But somehow the crush his teacher seems to have on him is creepy, too!

And Mikio is great, but somehow I still can't stand him. He's so arrogant.

The guy with the long hair and the fan reminds me SO much of Kubozuka Yosuke! It's incredible! And so even though he's horrible I can't help but like him..

But my favorite is still Hoshino. ;)
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Aug 7, 2012

Kim Jae Joong...

...made this episode!!! He is a really good actor and his character is sad.
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Aug 7, 2012

Friendships, aw!

So I'm finally getting back to this. :)

The "dark side"-scenes were so funny! Hehe, I love this "gang" around Hoshino.

Makio's facial expressions are pretty exaggerated, sometimes it's too much. But overall it's still pretty funny.

The three girls with the cocktails were great, too.

So the fake Mikio will start school, too? Haha, that's going to be hilarious!

The ending was really cute. They're forming a bond. :)
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Aug 7, 2012

Looking good!

I watched the first episode because of Yoochun and my love for him after watching Sungkyungkwan Scandal. He didn't really have much expression there so watching this one was a surprise. His smile is quite pretty ^^

The first episode has already made a great impression on me as most of the historical parts were really beautiful. I liked the music as well. The two different stories/settings was unique since I haven't seen any other drama do this before (haven't watched much drama hehe)

The past of the two girls was quite sad.. The evil sister and little child played their roles VERY well. :)
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Aug 7, 2012

Hmm... Interesting...

Okay, well, first of all, I started this drama mainly because of Kamenashi Kazuya (who I must say, looked as fine as always).

When I first read about the drama, I saw that it was getting mixed reviews. The most common criticism was that it was really cheesy and the special effects were bogus.

Throughout the drama I could see what they meant, but I didn't think it was as bad as everyone made it sound... That is, until I got to the fight scene near the end of the episode.

And yes, now I do agree that the special effects were cheesy and I felt awkward watching it.

But it was still fun to watch nevertheless. I actually didn't get bored at all during this episode, which is rare for me (I usually have a hard time sitting through an entire episode without getting distracted).

I think it would be enjoyable to everyone if they had better effects and the monsters didn't look so fake and halloween costume-ish.

I think I'll keep watching it, just to see how it goes.

Bero is cute enough to make up for all the cheesiness anyway ^_^

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Ghost Episode 14
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 7, 2012


The part where the old man/president of sae kang was looking at the bottle made me so sad :( Even though he's meant to be the baddy, I actually felt quite sorry for him. I know Hyunmin is avenging his father but he's killed 3 people in the process (Detective Han, Shin hyo jung, old man giving laptop to Woohyun (forgot his name)) and now his uncle ;-; he's the real baddy.

Also when Jaemin went to visit his father.. :( that part was sad. I hope Hyunmin gets caught in the end (even though he's kinda hot lol) I knew that he was gonna say that Woohyun was also an accomplice!! Saw that coming.

That newscaster girl is really annoying :/ I thought she was cute at first but she's really clingy to the Crazy cow.

Ah that stupid girl!! She bugged his office. And now Woohyun is arrested.. -sigh- >_<

I like how Hyunmin is always a step ahead of them- keep's things interesting.. Let's see how it goes..

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Aug 7, 2012

some thoughts on direction of plot

There's just one thing to be said about Saewa and Hong Hyesuk(Mrs Kim) - They deserve each other. They're literally cut from the same cloth.

It's obvious where the story is turning to now, and it's going to be another long journey of manipulations and deceptions before people are put in their rightful places(which i'm counting on), but it will be interesting i think.
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Aug 7, 2012

And so it begins..

In one corner is the arrogant, annoying and childish Murong Yun Hai; coming in with OCD-musical capabilities (not to mention a thing for older women ;)), it's Duan Mu Lei in the opposing corner! Who will win? The ignorant bully or the sensitive yet cold musician?? I can't wait to find out -__*
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very romantic!

OMG what an ending for this episode!! I had never witnessed such a confession before...Gong Yoo has conquered me forever!!
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Aug 7, 2012

An interesting start

It's been over a year and a half since i've seen Boys Over Flowers or Hana Yori Dango, which I think helps since this version seems to be a reboot of the story. It starts off with three boys wanting to get expelled, a series of events occur that put them in confrontation with the main girl, Chu Yu Xun, and then the fourth and main character comes into the picture, Murong Yun Hai. The interactions are funny and Yu Xun is that perfect blend of annoying self righteousness and naïveté that cracks me up- a good first episode :))
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