Aug 7, 2012

Nice ending!

Wow, she rejected him! At least in the beginning, but that really surprised me. Also they matured so much, they seem like completely different people. Except for Linda's death I like how this turned out. Giving Haru a cheesy happy end would've been unrealistic with both Doctor and Nakaji. So this was perfect.

I honestly expected another tragedy to occur (like Nakaji or at least his Dad dying or something like that), but I'm glad they left it out. At least one rather positive episode, that's great.

I loved the letter scenes. I always think letters are a nice was to narrate or to do time jumps and it fit perfectly again here. :)

We finally got to see Peach again, too. She kind of disappeared somewhere in the beginning of Episode 10.. :P

I don't know if I should write a review for this. I had so much to say in the Episode Reviews that I don't know what to write.. ^^''

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Aug 6, 2012


I can't believe it. Linda died in this episode and they managed to make it SO undramatic that I didn't even cry - And I normally cry whenever someone dies. Linda was my favorite character and his death was so unexpected, I actually sat there gaping at the screen and was shocked.

Anyway, there were so many tragedies in this drama that they didn't manage to make his death dramatic? Well then they should have left it out! He could have just as well stayed alive if they are going to forget him 10 minutes later anyway. It's so unfair!

The only use he had in this drama was being a counselor and his last wish was to get Nakaji to confess to Haru? Are you actually kidding me?

.. I was so mad I forgot the rest of the episode. I wanted Haru to go with Doctor after all or rather I didn't really care - But I hate how it turned out to be now. Stopping them at the last minute, I can't help but feel sorry for Doctor. And I'm really mad at Haru because I know she'll choose Nakaji. That's a horrible thing to do.

Argh.. I don't even know how to rate this!

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Aug 6, 2012

Not Linda!

No, no way! I wanted to write "Wow, that was a positive episode for a change.." but guess what?! This drama doesn't have positive episodes!

Not Linda, he can't die. He just can't. I hope Nakaji was in time to save him, I really really don't want him to die. Now that he only needed to tell Nakaji about his boss, then everything would have been okay. He wasn't even hated.

He can't die. :(

(And the blood looked so fake. But Nakaji's worry looked so real that I overlooked it.)
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Aug 6, 2012

Drama, Drama.

Awww nooo! Finally Linda gets the courage to run away from his boss, runs to Nakaji and of course Peach has to interrupt. Argh, I can't believe it! And Nakaji even figured out there was something between Linda and his boss.. he was so close. I'm so worried. :(

And Peach is getting incredibly egoistical. She's taking advantage of Nakaji being weak, I'm sure she knows that Haru doesn't really like Doctor. And I used to like her, but I don't anymore.

And Doctor is getting on my nerves. He's so nervous and awkward, it's unnatural.

How come they're all smiling on the picture the drama has on here when nothing even remotely good happened yet? ..

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Aug 6, 2012

much better

This episode was much better. Things start to make sense and previously stiff actors seem to be more relaxed and natural in their roles.

One thing that bothers me: a new haircut of Da Ran - she looks so old now and it was said that In Tak prefers younger women - or am I wrong?

Nevertheless, this was a good episode and I'm glad I didn't drop this drama.
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Aug 6, 2012

This is becoming a harem.

I think Drama writers really need to learn that no matter how hot a person it, not everybody will fall in love with them. And it's no excuse either that they have ONE character who loves someone else (Doctor in this one). Really, this is ridiculous. I know now what people have been talking about.

And Linda.. he does so much for everyone, but nobody really cares about him. He's someone in the background who has little to no screentime! It's so unfair. He deserves much more. :(

I'm starting to dislike Doctor. Traditional ways of thinking are okay and all, but he can't tell a girl he's been dating for such a short time that she should stop working and marry him. Especially not if he hardly has enough money to support himself and his sister.

His sister is great, though. She's cute. :)

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Aug 6, 2012

This was predictable..

Wow.. even though they are by far not by favorite couple, I have to admit that the last scene between Nakaji and Haru just now was perfect, cute and incredibly romantic. I fell in love with it.

And Doctor said some harsh things.. I knew it wouldn't be working out between Haru and him, but somehow I can't feel bad for him. He's just so awkward (or is it me not liking JaeJoong? I was doing pretty good blending that out) and weird in everything.

Of course as expected, Peach's miscarriage was handled SO wrong! She was actually loving that baby, she wouldn't be back to normal in a matter of days and working in a children's clothing shop on top of it. There's just no way! Argh, I hated it.

And an "early" miscarriage, too. Still the ultrasound they showed was not early at all, but I guess she was supposed to be in her 8th - 10th week. They could give the viewers some credit and show fitting ultrasounds, even if those wouldn't look like babies as much yet.

Ah and I couldn't bring myself to feel pity for Nakaji's girlfriend, either. Though they tried to make me feel it, I still can't stand her. ;)

And Linda.. He still gets way too less credit.

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Aug 6, 2012

So far so... good?

Well, first episode wasn't the best. This whole thing looks a bit like a b-class movie - everything is less sparkling, the music is annoying and a plot seems to be all over the place. You can see that this drama had lower budget than those the most popular.

But, even if there are some flaws, I'm not dropping it. From the positive side: Yun Jung Hoon's english is PERFECT, he should teach a few korean stars how to speak english fluently (especially So Ji Sub, I love this man but his supposedly australian accent was horrible). Another thing - his acting, as always, is very good - he fits the role of an asshole obsessed over money - loved the scene with a journalist's butt. I think I will like the main female too - as for now she is a bit naive, but it seems she will go through a major character developement soon.

So far this drama is not what I normally watch, but since Yun Jung Hoon is in it, I'm giving it a chance to surprise me.

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Aug 6, 2012


Oho, lots of drama this time. Linda, no drugs please. Why doesn't anyone notice it already? I feel so sorry for him!

And please don't let Peach lose her baby. She looked so happy when she received her maternity pass. I don't think it would be treated correctly in this drama, either..

I liked that it was Doctor who saved Haru and not Nakaji. But his chances seem slim, anyway.

Haru's student is getting on my nerves. How could he be so cold and just watch? And as far as I know Haru, she still won't tell on him. If she knew what he's doing to her brother that would be another tale..

But the relationship between Haru's mom and Nakaji's dad is just TOO clicheed. I guess Nakaji's dad will have to die so Nakaji and Haru can be happy together without being siblings. Great.

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Aug 6, 2012

Funny scenes. ;D

Is it just me or was the first part of this episode extremely boring? Only recaps and monologues.. Except for the bathroom scene. That was outright hilarious. xD

The second part was funny, though. The random music player, the sleeping tree song, the egg and especially Ba Ool and Hyun Woo! They are always incredibly funny together. Hehe. ;D

And he nearly kissed her in the end! But seeing as he didn't get to finish I guess they'll be interrupted again. Hmpf.
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Aug 6, 2012

Musical Episode? ;)

Thank god he stopped them kissing! I just hate that couple. -.-

And poor Ba Ool, how can the swan girl be so horrible? She makes it look like she does nothing wrong while she's in a relationship with two guys, one of them an open relationship. Urghs.

And I really want Kang Hyeok and Eun Bi together. He's perfect!

Will they all turn out to be siblings or something? I think at least two of them will. I hope it's Eun Bi and Chi Soo. :P

Seeing Chi Soo's dad in the tub always looks kind of creepy. He's great when he has clothes on, though. ;)
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Big Episode 16
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 6, 2012

Omg no

I can0t stand that ending- really sucks!
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That kiss was the best part of the entire episode! *-* It was even more sudden than I expected. I knew it was gonna come because I had seen the scene in videos on youtube, but I thought they were gonna have some sort of transition to get to it. It was so... wow... it must be one of the best kisses I've ever seen in asian dramas. I wonder how he's gonna explain this... I hope he doesn't get too melodramatic.
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This is just hilarious

The funny scenes in this show are absolutely hilarious XD Whenever something serious is about to happen BAM they totally mess it up and add a joke lol

The ending was so interesting though *-* I think from now on they're going to start being proper rivals. Also, is it just me or do they keep adding scenes similar to Secret Garden...? This ending, his method of seeing her without telling her the real reason (or him being completely aware of it himself), those lines in the bathroom... many many similarities.
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Aug 6, 2012

the not so romantic vacation with Oska

This episode is a concentrate of funny lines and the perfect stage for Oska to shine in all his over the top vainglory.

My mom laughs every time he's on screen, and I with her.

She's warming up to all the side characters too, and she keeps on enjoying this drama immensely. She actually clapped at RaIm slapping Joo Won.

"You deserved it, super jerk!", is what she commented. Dear mom.

At that point, I truly wanted to know her opinion on something I ask myself almost every time I watch a k-drama.

- "why do you think we enjoy a love story between a good girl and a cosmic bastard? In real life, we would stay well away from such a man."

- "mmm... because we know he's going to change?"

- "possibly. Do you think the fact that Hyun Bin is like a ton of hormones walking on legs, has anything to do with our leniency?"

- "it sure helps... a little."

- "right, a little."

- "Ha! I know it! The higher he climbs on his mountain of prejudices and arrogance, the louder is his falling thud going to be. I can't wait!"

This being said, she also noticed that Joo Won's the one who kept on watching back in search of RaIm while biking down the mountain, while Oska only thought of winning the race.

Little details are at times louder than any speech.

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