Aug 6, 2012

Rattlesnake mother appears

You will laugh, but I was a little on edge about watching this episode with my mom. It is one of my favourites, but it also contains the most disturbing scene in the drama for me: Joo Won throwing clothes at RaIm's feet and stating she's not worthy of even being thought of as his toy mistress.

When I saw it the first time, I truly wanted to cause Joo Won physical pain, and until now I can't think of it without shivering.

That same scene, however, is also one of the most sensually charged and revealing, and this is what my mother focused her attention on.

Although condemning Joo Won's behaviour on basically everything he does and says, she agrees with him on one thing only: RaIm's badly dressed.

me: "she's poor. How can he humiliate her for the fact that she can't afford things?"

mom: "it's not a question of money. She could just wear a pair of normal jeans and a white T-shirt, it would be classier. He's not criticizing her poverty, he's blaming her lack of propriety."

I can't contradict her: that's the main point of the episode, mirrored perfectly when Joo Won's mother appears at his house and suggests RaIm is there to collect money for her "services". And not surprisingly, Joo Won's appalled too, now that he hears it from the mouth of somebody else.

Mom laughed out loud at the Kim's family lunch. She commented on how perfectly chosen the two sisters are: Oska's mother is the essence of vanity and shallowness, just like his son. And Joo Won's is a modern Lady Catherine de Bourg, haughty, unreasonable, obnoxious and materialistic.

For those who may have forgotten or overlooked the exchange between the two sisters, here's how it starts:

Oska's mom: What were you talking about?

JW's mom: Does anyone here have a chatty mouth except for you?

Oska's mom: Is it not possible to get plastic surgery on that attitude?

Oska's mom: It's lame without my Woo Young. [...] I just talked to him, he said he's in Jeju island, not in Thailand.

JW's mom: He's like that. Doesn't even know where he is.

Hahahahaha. Oh my. :D

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Could it get any better?

Ok this is really getting amazing *-* both those guys are starting to show some real feelings for her. And the passive guy is finally waking up! Yay! I don't like him paired up with Eun Bi, but it makes the story soooo interesting :D Chi Soo and Eun Bi have such an amazing chemistry, even when they are faking it XD They were so cute when they were pretending to be a couple ^^ lol
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Romance in the air

This is another good episode. My favourite parts were when Park Tae In started working and bought the dress for her and when she wore the dress and went out for a picnic with him...great, great story so far!
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Aug 6, 2012

the ole switch a roo

wow the flower shop has messed up the flower ordering. so what will happen to the supposed couple now????
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Aug 6, 2012

happy endings

i cried when her best friend got married and moved out the house. i mean they did everything together and moved in together it like being sister almost. i guess it hard to see your best friend move on with life get married, have kids etc....
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Aug 6, 2012


This drama makes me feel nostalgic and I'm not even from that era!! I'm right now experiencing my days of youth being the ripe age of 17, but why does this drama make me feel so much older than that? In a way it may be because living in this age, my generation has more knowledge and experience in the areas concerning the opposite sex, but back then it was kind of hush-hush, you learned as you grew. There is this sense of innocence that oozes out of this drama which my generation doesn't seem to have. Maybe in Korea it does, but as for my generation in the Western world it doesn't.

But YoonJae and Shiwon are totally adorable!! I hope they end up together. The scene from 2012 kinda hints that they are but I couldn't help noticing that YoonJae is sitting awfully close to YooJung (I think that's her name, its the girl who switches the guy she likes all the time). I love how this drama is set up like sort of a mystery drama. The watchers get the characters pasts and from that and the scenes from 2012 they have to figure out who is the couple that made it from 1997 to 2012.

I also really like the sheep noises that are randomly put in during funny scenes. I burst out laughing as soon as I hear them.

The only complain I have is that there isn't enough secondary character scenes. Its just a bunch of Shiwon and YoonJae. I'm not complaining because I like their storyline, but the ohter characters are also pretty important to this drama. It's only the second episode so I hope that they get more into the secondary characters.

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Aug 6, 2012

Please no more romance and love triangles.

Aw, them working together was so cute. And Doctor's co-workers are horrible. Incredible.

The baby in Peach's ultrasound was way older than 12 weeks by the way. If she had had an abortion at THAT stadium, it would've truly been nothing less than murder.. Glad she kept the baby. Hope she'll stop drinking now. -.-

I still feel bad for doctor, but I really hate the romance part of this drama. It kind of feels embarrassing, no matter if it's Haru oder Doctor confessing. I just don't like it.

Also Linda gets way too less credit. I hope they find out about his boss soon and stop it! Now he has to do that horrible stuff again, he should've just let her try her luck with Nakaji. Nakaji would've declined and maybe figured it out.. :/

Poor Haru's brother, too! They're just using him.. and hurting him. :(

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Aug 5, 2012

Tragedies and drama. Wow.

Peach! What's wrong with that girl? Did she really still drink alcohol? She doesn't even deserve to be a mother.

And Linda is great, he's slowly becoming my favorite character. All the things he does for his friends without thinking about himself. He's amazing, too bad he won't get Nakaji. :(

And Nakaji's girlfriend is horrible. She's really becoming the typical female second lead. I hate her. And how can Nakaji be so cold towards Haru and not listen to her, let alone push her down and let her sit there?

And Haru's just as bad, now she's using Doctor to comfort herself. So egoistical.

And the drama won't stop there, so the guy Haru's mom likes is Nakaji's dad AND is obviously sick? This is going to be tragic.

They're testing how many tragedies they can mush together without it becoming a confusing mess.

It may not sound like it, but apart from hating Nakaji's girlfriend and Haru / Doctor couple I still like it. :P

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Aug 5, 2012

Is this getting better or not?!

I'm not denying that this episode was better than the first one, but I'm still not really into it. Maybe historical just isn't my thing (this is the first historical drama I'm watching).

And seriously, the girl looks and acts nothing like a boy. About half the people seem to know she's female, too - It's so weird. Nobody complains or tells the officials?

Apart from the costumes they're all acting pretty modern by the way. That's weird, too.

I'm still going to fight through episode 3.. but tomorrow. :/
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Ghost Episode 13
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 5, 2012

Another villian?

I really love how the bad guy is always changing throughout the episodes x) Makes everything so exciting. I like how we were first suspicious of Detective Byung then we found the real one, Doctor Kang. He better not have deleted all the evidence!! >_
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Ghost Episode 12
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 5, 2012


Ooh I like the twist of events here! So the person who killed the old man (forgot his name) wasn't Hyun min after all. It was the evil uncle!!! D: Now they're making me feel sorry for Hyun min.

He's so mean haha "If you want to save your son, die" but I really like Hyun min's relation with his dad in the past, so sad that he had to die and now he's doing revenge for him.

Another good scene is when Jae hee is in the car and he sees the USB and gets the hell out of it when he sees Woohyun pointing at it with the remote XD

I love how he gets arrested. the badass music seemed even more badass at that moment.

The endings are always the best!!! who killed jae he?! whos the spy?!

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Loving this!

The story is getting better and better! ^_^ The chemistry between Chi Soo and Eun Bi is more and more lovable ^^ I really don't see her with the other guy. They don't have any chemistry and they don't have many romantic moments anyway. So far he doesn't really seem as a rival, he's just like another supporting character. I wonder when he'll get involved more.
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So that's how it's gonna start! I'm curious to see how these two will develop into something romantic ^-^ That other guy is seriously weird though. He doesn't show much feelings, he's just a bright creature trying to help everyone... he needed some backstory.
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Mop Girl Episode 10
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 5, 2012

WOw cliffhanger much?

I wonder if those glasses belong to Momoko's father.. and since Otomo still doesn't realize that Momoko was saved by his late lover- that whole part of the story remains unanswered, don't even get me started on her 'powers'.. I want a second season!
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Getting interesting...

It's getting interesting hehe :D I hope that ending was real and not imagined.
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