Jul 16, 2012

an awkward moment......

yeah 4 people drinking tea and then going to xiaozi second home and then getting more cozy. awkward!!!
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Jul 16, 2012


the reason why i giving this a 7 cause daoming si has slapped shancai. i mean there are other ways to bring a person back to reality but slapping someone especially when they are a girl..... not cool not cool....
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Jul 16, 2012

the mother has arrive.....

wow pretty impressive that shancai could play the piano. i feel bad for shancai cause her mother is always thinking bout all the money shancai could get if she marries daoming si.
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Jul 16, 2012

Episode 10

This episode is pretty nice and has a very beautiful scene which I like especially. It's the one when Ah Jung gets a bit drunk and Hyun Ki Joon calls her name. :D That's really sweet :X:X:X
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Jul 16, 2012

too immature to be 33

Although I like the fact that the female lead is a 33 yr old virgin who writes smut for adult magazines, some of her actions are too childish to be believed. I guess this type of broad comedy isn't supposed to be realistic, but watching her let Cheol Soo believe that she is pregnant was annoying. The sister is also a major jerk, and I can already tell she will interfere, and be a seriously annoying problem in the future.

I'm waiting to see some great chemistry, but so far i'm unimpressed.
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Jul 16, 2012

I love the writer!

They did it! They actually did it! They put a twist into the story and they managed to get neither one of them completely rejected just yet. I love the writer/s. I'd hug them right now. They're brilliant! I don't know how they do it. This just gets better and better. The flow of events is really unpredictable, but everytime I fear something bad will happen they manage to straighten it smoothly or give it a sudden humorous twist. I adore this show! And I'm so glad I'll get to keep seeing this fantasy relationship between Mu Won and Eun Seol. *-*

Though this episode really made me pity Ji Heon more. He really seems like a kid in this one and not in a good way. So far I've only seen his childishness as cute, because I thought he mostly did it on purpose, but he really seems to have a lot of issues. I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy. He seems so helpless it breaks my heart :( But I really like the way he's trying to change for her. He's got a really nice voice btw :O But I'm wondering how they're gonna fill the other half of the show. They're already at this point so soon - they've confessed and also got rejected (sort of). What can they possibly do for 10 more episodes? Are they gonna start fighting over Eun Seol again? I hope so *-*

The scene with Ji Heon's dad with the scissors was probably the funniest one in this episode XD "Even I dreamed of No Eun Seol all night" lmao he's a funny character despite his occasional outbursts.

Oh and the way those two kept staring at Eun Seol and Mu Won from the window O_O How do they not feel embarrassed seriously? O_O What sane person could do that so calmly?

Also, I just noticed this must be the only drama which has mostly instrumental songs. I think I've only heard one song with lyrics so far. In a way I find it better, cause I don't have to focus on the artist's voice at the same time as listening to the characters. I never realized how big of a difference that makes.

Ooooh and what a perfect ending! ^_____________^

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Jul 16, 2012


So, we finally see what is up with Yi Soo's family. Totally messed up. Good thing her "oopas" handled it. I also like that once she made a decision to be with Do Jin, she has taken meassures so that he can't push her away with out a fight. Good for her.

I think it is cool that Colin and "what's his name" that Yi Soo teaches are becoming friends.

I guess the men finally figured out just how serious Me Ahri is about Yoon. Maybe Tae San will rethink his position.

It was good to see Jung Rok and Min Sook together as well as Tae San and Se Ra.
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Jul 16, 2012

So, 4 more eps to go.....

They finally let us in into the story behind her dislike for her mum....... This ep was basically about Colin, Kim Do Jin, Seo Yi Soo and Im Meahri

Hong Se Ra is beginning to lower that pride of ours.....it wasn't getting her to nowhere in the first place....an she has added something she and Seo Yi Soo shares on the list of property she wants to sell to solve her money issues....

Colin needs to school.....the ''best school'' was none other than the school where Yi Soo teaches.... I guess you know what class he will be placed in already.... and that just makes the relationship between Yi Soo and Do Jin more complicated....

We got to see the mother of Yi Soo and those 2 grown men from ep 14 I think, are you not giving Yi Soo any breathing space.....but not to worry her ''oppas'' sorted it out.....

Im Meahri has definitely.....should I say lost it?? She was shown crying her heart and soul out during the memorial of Jung Ah, Yoon's deceased wife, begging her to make Yoon like her.....in the presence of Yoon, her brother, Rok and Do Jin.... not a good sight.... now the atmosphere is reallllly tensed between the four friends...

What do we call the relationship between Yi Soo an Do Jin?? Push and pull?? or is it a situation, where we say the table has turned.....

There are still more 4 eps to go.... So far so good, I've enjoyed every bit of it.... I only wish they resolve their issues any little, just a little bit quicker......

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Jul 16, 2012


So, both women got to ''access'' each other, which I'd like to call First love Vs. Last love (even though is not yet confirmed).

Hong Se Ra is still hanging on to her Pride, like that will save her from all the interests and loans that she's owing....

The richest woman in town, Park Min Sook did it again, by helping Seo Yi Soo with the harassment issue her ever-troublesome student is facing....

What I don't understand now, is what difference does it make if Yoon decides to date Meahri or the other way round??....it as clear as crystal, that does two like each other......

We were also introduced to a new-kind of relationship, it's between Seo Yi Soo and Kim Do Jin.....but I don't think it's a kind, I want to be involved in, even though it#s tempting.....

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Jul 16, 2012


I really enjoyed the first episode of RM,PW...I'd not seen a j-drama in 6 months that I've wanted to watch until recently, and this one might just become my favorite Oguri Shun drama ever. I'm interested as to why she uses Chihiro and what her ultimate motive is in doing so.
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Jul 16, 2012

Original, Fun and Intelligent

At first I was thinking : "they are trying to give us a classic K-drama romance, J-style". So I basically was only watching because of Oguri Shun. Then I was pleasantly surprised by the relationship between them. We are not in the classic type or tension, and the Cinderella cliché is actually enjoyable and original.

Also the cliffhanger of this very first episode left me speechless. I surely wasn't expecting THAT.

In fact I think they gave us all the clichés we usually use in this type of romance drama in the 1st episode (you'll recognize them, trust me) on purpose. Like : "ok, now that THAT is behind us, let's move on and make an actual story out of this show !"

Well, I really can't wait to see the next episode!

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Jul 16, 2012

Favorite Episode ever!

I'm giving this is a 10 for one reason only. Daoming Si's cuteness overload. I think I'm going to rewatch this episode and this episode only when I finish this drama and start to miss it. He is just too cute. His dance, his smile, his shyness.

I guess Vanness's dancing and "Ohhh gonnna get some tonight" made it an awesome episode as well.

And lets not forget the kiss.... oh if you don't want him Shancai, I'll gladly take Daoming Si off of your hands for you.
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Jul 16, 2012

revenge is sweet!!

well thumbs up to yisoo for getting her own lil slice of the revenge pie, and sticking it to dojin where it hurts. and thumbs up for sticking in there too. am sure its bound to wrk out soon

kim eunhee is not so bad i actually like her, but i admit that she did dojin wrong but ,hey......... she did try to tell him.

am glad that dojin is doing the right thing and making Colin stay. he might be the reason the he is having problems with his love life but, he gets props for taking responsibility and trying to take care of his son. and part of me feels dojin is right to do what he did with yisoo. he cant force her into that situation she has to choose it for herself.

all i can do is laugh at maehal's atempt lol

and all i can do is shake my head at im tesan and hong sera.... you know and i know its not over between them. fighting!


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Jul 16, 2012

A dash of seriousness

I loved this episode! If it wasn't for the ending, this would've actually been my favourite episode. I don't even know where to start XD What scene should I praise first for it's hilariousness?

The fight in the restaurant - omg to see Mu Won behave like that was the funniest thing ever! "Don't bite, don't bite!" lmao that fight was epic XD

Then that dinner scene - I couldn't help but crack up when Mu Won kept offering food to Ji Heon XD the look on his face was priceless. And then the pillow fight. These two have got to be the most adorable male leads I've ever seen. At times I was more interested in seeing these two bicker than an actual romantic moment between them and No Eun Seol. They're just that amazing! XD

Also the way she kept trying to reply to Mu Won's confession but he kept running away while that other guy was always somewhere nearby creepily watching them XD everything was way too funny in this episode! XD I couldn't stop laughing! Even that poor woman, Na Yoon (gosh I still have problems remembering her name), made me laugh at one point: "blahblahblah company matters blahblahblah" then suddenly "Does it seem like I have a problem?" lol I could answer that... how can you ask your employees that?! I really feel sorry for her.

And once again, I have to mention, the music is amazing. Purely outstanding. It brings out the best in each scene.

But I really have a bad feeling about the ending of this episode. :/ I feel bad for both these guys. I hate that Ji Heon's father is trying to separate them, but I'd also hate to see Mu Won rejected again. I knew this would happen, since she's not supposed to end up with him, but I wish they could have held onto that fantasy for a bit longer. I really liked the chemistry between them, I wanted to see more cute scenes of them. After all, he only just confessed! It's so unfair for him :( But this clearly looks like one of those decisive moments when she'll reject him for real. My only hope for this fantasy relationship to continue a bit more lies in the fact that this show is very unpredictable. It's the first in a while to have surprised me almost all the time. So maybe they'll add a twist to still keep those two going.

OMG I didn't realize I typed that much! This episode really had a strong effect on me XD

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Jul 16, 2012


Ji hoon, swing her off her feet like she's never been before. =D

Ahh this show never gets boring.

The way Ye Woon's character dumped her boyfriend. Dayum. Haha. It was so funny. :D

And the stalker, I think he has a crush on her. I kinda like the guy. :P

Can't wait for the next episode. This drama's fun. Don't EVER miss out on the fun.
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