Jul 16, 2012


I really enjoyed the first episode of RM,PW...I'd not seen a j-drama in 6 months that I've wanted to watch until recently, and this one might just become my favorite Oguri Shun drama ever. I'm interested as to why she uses Chihiro and what her ultimate motive is in doing so.
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Jul 16, 2012

Original, Fun and Intelligent

At first I was thinking : "they are trying to give us a classic K-drama romance, J-style". So I basically was only watching because of Oguri Shun. Then I was pleasantly surprised by the relationship between them. We are not in the classic type or tension, and the Cinderella cliché is actually enjoyable and original.

Also the cliffhanger of this very first episode left me speechless. I surely wasn't expecting THAT.

In fact I think they gave us all the clichés we usually use in this type of romance drama in the 1st episode (you'll recognize them, trust me) on purpose. Like : "ok, now that THAT is behind us, let's move on and make an actual story out of this show !"

Well, I really can't wait to see the next episode!

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Jul 16, 2012

Favorite Episode ever!

I'm giving this is a 10 for one reason only. Daoming Si's cuteness overload. I think I'm going to rewatch this episode and this episode only when I finish this drama and start to miss it. He is just too cute. His dance, his smile, his shyness.

I guess Vanness's dancing and "Ohhh gonnna get some tonight" made it an awesome episode as well.

And lets not forget the kiss.... oh if you don't want him Shancai, I'll gladly take Daoming Si off of your hands for you.
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Jul 16, 2012

revenge is sweet!!

well thumbs up to yisoo for getting her own lil slice of the revenge pie, and sticking it to dojin where it hurts. and thumbs up for sticking in there too. am sure its bound to wrk out soon

kim eunhee is not so bad i actually like her, but i admit that she did dojin wrong but ,hey......... she did try to tell him.

am glad that dojin is doing the right thing and making Colin stay. he might be the reason the he is having problems with his love life but, he gets props for taking responsibility and trying to take care of his son. and part of me feels dojin is right to do what he did with yisoo. he cant force her into that situation she has to choose it for herself.

all i can do is laugh at maehal's atempt lol

and all i can do is shake my head at im tesan and hong sera.... you know and i know its not over between them. fighting!


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Jul 16, 2012

A dash of seriousness

I loved this episode! If it wasn't for the ending, this would've actually been my favourite episode. I don't even know where to start XD What scene should I praise first for it's hilariousness?

The fight in the restaurant - omg to see Mu Won behave like that was the funniest thing ever! "Don't bite, don't bite!" lmao that fight was epic XD

Then that dinner scene - I couldn't help but crack up when Mu Won kept offering food to Ji Heon XD the look on his face was priceless. And then the pillow fight. These two have got to be the most adorable male leads I've ever seen. At times I was more interested in seeing these two bicker than an actual romantic moment between them and No Eun Seol. They're just that amazing! XD

Also the way she kept trying to reply to Mu Won's confession but he kept running away while that other guy was always somewhere nearby creepily watching them XD everything was way too funny in this episode! XD I couldn't stop laughing! Even that poor woman, Na Yoon (gosh I still have problems remembering her name), made me laugh at one point: "blahblahblah company matters blahblahblah" then suddenly "Does it seem like I have a problem?" lol I could answer that... how can you ask your employees that?! I really feel sorry for her.

And once again, I have to mention, the music is amazing. Purely outstanding. It brings out the best in each scene.

But I really have a bad feeling about the ending of this episode. :/ I feel bad for both these guys. I hate that Ji Heon's father is trying to separate them, but I'd also hate to see Mu Won rejected again. I knew this would happen, since she's not supposed to end up with him, but I wish they could have held onto that fantasy for a bit longer. I really liked the chemistry between them, I wanted to see more cute scenes of them. After all, he only just confessed! It's so unfair for him :( But this clearly looks like one of those decisive moments when she'll reject him for real. My only hope for this fantasy relationship to continue a bit more lies in the fact that this show is very unpredictable. It's the first in a while to have surprised me almost all the time. So maybe they'll add a twist to still keep those two going.

OMG I didn't realize I typed that much! This episode really had a strong effect on me XD

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Jul 16, 2012


Ji hoon, swing her off her feet like she's never been before. =D

Ahh this show never gets boring.

The way Ye Woon's character dumped her boyfriend. Dayum. Haha. It was so funny. :D

And the stalker, I think he has a crush on her. I kinda like the guy. :P

Can't wait for the next episode. This drama's fun. Don't EVER miss out on the fun.
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Jul 16, 2012

So Precious!!!!

This is why I'm Team Ji Hoo! He's too cute!! He so sweet! I love his YES!!!! when Yeol Mae said she'd give him a chance. And he bought her a bike!!! Ahhh too cute!!! Girl you better fall for him, forget Seok Hyun. Though that may be hard with your living situation and all...

I really don't get Yeol Mae's and Seok Hyun's relationship. How can they be so normal after fighting and breaking up. I'd avoid my ex-bf for as long as I could after we broke up. But it works for them.

Jae Kyung is slowly becoming one of my favorite characters in this drama. I just adore her and her bf. She's so strong, I'm jelly.

Mr. Nosy(Mr. Kim but I'm going to call him Mr. Nosy)... you like Ji Hee don't you. Even though you may not realize it yet, but you def like her. I mean why else would you follow her and make sure that she broke up with her bf. I can't wait to see this couple interact more. Love this episode. LOVE Ji Hoo!!!

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Big Episode 12
2 people found this review helpful
Jul 16, 2012

Fine. It was just a kiss.

I agree it was JUST a kiss. But it was Goong Yoo's kiss. It was not JUST a kiss. >_> GOOONG YOOOOOO. :P

Anyway. We're back on track. We only have 4 episodes left.

Don't drop it, it's no use. You won't be able to. If you are then I can't believe you watch it till the end and then dropped it at the last moment when the truth was about to be revealed. :P


Don't drop it.
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Jul 16, 2012

Ganbatte, Yusuke-kun!!

I Can't believe that she would do that to poor Yusuke. Its not like it is his fault what parents he have. Saying that nobody will ever like him, That is just cruel. I knew that the teacher was going to be extremely tuff in behavior, And I really do like her character here.. But besides that, Her behavior towards Yusuke really is unforgiveable. I am really glad Kazumi-chan stepped forward.. Despite of fearing her teacher fiercely she still stood up for her friend. Ganbatte ne, Kazu-chan..

great episode, Definately a intense ending.

Getting mixed feels for the sensei.. Hoping that she won't be attacking Yusuke too much more. He has a hard enough life as it is..


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Jul 16, 2012

Woah. Japan. Woah.

It's like such a great drama after such A LONG TIME. I've mostly dropped J-Dramas. But this one's plot is just too good. Dramas which hook me on on the first episode. I always tend to finish them.

This is probably the first time after Hana Kimi that I'm liking Oguri Shun. I hated his character in Hana Yori Dango. No special reason. I hate Kim Hyun Joon for probably the same reason. :P

But dude.. I can't really wait for this thing to air anymore. >_<

It's just too damn good.
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Sprout Episode 1
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 16, 2012


I thought it'd be about a huge boarding house and the owner's daughter would be like this rich person and one day a guy from her school would join who she had a crush on her whole life. But never confessed -- Something on that line.

(Which kinda was like that)

But it was different. It was good, cute. I don't know anybody in the cast but that's what makes it interesting. I don't love anybody and i don't hate anybody. YET. You know what I'm talking about.

I'm looking forward to this. Looks like a cute, sensible, on the line based drama.
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Jul 16, 2012


Go Ji Hoon!!!! You go get your girl!!! I loved this episode. I found Yeol Mae to be annoying in this episode but yet respectable. She may try and cling on to Seok Hyun but at least she isn't doing the typical Kdrama cliche and using Ji Hoon to make him jealous, so I respect her for that. She knows that she doesn't like Ji Hoon as more than friends and tells him that. But I'm sure she'll start liking him more than that soon enough, I mean the guy is hot, sweet, charming, and he can sing,cook, and is good with kids. What more does a girl need. He's perfect husband material. I'm Team Ji Hoon all the way!

Seok Hyun is a different story, I've said this before I wouldn't mind if Yeol Mae ends up with him but his personality needs to change a bit. He needs to be more open and accepting. He has a secret, which I'm itching to figure out, but he won't tell Yeol Mae. Why won't he tell her? Aren't they best friends? Best friends can tell each other anything. How bad exactly is this secret? Ooohhh so many questions, not enough answers.

I love Jae Kyung's character now! She is Kickbutt! I love her and her, for lack of better term, weedlike personality.

There wasn't much about Ji Hee in this episode, but I really want her to dump her loser BF and get with Mr. Nosy.

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Jul 15, 2012


I actually loved this series until the last 3 episodes aired. Starting from episode 14 and onward (till now), I thought there were way too many fillers.

The character dynamics are being rehashed. I honestly feel like the last 3 episodes could have been condensed to 1 episode.

It also seems like they've dismissed Do Jin's illness. The last time that it was prominent was when Yi Soo found out about it. After that, they just seemed to ignore it.

The addition of Colin feels out of place. Perhaps, it's just me, but I feel like it's lacking any excitement. The characters feel like they're on a stalemate.

I can already predict where the story is heading. I loved how our OTP started off, but now they've become so dull. I'd rather watch the other couples.

The development b/w Yoon and Mea Ri keeps on going around in circle. When the heck is he gonna let their love course flow?

Some of the typical Korean elements are surfacing from these last few episodes. I thought they'd be able to escape it due to the unique characters. I guess not...

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Jul 15, 2012

Superb handling of conflicts

I never get tired of saying how much I love this drama! ^-^ Haha I discover new things I like about it with each episode I watch. What I appreciate the most about it so far is how they don't go in too deep with the conflicts. Having watched Secret Garden and Baby-faced Beauty, both having crazy mothers or jealous women, I flinch everytime similar scenes appear in here. When she received phone calls from both those moms I was thinking "No no no please don't create a big mess out of this!" But thankfully No Eun Seol is not a pushover and this show can handle conflictual situations superbly! I'm really adoring it for this!

I'm also starting to like Mu Won & No Eun Seol more and more... I don't know how that's possible, but there's great chemistry between both "couples". When I see her with Ji Heon I think they're so cute together and when I see her with Mu Won I think they're so fit for each other and look great together. I really wouldn't mind whoever she ends up with. Lucky girl, really...

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Jul 15, 2012


Ok so the first episode is interesting, but it seems like a typical romance story. Reading the synopsis I was looking forward to some funny forced to live together hijinks but unfortunately there really weren't any. Now I haven't read the manga, so I'm going into this without any information. But this episode was pretty cute. I can already tell I'm going to be torn over who Miku should be with. I really like Souhei but he has a girlfriend. Also I kinda don't like how Miku already fell for him, I wanted some bickering :P. His friend on the other hand is a playa but really good-looking and he has that charismatic aura. Speaking of Souhei's girlfriend, I don't really get her character. I think she's supposed to be like one of the prettiest girls in school but honestly I don't think she's that pretty. Miku is a lot prettier. It may be her haircut but she doesn't seem like the type of girl that a lot of guys would think is extremely attractive. That kinda annoys me honestly, they should have casted a much prettier actress for that role. But overall this episode was cute, interesting, and I kinda want to see what happens next. Oh and I loved the soundtrack for this episode. I don't like the theme song, but there's a song at the end of the episode that I really really liked.

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