SPEC: Birth
4 people found this review helpful
Jul 16, 2011
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
I would certainly recommend watching this drama. It was an easy watch. The acting was good, the plot was interesting, and the script was humorous. It was amazing how they made Toma look so different in the flashbacks during different "phases" of her life.

The relationship between Toma and Seibumi was very funny.

THE WARNING: It has an "open ending", which I don't like. I will avoid dramas just because of that reason, however I did not know that this one had an open ending. I know some people don't mind, or even like open ends, but for the people like me who don't I would just like to warn anyone coming that it was a very good drama, but it had an open end. I guess for me, this one didn't have a bad open end. I would have preferred a "real" ending, but this one was easy to understand what happened.

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Sungkyunkwan Scandal
5 people found this review helpful
Jul 16, 2011
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
Story- Not boring whatsoever! The cliffhangers at the end of each episode makes you want to watch the next episode. There\''\''\''\''s a lot of angst in the show. Which kind of gets frustrating till episode 15. But without the drama it would be boring right? The ending is cute=D

Acting/Cast- This was well casted. The leads had good chemistry and acted well. But I wasn\''t in love with them. I actually fell in love with Yoo Ah In & Song Jun Ki\''s characters. I love thier bromance, too cute. The rest of the supporting cast fit thier roles really well.

Music- Very lovely score. You could really feel the mood. The modern songs were nice.

Rewatch- I could probably watch this once a year.

Overall- For a non historical drama watcher to praise SS, it has to be pretty impressive right? So give it a chance and enjoy what this brilliant masterpiece has to offer!

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Why Why Love
2 people found this review helpful
Jul 15, 2011
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
Beautiful story told by 3 of my fave actors. Thank you again for a beautiful experience. Love the acting & watching the behind the scenes stuff made things even funnier b/c it makes u relize how normal every1 really is. I really enjoyed this drama and I know others that watch will too.

The only thing that I had probs w/ was the whole medical part at the end. I worked in the medical field for 6 yrs. If he had probs w/ his liver he would have had jaundice from lack of liver function. Also, if he and his bro were going to be in surgery then they would have been in a clean room for those 3 days b-4 they had the surgery. Mostly to protect his bro b/c of his current heart condition. Ok so fantacy does not always touch reality. But, they could have at least made it a little more realistic.

Everything else was amazing. I love how they allude to how his illnes is the reason for him being pissy (Mel for bad-tude) all the time.

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Shining Inheritance
7 people found this review helpful
Jul 15, 2011
28 of 28 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I just finished watching this drama a couple hours ago and I have to say it was really really good (: I agree with the other reviews when they say this drama isn't boring and has you on the edge of your seat. It's a roller coaster ride of emotion throughout the whole show. I've never come across a show filled up with so much hate and betrayal. I don't think I've hated a character as much as I did the step mother, who I felt myself not liking more and more as I watched each episode. In the beginning you have Eun Sung who comes back from studying abroad in America and her bag winds up getting switched with Hwan. As the story takes off from there you have these 2 characters continuously running into each other. She and her brother get kicked out by her stepmother, and not long after she loses her brother, Eun-Woo who is autistic. Majority of the show she's looking for him. While trying to make money she finds and starts to take care of this grandmother who's lost her memory. I don't want to say too much more, as I'd be giving away the story. Each episode had me guessing at what would happen next, and of course it leaves you hanging so you have to watch the next episode. This show made me cry, laugh, angry, but happy. Then you have the love triangles. It really is filled with a lot of drama and confliction, but that's what made it so good.

The acting in this show, well like the title it was Brilliant! You can really feel for the characters while watching it. I dunno how to describe it, but the acting was realistic. This was the first show I watched with Lee Seung Ki and Han Hyo Joo, and I plan on watching more dramas with them. And whoever played the step mom should've got an award. I hated her character but her acting was really good. Seung Mi's character... I liked her in the beginning but you feel her falling under pressure as the events continue. Her character was played really well, you could feel how hard she wanted to keep what was hers (or what she felt was hers). Jun Sae's character... I liked him. I felt bad for him later on in the story, he is a good guy. I'm glad at how the story ended, though.

As for the music...I liked it. The music played it's part and I liked a lot of the songs played throughout the show.

Will I rewatch this drama? Probably not anytime soon (too many dramas I wanna watch). Maybe a couple years from now I'll rewatch it. 28 episodes is a lot to get through (almost 3O hours total), but I think that watching this show was worth it.

Overall: Definitely worth watching. The story is really good, indeed like Cinderella in ways (evil step mom, step sister, "Prince Charming"). It makes you think about what money does to people. I'd have to count this as one of my favorites now (: And I loved Lee Seung Ki as Hwan haha, but that's my personal opinion

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32 people found this review helpful
Jul 15, 2011
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I finished watching this drama a few weeks ago and forgot to write a review, so, here I am :) First of all I'd like to say that I was introduced to this drama because I read the manga which I am currently waiting for translations... I am a fan of the manga and also a big fan of the drama. LIFE dived into human emotions and really expressed them well. This stroy of bullying takes it to the extreme following a girl named Ayumu. The actors were amazing especially Hosoda Yoshihiko- he honestly at some points, scared the crap out of me! Though, towards the end I started to pity Katsumi and hate him a little less. In my opinion the cast was very well chosen. I watched LIFE straight through because I couldn't put it off- my eyes were glued to the screen. I even ordered the series on DVD 'cuz it's something I could watch over again. I wish this series was longer...though it did capture the concept in the course of 11 episodes ;D I reccommend LIFE to everyone even if you aren't really interested in this type of drama, usually I wouldn't want to watch a drama like this but with life it's an exception.

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My Girl
2 people found this review helpful
Jul 14, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
The last episode was soooo was more dramatic then the whole story put together. The most amazing thing about this drama is that, even with the evil characters, you can feel sympathy towards them (so seeing them would not annoy you as much) which is new considereing the it has similar storyline to other drama i have watched. WOWZA to the music...perfect for every scene. It might just be me, but the main lead guy dressing is awful (excepty just once)!!!! It was funny and it even made a few tears come out of my eyes (which is unusual). If you like stories where there is a love square =D, then watch this!!!

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5 people found this review helpful
Jul 14, 2011
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
After watching the final episode, I think it might take awhile to erase the WTF expression from my face.

Comparing the start to the finish, this felt like two dramas stitched together to create the Frankenstein monster dubbed Rebound. What starts off as a typical tale about a woman's struggle with her weight and her search to find love ends up as a story about taking responsibility for your own dreams and happiness. Neither story was done in any groundbreaking way, both falling into the common cliches of either trope. One specific plot point, the diet pills, might have been interesting if better utilized; however, in the end it proved to be a red herring, much to the story's loss. The story felt as if it lacked cohesion, and as a result, the characters seem to constantly revolve around the same arguments with any progression feeling quite sudden. When the angst reared its head, the over-exaggerated acting on display from the main leads would often take me out of the moment, making me well aware that I was watching actors "acting", and badly at that.

Despite the flaws of this drama, I still enjoyed my viewing experience. There were a few laugh out loud moments per episode, and I did become attached to the heroine Nobuko, even though she was a walking cliche (the Jolly Fatty). Her character was nicely fleshed out with little endearing quirks that made her pop, and I found myself cheering her on despite myself. The absurd ending almost bumped this one down to a 4. However, I admit that I looked forward to each episode, if only to drool over the cakes on display. The offbeat (if loose) story and the gratuitous food porn bump this up to a 5 for me.

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4 people found this review helpful
Jul 13, 2011
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0
One of the best dramas I have ever watched. It was suspenseful, yet there was well timed comedy. Yamapi is amazing here, he has such a 'cool' character. I am hoping desperately for a season 2. The only reason the rewatchable value is average is because since you already know the storyline, the suspense is gone. Otherwise this is among my top 3 dramas of all time. Highly recommend it.

[is hoping they will make a season 2]
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Dream High
53 people found this review helpful
Jul 13, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I didn\''t really have high hopes for this drama at first... but before I knew it I was sitting at the computer for hours anticipating each episode! I was practically watching Dream High for Jason and Pil-suk though. Jason and Pil-suk are so~ adorable together :) In the end, I liked Hye Mi\''s decision but I was not very satisfied with the ending... as long as they make a second Dream High with the same main cast I\''ll be okay with it. The OST of Dream High is one of my favorite of the year. Obviously I am now a fan of Wooyoung and 2PM Oh yes, and I forgot, the loan shark guy- you could never tell what he was up to...

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Can You Hear My Heart
3 people found this review helpful
Jul 13, 2011
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
Regardless of the previous reviews, I'm going to go all out on this one. Firstly, the story: It isn't a deep-meaning or soul-searching drama so if you're looking for that: this isn't one for you. This has a light-hearted feel to it, nothing too serious or too emotional but memorable nonetheless. Breezy, even though the angsty-like plot lines get a little old; they help carry this drama and also leave a deeper impression on you. The cast is made up of amazing actors and I really feel that Kim Jae Won fits his role perfect. Main pairing is too cute for words, but it's hard to just pick one guy in this drama (for me atleast). :) Soundtrack is one of the best of it's time, definitely worth checking out.

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Come Rain Come Shine
10 people found this review helpful
Jul 13, 2011
Completed 2
Overall 4.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
I remember only the sound of the rain and...the sound of the rain from this movie...

Nothing happens... I mean it...nothing...

It's raining...the woman is packing her things to leave her too nice husband (she's at least mental, as her husband is Hyun Bin, and you should be at least mental to leave Hyun Bin)'s raining...the guy us making coffee for his cheater wife...she's suddenly hitting his chest with her hands...a cat appears...then their neighbors come to look for the dat...then again they are alone (though the cat is somewhere in the house)...the guy is again cooking for his cheater wife...then he is washing his face...she's decorating the pasta they're going to eat...the cat's raining...the end...

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20 people found this review helpful
Jul 12, 2011
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0
This movie had potential...but while it wasn't a bad movie, it failed to live up to it's potential in my eyes. It didn't explain why anything really happened, and the last 5 minutes left me scratching my head. Other than that, i LOVED the use of foreigners speaking perfect Korean as the two side characters. The music conveyed the mood perfectly. As for rewatch value, it's an alright movie to rewatch. Overall this movie is getting an 8, mainly because i felt like it didnt explain a lot of stuff.
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Shadowless Sword
6 people found this review helpful
by Aryael
Jul 12, 2011
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This was the first historical/periodic k-movie I'd watched and it created a significant impression in my mind. Here's my review of the movie:

Story: A straight forward and simple story - a nation's in crisis, they need a king, but assasins have been killing off all potential candidates until there was only one possible candidate left: an exiled prince. A fighter was sent to search and protect the exiled prince. Excellent fighting scenes followed. There was a budding romance between the prince and his protector and the unrequitted love between a vassal and her lord/leader. All these come together to form a solid storyline for a movie.

Acting/Cast: Very convincing, excellent fighting scenes and good script. What can I say: I am drawn into the world of war, assassins and martial arts by the cast.

Music: Not much to comment there. The music suited each scene but because most of them are instrumental with either sombre mood or fight mood, the music did not stand out in this movie.

Rewatch value: An excellent and quick 1 hour plus entertainment that you can rewatch whenever you feel bored. I enjoy watching the fighting scenes. They were well choreographed.

Overall: Highly recommended!! It is truly a gem that was not given its due recognition!!

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My Lovely Sam Soon
4 people found this review helpful
by Aryael
Jul 12, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
Following a review by my fellow comrade, amrita-sshi, let me now share my two cents on this drama.

Story: Good storyline and after a long staple of rom-coms where the woman falls in love with a rich guy and the comedy that follows the story, this drama started a new genre of "noona love" - the romance between an older woman and a younger man. However, this drama still follows the long-proven formula of rich man and average/poor woman with a refereshing twist of realism. My Name is Kim Sam Soon (MNKSS)is the pioneer in rom-coms involving older women and younger men and this is perhaps the secret of its success. It is also a story between an average Jane Doe with the "prince", making this drama the first to depict the relationship between the average everyday gal with a fairytale-like man. The script was well written. The story has a form of realism in it mixed with the usual comedy. All in all, it is a drama that teaches the audience about being realistic in love and that even though one may fall in love, one may also one day fall out of love, but that should not stop us from living our lives to the fullest and enjoying the moment.

Acting/Cast: Overall, it is a wonderful cast and acting was good. The actress playing Kim Sam Soon had to gain weight in order to fit into this role - something many actresses in Korea would hesitate to do. So, kudos to her for her sacrifice. She successfully depicted the average korean woman - slightly "meaty", loud, occasionally foul-mouthed and with a big appetite for life and love. As for Hyun Bin, I must say that this is not his best acting, partly because this is one of his earlier works, hence the lack of experience. The other characters were very well done and I have no complains there. The only thing that got to me is the lack of chemistry between the two main leads. No matter how I look at it, they fail to bring out the "ah~~~" feeling from me when they kiss or fight. The interaction between them was so neutral that you know you are watching an act. There was zero chemistry between them. My heart did not pound, my breath did not get caught, I did not wait for the next kissing scene etc. Most times, I had the sneaky feeling of watching an older sister bullying her younger brother in scenes where they were supposedly having a lovers' fight. Therefore, I gave the acting a 7/10, recognising the talents of the cast but also the essential lack of romantic chemistry between the leads.

Music: What can I say - I am not a big fan of its OST. The OST is a patch-work of work from various artists put together with only a couple of songs that are originally made for this drama. Hence, I would say that the drama did not have a big focus on OSTs.

Rewatch value: When you run out of dramas to watch and you just want a lazy evening on the coach with a glass of wine to relax, this is a possible choice. It is safe, neutral and no fuss (you do not need your brains and tissues to watch this one).

Overall: Considering the impact it first aired and the then new concept of love between an older woman and younger man and the concept of love between an average woman and the arrogant rich man, plus its good cast but neutral chemistry between the leads, plus the average OSTs....I give this drama a 7/10. Also, I was thinking of all the crappy k-dramas I'd watched and compared to those crappy ones, this one is still considered ok. Just do not let the lack of chemistry between the leads get to you overly much.

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My Lovely Sam Soon
31 people found this review helpful
Jul 12, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
I am well aware my numbers for this show are all over the place. That's because I'm trying to be fair and at the same time true to myself. I'm not sure I am succeeding.

In order to be fair, I have to give this drama what is its due. Script, acting, direction, music are VERY good. The script is downright brilliant, with many lines worth of being quoted. Kim Sun Ah is fantastic: self-ironic, convincing, funny and determined. Hyun Bin has to portray a distasteful character, and does so with a seemingly effortless performance. All the side characters are wonderfully characterized and likable.

The music is perfectly chosen too, with just the right mixture of irony and pathos-building required by the story.

But I also have to be honest. And to do so I have to admit I didn't like this drama. I spent more time cringing and shivering in embarrassment than laughing or falling in love.

Each character is unique and wonderfully portrayed, but for the duration of 16 episodes I kept on asking myself: why? Why should these two like each other?

When I watch a drama and instead of rooting for the main couple I concentrate on the scenery, the cake, the old mother or the child it means something is wrong, at least for me. And when the first kiss doesn't make me smile in delight, something is even more wrong.

I could never feel sympathy for Sam Soon & Jin Heon. Not as a couple. By the middle I was terribly annoyed by both: by him because he couldn't be a man and decide; by her because she slowly morphed from the anti-conventional woman she used to be into a sort of human ivy, spying on her "man", shouting too much, crying too much, asking for rings, declarations and all the most conventional paraphernalia attached to your usual relationship. Had I been the man in the situation, I would have flown to Mars in order to escape the torture.

Possibly, the acting is too good: had the characters been more wooden or less expressive, I would have felt nothing for them and had had no reason to cringe. How ironic is this?

To summarize: I believe a review has to be fair. When confronted with a good show/movie/book/painting one has to be objective and recognize its value. This is why I gave it an overall 8 when, on a mere emotional and personal level, I would barely have given it a 6.

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