First of all please don't spoil the show for me by mentioning anything from later episodes. I'm on ep 3 and I'm disappointed how little I get to see the main couple. She is supposed to leave later in the episode and probably spent only 15 mins screentime alone with the male lead so far.  I don't understand the screenplay choice here with having so many subplots. The plot is FL crash lands in North Korea, meets male lead and together with his officers they try to deceive his town while they help her escape. Ok, you can have one predictable subplot of the Jealous Fiance trope. But why must we be subjected to 1) chaebol inheritance subplot 2) military conspiracy subplot 3) male lead brother's death subplot 4) Female lead employees subplot 5) some random guy escaping to North Korea to hide subplot. 

I suspect these subplots might converge at some point but the writers are still missing the point. The main plot is rich and engaging enough to keep viewers' attention. These terrible side plots are taking me out of the so-called romance drama