
  • Last Online: 32 minutes ago
  • Location: Greece
  • Contribution Points: 9 LV1
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  • Join Date: May 11, 2024

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Once upon a time my connection to East Asia was little more than being an admirer of Kurosawa films and Cha Bum-kun. But when I fell ill I began spending a lot of time in front of a television screen. There I eventually landed in the world of K-dramas and other Asian television. I signed up here about two years after I began using the site. 

I like series that are described as understated or cerebral. I have no use for graphic violence (we all have our outlets, I have extreme metal for that). I don't mind romantic comedies but prefer those in which nobody gets stabbed (looking at you, K-drama people!). I like shows that are thoughtful and hate those that insult my intelligence. I like fantasy and afterlife stories despite firmly believing that there is nothing after death. I dislike young people getting incurable illnesses as a plot device. I have little interest in period dramas. I'm okay with lawyers, cops, doctors, and fried chicken shop owners. I'm less okay with dirty cops, bankers, politicians, and entitled chaebol heirs. I don't like being 160 km from the nearest shop that sells Shin Black.

Come visit me in my beach shack on the Gulf of Corinth. Have couch, VPN, and subscriptions to nearly everything. Please bring chunjang.

Friends, Romans, Countrymen

If you disagree with my reviews or opinions feel free to object in a respectful and articulate manner. I shall consider your feedback and may respond politely. I may trash your favourite show in devastatingly offensive terms but I prefer to keep it civil on a personal level. I really see no point in getting into flame wars with the sort of people who would get worked up into a name-calling frenzy over a TV show or celebrity. However, I do find trolls and edgelords mildly amusing and sometimes can't resist poking them in their smug, narcissistic jeeblies.

Should you try and engage me in an uncouth fashion you may find out that I've been trolling and insulting people on the internet for far longer than you have. But you'll probably just be ignored. Please take note.  :)


91d 15h 59m
2,120 episodes, 151 shows
18h 44m
8 movies

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