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Mar 13, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
I have been watching dramas for a long time. And Strong Woman Do Bong Soon really comes top on my list. Personally I really loved the plotline. It was unique and refreshing. In most dramas, the female lead tend be a passive role, and it's really hard nowadays to find a drama as refreshing without many cliches. SWDBS with a really "strong" yet cute, female lead played by Park Bo Young, a woman who has strong opinions that stands out and really talented. Though SWDBS has it fair share of flaws, it's good aspects really outshine them. SWDBS is a drama encouraging female empowerment (which is really rare to see)and tackles social issues. It has a considerably good balance between funny/cute/romantic side as well as a dark/mysterious/criminal aspect. The music is really great too, enhancing the mood of the scene and really attracts the viewers. I'd totally recommend this drama and 100% re-watch it.

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Caz Marquis
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Feb 11, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0


I thought this show was very funny at times, and lovely at others. I wouldn't say it was as romantic as some other shows I have watched but was still good. I kind of felt it was too short. I finished it all in one day, but that's just me. I love binge watching shows and to be honest sometimes it's better if it's short rather than dragging on. Kiss scenes where good and I could feel the chemistry between the main characters to the point where I had to have a second look at my husband and wonder why I chose him ?
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Nov 23, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 2.0
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon is a comedic show with dark undertones. Some scenes get real dark and also quite graphic. The show can have such a tone shift from being goofy and cute to dark and serious. I'm not so sure if I like this tone shift that much. The show often feels like a kids show or at least a younger audience, but then it can turn real dark at times.

I did not like the story that much. It tries to be mysterious and dark while also just having lots of filler with fluff and goofiness. The thriller parts are okay at best. I think my biggest issue with the plot is that it lacks exciting conflicts. They try having conflicts with the kidnapper, the gang and the love triangle, but the conflicts just don't feel that serious. The series feels slow paced. Many scenes could have been skipped or shortened. I think the slow pace is the shows biggest flaw. It's 16 episodes long, over 1 hour each, and it did not need to be that long. I often felt like just dropping the show just because of its length.

The kidnapper plotline was okay. It was not really mysterious, but it did have some tense scenes. At least this plotline contributed to character development in Do Bong Soon and I felt like it actually served some purpose.

The gang plot was the worst of them all. It was never funny and I was just annoyed whenever there were scenes with the gang. They also did not really contribute any value to the overall story. Additionally, there were just too many gross scenes with the gang. They looked disgusting when they were beat up and did disgusting things. I suppose these scenes was meant to be funny, but they were just repulsive. I would have liked the show more if they just removed the whole gang plotline.

I did enjoy the love triangle, but I kinda wanted a bit more of it. The love triangle also felt a bit plain at times with no real depth. Like we have two dudes fighting over a girl and that's just it. Also the love triangle was really predictable. I knew it from the first episode how the love triangle would develop and who Do Bong Soon would end up together with.

Still, the strongest point in this series is the romance. When the romance really started to take off during the later half of the show it became so much more enjoyable to watch. There were many really cute romance scenes. Just how they act with each other is wholesome and beautiful to watch. They had great chemistry together. They were so adorable to watch that I felt like dying.

I did like the characters, although I found many of them to be quite annoying. But some characters started to grow on me there more I watched the show. I liked Ahn Min Hyuk the most. He had a refreshing personality and were often entertaining to watch. The most annoying character of them all was Oh Dol Pyu. Not only is he a stereotypical gay person which creates a really bad image, he is also a character with literally no redeeming qualities. There is nothing interesting or good about him. He is only there to be annoying and be a small obstacle for Do Bong Soon. His character serve no purpose and could have been easily removed from the show without affecting the plot. He is also sooo loud all the times and painful to watch.

I'm not sure how I feel about the whole Ahn Min Hyuk is gay thing. It's obviously just there for comedy. But because of that Ahn Min Hyuk gives out major bisexual vibes. And also there is no straight explanation as to why Ahn Min Hyuk and In Gook Doo had so much sexual tension. Like especially during the drunk scene. They honestly had good chemistry, which I do not think was the intention of the show.

I also did not like the abusive relationship that Do Bong Soon's parents had. It's only there to be funny, but I did not find it funny.

The show's main theme is comedy, but I often did not really find it to be that funny. There where some funny scenes sure, but mostly the funny scenes felt a bit dragged out or just too silly for my taste. Also, sometimes I'm not sure if I find like the correct things funny. For example I found it hilarious that Ahn Min Hyuk just goes around with a hoverboard while trying to be the coolest person ever. And he also have a hoverboard display in his office. Like that's just hilarious.

The production of the show is good. They clearly had quite a high budget. I don't really have any complains about the acting. It was just good. The show also had quite nice soundtrack with songs that often fit the scenes.

Although I did enjoy the show I just did not get that into it. I feel like it's a bit overrated. It definitely has flaws, but I can also understand why people like it. For me there were many times where I got annoyed at the show and found it uninteresting, but it might also just be not my type of show. I feel like their comedy style was not really my cup of tea. The only reason I give this series a score over 5 is because of the romance, which I really liked.

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Mar 1, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
This is one of the best dramas (if not the best) I have ever seen. To begin with, I thought the story was fun and refreshing. We have the typical love triangle, but it doesn't feel too long as it sometimes does in other dramas. The characters solve their issues pretty fast and in a somehow realistic way (taking into account that the circumstances of the show are not supposed to be realistic at all).  The actors did a great job too. I immediately fell in love with most of the characters, especially the two leads. Their chemistry was amazing, and their screen time together was glorious!

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Jan 22, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
This review may contain spoilers
This series started off well, I actually really enjoyed the super-human strength, family heritage story. I think the comedic/slapstick spin that the show put on it really helped to make the story flow, since we know it's nonsense, it was nice to see that the show knew itself that it was nonsense too and didn't take itself too seriously.
The two lead men in this show are SO HANDSOME. I can't even, honestly. I am more biased towards Ji Soo because he's more my cup of tea (or shot of soju if you will) than Min, but I seriously think both of them are terrific actors and super super good looking. They really did their jobs well.
Bong Soon is a cute girl, and she's a good actress, I just think her character got old really quickly trying to play out all the crazy subplots and twists that this show tried to stuff into the series. Maybe there were too many episodes, that's it. Probably could've taken away 5-8 episodes and closed it strong, but instead it sort of just dragged on with some more unbelievable antics.

All in all, good show, good looking, talented and believable cast (especially the overly-effeminate co-worker), I would recommend watching it if you're not looking for something too story driven, and if you like male eye candy.

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May 9, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
Park Bo-young and Park Hyung-Sik could not be a more perfect leading couple! Bo-young captured my heart just as much as Hyung-sik. The storyline had some real heartbreaking scenes and some hilarious ones and I think thats what made this drama a strong 10 for me!!
The drama as a whole couldn't have been more perfect and as I watched it I could feel the emotions protracted from each scene, the plot came across as a new and stylish idea and I don't think any drama could top this one with a plot any similar.
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Aug 17, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

If you want a very funny and cute drama with a little mystery, this is it!

This is the first kdrama that comes to my mind when i want to recommend one to an absolute beginner in kdramas. The love story is very cute! I loved the male lead for his funny and loving character! Female lead was so adorable and strong! I loved their relationship from the beginning to the end, the process from friendship to romance . The only thing that I didn't like was the shady parts with the criminal, but I guess that they were necessary for the plot. I liked so much the supporting characters too! They were hilarious at times. If I were to watch it again, I would do this, although I don't watch dramas or movies twice, but I would skip all the criminal parts. If you want a cute love story with a lot of comedy, you should totally watch this!

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Nov 9, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

my favorite drama

i don't understand why a lot of people don't like this.. it has to be the best thing i've watched. it can be too much for some people who like simple story lines, but this drama has it all. like it has romance, thrills, horror, and is even funny. when i first watched it i fell in love. the actors are so perfect for the characters that i legit could not imagine do bong soon or ahn min hyuk as anyone else. the chemistry between them is just so eeeeek. theyre so cute!! i felt extreme second lead syndrome for like a few of the episodes. the ost is also so good. all of the songs have been in my playlist for a few years now and i never skip them, expecially heartbeat by suran! i've watched this drama 9-10 times, and i always feel the emotions everytime! my favorite part in the whole drama is when do bong soon saved gyeong shim the first time from the bad guy. it was so emotional and i couldnt stop crying. i have to admit, the bad guy was smart when he took gyeong shim instead of hee ji, the first time i watched it i was so shocked. the one thing bad thing i would say about this is i don't really like that they never showed in gook doo having a happy ending, he is a main character so i would like something about him. maybe it ends in my first first love haha!
anyway, this is one of THE best dramas i have ever watched. i'm legit watching it right now too lol. it has such a good story, and i would recommend this to people who love a good romance and thriller!!!

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Jan 6, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.5
Tacky story but sweet and in the end, a feel good drama.
What more can i say about this drama....
I dont wanna add spoilers...........
I loved the cast, there was synergy between them.
Though the story line tried to hard to make us laugh but to me, it wasnt successful at all.
Whats with trying to create a doppleganger for one of the thugs?........... absolutely unnecesary too.
Kudos as well, not alot of product placement ads in the drama........
Asides the above, i was fixeted for most part of the drama. Just a few skips here and there.
Weldone cast and crew.... you did really well

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Dec 16, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

6th Rewatch - Still Amazing

I am writing this review after watching this drama for the 6th time. Yes, this drama is that good. Each time I watch it, it’s like a serotonin shot. It’s so funny, and so sugar sweet. The writing is original, the characters are one of a kind and you are rooting for them all, except for the villain obvs.

When I say the characters are well developed, I mean it. From the main leads to all the side characters, they all have unique personalities and the relationships among the characters are so well written that each interaction comes off so genuine. My favorite is of course Do Bong Soon followed by Min Min <3 just heart eyes all around for these two. She does the cute stuff sooooooo well like its so natural. I think we’re all Min Hyuk in awe of her like everytime he goes in to squeeze her that’s what we’re all feeling lol I loved their interactions, I loved how open and honest Min Hyuk’s adoration was for Bong Soon. I am not religious at all but his love for Bong Soon reminded me of this verse:
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”
It was so pure, and wholesome and actually really unique to this drama because I don’t think I’ve seen anything similar with the leads before. Tsundere leads are nice and all but THIS, MIN’S LOVE it was everythinggggggg.

i also really loved her parents, especially her father that was just such a sweet father/daughter relationship and the relationship they built with Min Hyun. Last but not least was the second lead, this is the first time I have enjoyed the second lead arc. Here’s the thing, with second leads you know who they are and you know how it’ll end. But a lot of the time, I feel like writers don’t give that character their closure. Especially when that second lead is supposed to be a life long friend, they make their relationship end on a really pathetic note but that definitely did not happen here. It was mature and respectful of their friendship, I loved that. I never once cringed for them and I usually hate having to do that.

Music, SUPER POWER GIRLLLLLL omg so addicting. I love the songs in this drama, they were just perfect. They did an awesome job queuing them up in just the right places

Rewatch Value - like a million. I legit rewatch this drama like every 6 months when I get bored and hit a slump and can’t find anything good to watch. It just lifts me up. Also this is one of the only dramas that I rewatch to the last episode. I have a few favorites but I honestly don’t ever rewatch them to the very end.

The only complaint I had was that I had one last ship in this show that did not set sail but had potential. Can you watch and guess who I am shipping?

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Jun 12, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
I watched this drama because the premise of the show seemed interesting and I really ended up having mixed feelings.

The plot felt all over the place to me. There was a lot going on all the time, one plot point resolved another comes in, but I think it could have been better handled. Many of the sub-plots existed just for the sake of existing and didn't really contribute to the main plot, so at the same time the main plot, the criminal one, felt sometimes out of place.

The two main characters were lovable and together with the actors' acting made the show worth watching, There were though some characters that felt two-dimensional and made me groan when they had to appear on the screen just to make the plot move.

Even though I think the plot was unnecessairly all over the place, this was definitely one of the funniest dramas I've ever watched, it had a lot of hilarious situational humor and the comedy was the part I enjoyed the most while watching the drama.

I think the premise of the show was gripping but the drama tried to be too many genres at once and the plot was messy because of the many subplots and writers' intentions; maybe one day i will rewatch it for the main couple and the comedy.

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Aug 3, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Just easy fun. And that's exactly why it's good.

This was my first ever k drama and it really made me want to watch more of them.

It is fun, not hard to watch series with some cringy moment. It is not the bad cring, that make you physicly hurt, but it is fun cringy, but cute(if that makes sense).

It has some cheap laughs, but i don't think thats bad or annoing, because that helps it to be really easy to watch. Also while watching it you don't really have to think about it too much.

The main couple is really sweet and the characters overall are quite likeable.

It is not the best k drama i've ever watched but it surely is entertaining and it is nice to watch it again(which i did recently and it is just as fun as when i wached it for the fist time). It is not very serious but it is cute and fun.

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