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Feb 6, 2018
50 of 50 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
For fans of the original Nirvana in Fire, don't go into this thinking it's a sequel as billed and you'll be happier.

This drama, while billed as a sequel, shouldn't be. It just the same universe. One of the cute kids that were trained to fight in the first Nirvana, is now the father of the main characters.

Those who haven't watched the first Nirvana, you don't need to watch it to understand this one.

What I liked? Just about everything though, I did fast forward on "bad guys, plotting, bad things again" stuffs, especially around the 30ish episodes.

This drama has an excellent blend of serious and humorous  moments that  don't seem shoehorned in.

If you've already watched a few dramas in this drama I would recommend watching this one without reservations. It's that entertaining.

What I didnt like and I know it's going to make people mad....Xioming's face

Obviously he had some more work done so I spent most of his first few episodes onscreen being distracted by his new squarer face. I couldn't put my finger on it but then I was reminded of Luo Jin  from Princess Wei Young and how much his face had squared since Diamond Lover.

But, it looks good on him. So, congrats to his doctor, I'm just going to miss that seriously chiseled butt-chin of his.

I wouldn't watch it again but, that's because dramas like these aren't really my thing.

I wouldn't recommend this to someone completely new to the genre.

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Oct 7, 2023
50 of 50 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
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Something is rotten in the state of Liang

Nirvana in Fire 1 is a masterfully paced tale of revenge and a fight for the throne in a quest for truth and justice. Its story is mostly linear and thus builds satisfyingly to its climax near the end with a fittingly bittersweet denouement. NIF 2 is a different kind of story. More complex in its character construction and narrative, the second installment gets off to a slower start and because of its story structure, may encounter some bumps along the way for some viewers.

There are essentially 2 major parts to this story, the first part ending with Xiao Pingzhang's death, and the second culminating in Xiao Yuanqi's revolt. As such, although you may consider Xiao Pingjing to be the main character, he has to share screen time with his brother in the first part of the story. At other points in the story, he is either in a coma or hanging out on Langya Mountain, while the plot is moved along by some of the supporting cast. What is more, he comes off as somewhat of a callow youth in the beginning of the drama, although he is very intelligent and quick on his toes.

Once viewed as a whole, however, NIF 2 becomes an epic tale of the frailty and courage of human nature - a timeless tale reminding us that as much as we aspire to be our better selves, we may just as easily fall prey to our vices. There is always a sense of unease when watching this, whether it is watching the creepily Rasputin-like Puyang Ying achieve his devious goals or the pitiful Yuanqi fall further and further to his inevitable defeat. We see the bonds of brotherhood and family tested as the balance of power between the Imperial court and the military hangs forever in a delicate balance. Pingjing's coming-of-age story is interwoven throughout, and I found myself very much moved as he struggles to deal with the deaths of his brother and father and his identity as the son of the Old Prince of Chang Lin.

The older cast definitely elevate this drama with their performances, but the younger cast do a fine job in their roles. The grounded production and stirring music round out this excellent drama worth watching and re-watching.

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Oct 13, 2023
50 of 50 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

NIF 1&2: Different storylines but similar themes. A worthy sequel!

This is my first review after watching so many K & C dramas. I know I’m very late to the party but I’m so glad I finally watched NIF and then NIF2 back to back. While I enjoyed NIF very much, it is NIF 2’s characters that have really gripped my heart and left me reflecting on the story. I thought NIF ended well and brought closure to the whole Chiyan incident but watching NIF2 brought home the fact that the after effects of injustice never truly ends as one ponders the “what-could-have-beens”.

The Chiyan incident, that brought down Prince Qi and the Lin clan, formed the backstory of NIF. The first season focused mainly on Lin Shu, the sole survivor from the Lin family, and his quest for clearing their name of the crime of rebellion; season 2 turned the spotlight on Prince Qi’s descendants who now carry the banner of Changlin, the army formed in memory of Lin Shu.

Watching the Changlin men and remembering that Xiao Tingsheng is the son of Prince Qi, the wrongly-accused Crown Prince in NIF who was sentenced to death, I can’t help but keep thinking what a great line of emperors they would have made! At the same time, I also appreciated how wise it was of Prince Jing and Lin Shu to decide not to tell Tingsheng his true identity in NIF. Would he have been consumed with justice or ambition and chosen to fight for his claim to the throne instead of supporting his brother? Were his decisions shaped by who he is by nature or because of the immense gratitude he, as one born in prison, felt as the adopted son of Prince Jing? How much would anyone’s sense of entitlement affect them?

Like many others, I too love the character Pingjing. But I do not see his life as a glimpse of what Lin Shu’s might have been. From the ending of NIF, I think Lin Shu was born to be a general and would have been happy to be entrenched in the royal family, with its politics and all it brings. Being in the jianghu for him was merely a means of survival. But Pingjing, being the younger son, had always preferred to be in the jianghu. He was just fulfilling his responsibilities and others’ expectations of him when he put on his armor. The fact that he did, in the end, live as his heart desired is the saving grace of Prince Qi’s line to the throne being unjustly discontinued.

I also enjoyed the romance arc between Pingjing and Linxi. The slow build-up because of her misgivings brought greater gratification when she followed her heart, chose to support his choices and wait patiently for him but without compromising her life goals. One of my favorite lines from this drama is hers: “my heart will always be waiting for you, but I (my footsteps) can’t stay in one place for you.” She says this but ah….the ending scene!

Overall, both NIF & NIF2 are definitely worth watching. The themes of familial ties and responsibilities, friendship and patriotism that many loved in NIF continues in NIF2. The writers also cleverly wove elements of the first season into the second, connecting the two without it feeling being very contrived. These touches enhances the enjoyment of part 2 yet allows it to stand alone. NIF has a more cohesive storyline but a somewhat bittersweet ending. NIF2 may feel segmented but I think the plot works well for the sake of the characters’ growth arcs. Also, it ends on a more hopeful note, at least for our main protagonist. Maybe, hopefully, NIF3 will give us a glimpse of Pingjing’s happiness.

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Mar 22, 2022
50 of 50 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

Slow and uninteresting

Only watched it since I had just finished the prequel Nirvana in Fire since its so highly rated (it was not good). This sequel wasn't bad but it definitely wasn't good.

Characters: Most of the acting and character development was not good. The actor/character that stood out was Xiao Ting Sheng (the MLs father). He portrayed the character as a fierce and loyal hero at the same time a kind and selfless brother, father and prince. the ML was just ok. The FL was terrible. She didn't have any real emotions or any changing facial expressions . The chemistry between the ML and FM couple was non-existent. I was not invested in them and could not care less if they ended up together or not. The supporting male and female couple - they had chemistry and their love story was endearing.

Music: nothing memorable.
Costumes: average
Pacing: the show was so slow, I skipped through a lot of it

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Apr 19, 2021
50 of 50 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Un chef d'oeuvre à n'en pas douter

L'histoire de ce deuxième opus se passe plusieurs années après les événements du premier. Peut-être une cinquantaine d'années plus tard, car le Prince Jing n'est plus et c'est son successeur, l'empereur Liu Jun de Liang qui est sur le trône. Ici dans, le drama tourne autour de l'histoire de la maison de Chang Lin, une puissante famille de militaire dont le chef de famille n'est autre que le grand prince royal, frère de l'empereur. La famille Chang Lin est composé de deux frères, Xiao Ping Zhang et Xiao Ping Jing, ainsi que l'épouse de Ping Zhang, Meng Qian Xue. Une famille puissante et respectée, ayant plus de 180 000 hommes fidèles sous leur autorité. Voilà de quoi faire peur et jalouser les puissants de la cour. Complots sur complots, le but de ces personnes est donc de faire tomber la famille Chang Lin afin d'anticiper une probable rébellion de la part cette branche royale.

Si NIF2 n'est pas aussi incroyable que NIF1, aussi intelligemment et savamment mené, il est émotionnellement plus fort et plus intense. La force de ce drama est justement les liens familiaux! et mes aieux, quels liens. Quelle force. Quelle magnifique leçon d'amour entre des frères. Entre le père et ses fils. Entre l'épouse et son mari. entre la belle-soeur et son beau-frère. Ici, le mot filial prend tous son sens!

Le lien qui unit les deux frères est magnifique! Un tel amour entre frère, une telle alchimie entre eux qui est inoubliable. Ping Zhang le calme et Ping Jing le fougueux. Si différent et si unis tout à la fois. L'émotion qui se dégage de leur "dispute", de leur accolade est tellement forte que j'ai eu beaucoup beaucoup de mal à retenir mes larmes par la suite.
Pareillement pour le père Royal. Nous avons eu le coeur qui ne s'en remet toujours pas. Ting Sheng a une telle sagesse dans ses propos avec ses fils, il a une telle affection dans son regard, envers eux, que cela en est poignant (sacrebleu, j'avais oublié que ces acteurs savaient jouer avec leur yeux...). Ses gestes sont mesurés et en même temps avec une dignité royale qui impressionne. Et cette seule et unique fois où Ting Sheng pleure et hurle...punaise mon coeur ne l'a pas oublié....
Je n'oublie pas Ping Zhang et sa femme, Meng Qian Xue, qui sont un des couples les plus jolis à regarder. Leur amour, tranquille d'un vieux couple, est inspirant. Tous leurs gestes transpirent d'amour et leur attention l'un envers l'autre sont adorables et naturelles.

Si la force de ce drama est ce lien incassable entre les personnages, il faut dire que les personnages sont magistralement interprétés par des acteurs bourrés de talents. Pas une seule fausse note, j'ai même redécouvert Turbo Liu que j'avais vu dans "Novoland, eagle flag" mais qui ne m'avait pas forcément marqué. Ici, Turbo Liu démontre toutes les facettes de Ping Jin, de l'insouciance à la douleur avec sincérité. Son sourire de coquin et ses regards pétillants ont donnée vie à ce personnage talentueux. Ping Jin, enfant insouciant et spontanée, parfois boudeur mais toujours à l'écoute de son frère et de son père, évolue dans la douleur et deviendra un adulte mature, usant de son immense talent de tacticien pour ceux qu'il aime.
Inutile de dire que Huang Xiao Ming est un acteur qui sait donner une profondeur incroyable à son personnage. Tout comme son père, Ping Zhang est un personnage calme et réfléchi. Ses paroles sont toujours mesurées et pesées avec soin. Ce qui en fait le personnage clé pour le maintien de la paix dans le royaume.
Hormis le clan des Chang Lin, pratiquement tous les personnages secondaires ont été interprétés avec finesse et de manière juste. Je pense notamment à la douce Lin Xi, à Yuan Qi, à mon chouchou Fei Zhan, à mon autre chouchou General Yue Yin Chuan...

Il est difficile de décrire les émotions que ce drama a engendré chez nous, chéri et moi. Une palette d'émotions violentes qui nous a amené plusieurs fois à pleurer et à vouloir aller les consoler. A se battre à leur côtés. Nous avons rarement été aussi heureux et excités que de voir l'armée de Chang Lin à la fin mener l'étendard bruyamment. Fièrement. Limite, j'en dansais de joie. Quelle scène épique. Qui résonne encore encore dans ma tête.
Certains peuvent reprocher une certaine lenteur dans ce drama. Il est vrai que nous avions envie de sauter des épisodes, juste par impatience, et non par ennui. L'impatience de voir Ping Jing leur mettre une raclée. De voir celui qui le mérite comprendre que ce qu'il a fait n'en valait pas la peine. La lenteur de ce drama est une force et une faiblesse tout en même temps. Tout dépendra de votre capacité à réfréner votre impatience à la conclusion. En ce qui nous concerne, cela ne fut pas une nuisance. L'émotion étant le coeur de ce drama, nous n'en attendions pas des actions grandiloquentes.

Le plaisir de traquer les traces du passé a presque été un péché de gourmandise. Tout le long du drama, quelques détails révèlent les liens des personnages avec Mei Chang Su . Nous étions si heureux de voir parsemer ici et là des détails sur Mei Chang Su et le Prince Jin, ce jeu de devinette sur qui est lié avec Mei Chang Su était un petit moment de plaisir qui a donné une dimension de retrouvaille avec de vieux amis et ce jusqu'au dernier épisode. L'apothéose fut la révélation finale. Ceux qui auront vu le premier, comprendront ^^ .

Pour finir, l'OST. Certaines musiques sont magnifiques et siéent parfaitement à cette fresque épique. Nous passons tour à tour des rires aux larmes et des sanglots à l'émerveillement. La chanson de fin est SUBLIME. Une chanson, version féminine et masculine, qui monte en puissance telle une litanie d'amour et de douleur. Les paroles sont belles et si tristes à la fois. J'aime la version féminine, mais j'admet une nette préférence pour la version masculine, plus puissante et plus douloureusement lyrique.
Si NIF2 n'est pas aussi abouti que NIF1, il est toutefois plus intense et plus difficile émotionnellement.
Nirvana In Fire 3 est en préparation et c'est donc avec impatience que nous attendons ce troisième opus après la réussite incontestable des 2 premiers.

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Jun 1, 2023
50 of 50 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
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Bisogna prima vederlo e poi valutarlo! non ha nulla da invidiare a Nirvana in fire 1

Un drama assolutamente splendido che nulla ha da invidiare al precedente! Entrambi di caratura e valore, con storie di riscatto e giustizia di pregio. Locations, comparse, cavalli, abiti, tutti degni di ottimo giudizio. Avessi potuto avrei dato 11 stelline. Le ultime due puntate sono state connotate da un pathos crescente, molto coinvolgente.
Passiamo ai protagonisti e agli attori: qui a mio avviso i protagonisti sono 4, gli uomini del casato Chang Lin e il cugino Principe di Layang, tutti ottimamente interpretati. Fra gli uomini del casato di Chang Ling non si può non ammirare l'interpretazione del padre, uomo giusto, intelligente ed integerrimo, del figlio maggiore Pizhang dotato di grande intelligenza ed acume, ottimo stratega, ed infine quello che sarebbe dovuto essere il protagonista, Pingjing, forse il + sbiadito fra i tre. dal momento sebbene durante l'evoluzione del drama maturi e diventi finalmente un uomo adulto rivelandosi coraggioso e forte, vive soprattutto della fama della sua casata militare che da generazioni difende i confini settentrionali. Una figura di spicco è quella che è andata via via crescendo, soprattutto nella seconda parte del drama, ovvero quella del principe di Layang, il quale matura la sua vendetta, il riscatto e l'ambizione, Epocale il discorso durante l'ultima puntata nella sala del trono, aveva le sue ragioni, non c'è dubbio. Sebbene quell'attore non abbia una gran mimica facciale, devo dire che l'ho apprezzato veramente tanto. Bravo! non me lo sarei aspettata. L'unica figura decisamente sbiadita è quella di LI Xin, una attrice decisamente incapace di esprimere emozioni, con un aspetto impalato ed insignificante. La storia fra lei e Pingjing è stata un di più, se non ci fosse stata, non sarebbe cambiato nulla, anzi, è stata solo fastidiosa, senza pathos, empatia. fra i due attori zero chimica. L'unico appunto che faccia ai drama cinesi dove vengono impiegati i cavalli, è che usano cavalli anziani e spesso magri e poi questi cinesi, non sanno assolutamente cavalcare! Ogni volta che devono cambiare direzione, strattonano malamente la bocca di quel povero cavallo, non oso pensare al dolore che gli procurano. Altrettanto quando si fermano, tirano in bocca. Da italiana, patria della monta all'italiana ingiustamente detta all'inglese, sebbene i cinesi considerino i cavalli animali da compagnia, non li sanno montare. Avrebbero bisogno della nostra scuola di equitazione, allora sarebbero perfetti. Ho apprezzato però che molti attori in questo drama sanno cavalcare (a modo loro) Una ultima cosa: il giovane imperatore, doveva essere interpretato da un ragazzo meno bamboccio.

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Nirvana in Fire Season 2: The Wind Blows in Chang Lin (2017) poster



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