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Apr 25, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I initially watched this for Kang Ha Neul who is one of my favorite actors. This role is far different from the characters he usually portrays which are comedic and romantic in nature. I was formulating so many instances as to why the hyung lost his memory. But then as the story builds up, everything gets more and more messed up. I didn't expect the twist at all. It's the type of film that would keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

The acting was spectacular and the storyline was amazing. This is definitely one of my favorite movies now as it has stuck with me for quite a while and made me think about it so much.

This movie was a roller coaster ride and I highly recommend it!

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Dec 18, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
I was bored one Sunday night and was surprised to find that Netflix was taking an interest in Korean movies, so without even reading the synopsis I clicked on the movie and the next thing I knew I had shifted from the couch to a few inches from the screen. At the beginning the movie seems like a laid back film that you would watch before bed on a Sunday night.
I will tell you it is not.
It is a thriller that keeps you guessing and when you think you have it all figured out, the writer skips into your living room, gives you a slap in the face and skips away. The actors brought the movie to life they were so well placed and so good at their roles that you will find yourself looking for and binge watching the other movies that they starred in.
The movie will make you feel sorry for the characters and the ending will break your heart but then just like me you will have the urge to re watch this movie a second and a third time. And I did within the span of two days and yes I will re watch it again.
I want to give both Jin Seok and Yoo Seok the biggest hug, but more so Jin Seok.

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Draken Sano Shipper
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Sep 18, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This movie was quite simply one of the biggest mindf**ks I've ever witnessed.

I couldn't think of anything bad with this one. It's true. perfect from start to end. It's a dark end but it's perfect.

Two brothers start living in a new house, in a completely new neighborhood with their parents and the movie begins with the young brother Jin Seok played by Kang Ha neul, talking about their family, especially his hyung Yoo Seok (played by Kim Mu-yeol) who happens to be the kind of person who never smokes, never drinks, and is all around intelligent, kind, and friendly despite getting into a serious accident and gaining a limp in his leg.

We see how truly enamored Jin Seok is with his family and most of all his hyung who he treats like a god. We also see that Jin Seok not only suffers from terrible nightmares but also takes anxiety medication. It is unclear why he needs it, that part is not explained.

There's a room in their new home which the previous owner had instructed them not to use so the brothers have to sleep in the same room. When Jin Seok questions his father about the room his father explains that the owner left clear instructions: never to go inside that room or touch anything in it.

That night, Jin Seok hears noises coming from the room but no one else in the house seems to hear anything so Jin Seok attributes it to the thunderstorm.

But the room and strange occurances still continue to haunt Jin Seok.

When Yoo Seok sees his brother is still feeling a bit anxious, he takes him outside in the rain for fresh air hoping it would make him feel better. The brothers both take in their new surroundings. It's obvious how much they love each other. How protective they are of each other, enjoying junk food together and constantly teasing. They don't even mind sharing the room so much.

When his hyung gets a call from his father, on his phone to bring him a document that he needs to study, Yoo Seok tells his younger brother to wait for him and he will be right back.

But before Yoo Seok has even returned to his house, some men beat him up and push him inside a black van while Jin Seok tries madly to go after them and manages to memorize the license plate number of the van before he collapses.

When he wakes up, there's no news of his brother still, no one can find him. They wait and wait for the kidnappers to call and demand ransom but nothing happens for ten days.

On the tenth day, Yoo Seok walks inside his home, looking unharmed but he can't seem to remember anything about what went on during those ten days. Everyone assumes it's some kind of amnesia brought about by whatever might have happened while he was gone .

The family is happy to have the son back, they start getting back into their daily routine.

But the more Jin Seok hangs around his hyung, the more he realizes his brother is acting strange. Almost like a different person. At first, Jin Seok shrugs it off as his imagination but things start to get stranger still and many times he wakes up in the middle of the night to find Yoo Seok gone and nowhere to be found.

When he confronts Yoo Seok, Yoo Seok denies it completely and Jin Seok believes him.

Until one night, he follows Yoo Seok.

Honestly, Haneul is the perfect casting for this role because he has this innate innocence that this character carries and his acting from start to finish was just amazing. Best mind games movie I've seen in a very long time.

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Mar 2, 2022
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0


La historia (de forma muy resumida, así no los spoileo) trata sobre un hombre que tras presenciar el secuestro y el posterior regreso de su hermano, intenta descubrir qué fue lo que pasó; el tema es que su mente parece estar un poco confusa y no está muy seguro de poder confiar en sus recuerdos.

Olvidado es una película rara. Me la habían recomendado muchísimo, por lo que mis espectativas estaban bastante altas, y puede que por eso me haya decepcionado un poco. A ver, el trabajo de los actores es muy bueno (Kang Ha Neul y Kim Mu Yeol son geniales) y la idea en sí me pareció buena, pero tuve ciertos problemas relacionados con la manera en la que se llevó a cabo el desarrollo.

Esto va a ser una opinión muy personal, pero me molesta mucho cuando en los thrillers de suspenso te plantean una duda y no te dan ni tiempo a teorizar porque inmediatamente ya te dicen la respuesta y, una vez que ya tenés esa respuesta, recién ahí se plantea otra pregunta. Para mí eso es un mal manejo del misterio, y sé que puede que ustedes no estén de acuerdo conmigo, pero en lo personal me gusta cuando una película te marea constantemente y te va dejando pistas y soluciones muuuy de a poco, cosa que acá no pasa. De hecho, hasta la trama me resultó predecible en cierto punto debido a esta forma de manejarse (también es cierto que el thriller es de mis géneros cinemátograficos favoritos y a estas alturas vi tantas cosas que es raro que algo me sorprenda).

Otra cosa que me llamó la atención es que al principio la película presenta elementos de filme de terror, elementos que después se van perdiendo (algo similar se hace en Parasite, pero ahí está impecablemente logrado).

Y pasando al final, meh. Quisieron hacer un gran plot twist y para mí no les salió, me dejó una sensación de indiferencia enorme (a diferencia de The Handmaiden, que es un peliculón).

En fin, Olvidado es una peli con una premisa interesante y, de hecho, empieza muy bien, pero lamentablemente en cuanto a desarrollo se queda corta...

IG de reseñas cortas: @altoplottwist

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Jan 13, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 10

Quanto mais você descobre mais você se engana

Simplesmente é um dos melhores filmes que eu já vi. É impressionante como ele te faz ficar presa na tela sem desviar o olhar por 1 segundo sequer para não perder nenhum detalhe, você se sente tão confusa quanto o próprio protagonista sobre tudo.
Eu decidi assistir ao filme após ver uma edit dele, e mesmo ela contendo sua cena final, eu não conseguia ligar a cena à história até assistir a produção até o final. Final este que era o menos previsível para mim, cada minuto que passava era um eterno "nunca os deixe saber seu próximo passo". Adorei cada plot twist e os mínimos detalhes que eles não deixaram passar em branco, o filme nem parece ter quase 2h de tão rápido que passa!

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Dec 14, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 10

Da rivedere subito

È vero che ho trovato nella svolta centrale della trama una vera forzatura, che è stata introdotta dallo sceneggiatore per spingere la storia dove voleva che arrivasse, ma nonostante questo effettivamente il thriller funziona. I colpi di scena funzionano tutti perfettamente, anzi consiglio di non leggere neanche l'intro di tre righe di presentazione, perché già dà una indicazione di una cosa importantissima; infatti io già mi aspettavo che cosa sarebbe successo ed è un peccato, perché effettivamente, se non lo avessi saputo, il colpo di scena sarebbe stato ancora più spettacolare. E ce n'è più d'uno fino alla conclusione. L'interpretazione come sempre è eccezionale. Tutto sommato lo consiglio, del resto la cartina di tornasole, sul fatto che un film sia fatto bene o male, è se uno se lo riguarda: vuol dire che il film ha colpito nel segno. Effettivamente l'unica nota stonata è che al momento del _clou_ succede una cosa inverosimile, ma pazienza, è un piccolo passaggio che dopotutto avrebbe potuto essere forse fatto diversamente, non lo so, alla fine se la sono cavata così.

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Feb 22, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Terrorífica e impactante. ¡Genial!

"Forgotten" es una película que llegó a mí por casualidad a través de una plataforma de streaming, y me encontré un thriller con toques de terror y ciencia ficción alucinante, de esos que marcan la diferencia dentro del cine de Corea del Sur.

Cada giro de guion es más sorprendente que el anterior, la dirección de actores es magistral, y el ritmo de la cinta una delicia, que te atrapa sin remedio hasta el final.

Sin duda hay que seguirle la pista al tal Jang Hang-jun, quien al parecer ha vuelto a destacar en 2023 con la bien valorada "Rebound".

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Nov 7, 2022
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Très bon film à suspens

Forgotten, c'est un bon film à suspens comme on les aime. C'est l'histoire d'une famille qui emménage dans une belle maison, mais un jour, l'un des fils, celui qui semble être un modèle pour son frère, disparait. Quelques temps plus tard, il réapparait mais sa personnalité semble avoir changé. Son frère a aussi des choses bizarre qui se passe dans sa vie ; il entend des bruits dans une pièce "garde-meuble", et se rend vite compte qu'il y a quelque chose qui cloche autour de lui...

Je n'en dirait pas plus, mais ce film est vraiment super bien fait ; l'histoire est passionnante, on est pris en haleine durand toute sa durée, et les acteurs jouent tous très bien.

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Jan 13, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 10


É um filme muito bom e que mexe muito com nosso psicológico pois impreguina na nossa mente uma curiosidade muito grande. Confesso que fiquei com um medinho danado em determinadas partes.
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Todos os acontecimentos são bem desenvolvidos, tudo bem encaixado, nada de jogar os fatos de qualquer jeito ou encaixar forçadamente, tudo faz sentido.
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Os personagens são magníficos, muito bem construídos.
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Nossa, arrasaram demais nessa produção, simplesmente amei.

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Jun 27, 2019
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
Es una película en la que no tienes tiempo de aburrirte. Estás siempre intrigada sobre qué sucederá y qué es lo que realmente pasa. La vi hace 4 días, tanto en idioma original como en latino (el doblaje era bastante decente, cabe destacar que soy algo exigente y no suelen gustarme los doblajes de series o películas asiáticas, pero conforme avanzaba la película cada vez iba a mejor). La segunda vez que volví a ver la peli, lo hice con mi madre. A ella también le gustó (no es doramaniaca, por lo que es un punto a favor, ya que la puedes ver con otras personas fácilmente). Es una película de misterio. Y te recomiendo no leer la sinopsis si quieres disfrutarla maquinándote tus ideas~

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Forgotten (2017) poster



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