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Nov 14, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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It’s Interesting

I always had a question why… a person with criminal background can still be a teacher… but it’s China laws I don’t know… The casting was awesome and the totally watched it more then 2 times. Even though I have not directly experienced bullying but this movie gives me a idea… but I still like the ending how she stopped a little girl from being bullied… why is she a teacher though. Lastly the romance between them was kind of cute not gonna lie. it will be cuter if there was more of it. Anyways highly recommend
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Oct 30, 2023
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Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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A film that deserves a 10/10 sincerely

Of all the films I have been able to see on the issues addressed, THIS film is my top 1:

The subject matter is bullying, a bit cliché at first glance, and social pressure / pressure on young people at school. During the whole movie, we can see several times propaganda about studies, like for example "the intelligent go forward and the idiot go backwards" (it was something like that, but the main idea is that). Then we see that the personal problems of the characters are not "important" according to the adult's point of view.
That leaves a lot to be said about the society in which we live in China mainly.
But what stands out the most is the social differentiation between the characters: we have the typical girl who studies a lot, first in her class but who doesn't live in good conditions, her mother is a swindler and lives constantly in hiding, that's why she is rarely seen.
On the other hand we have the boy, a delinquent who doesn't go to class, therefore a person registered as dangerous, who lives in bad conditions, abandoned by his parents but who finds refuge with the girl, a refuge of love and affection that he has not been able to live.

They are two opposing characters who live in different worlds, but who become attached to each other because they have one thing in common: they both seek protection and love. Throughout the story, we follow them in their lives and we become attached to them.
It deserves a 10 because you can't find a film like this, the story is touching and unique. A masterpiece!

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Oct 25, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Thanks to that one insta reel that made me watch this

What a movie! I was captivated by the aura of it by watching some clips and I'm glad I gave it a try. The story portrayed in this two hour fifteen minutes movie left me with so much emotions and thoughts. One thing I'd admit, the acting of both the leads was splendid. You could see the eyes talk, you could feel the sadness right through the screen. I was spoiled somewhere that ot didn't have a happy ending but I'm glad it wasn't the case. I'd not have the courage to move on otherwise. (I had to live through the college entrance trauma once again though.) Anyways, don't let anything or anyone stop you from watching this masterpiece. I know I'd rewatch it again and again.

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Jul 15, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
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one of the best movies ive watched

coming from someone who only watching romance movies / dramas i wanted to watch this only because someone recommended it and even then it took me a while to just sit down and watch it but once i started it i was glued to my tv, it was so
(i am not super great at writing reviews i just felt like this movie deserved it,)
the plot of Better days is so emotional and sadly realistic in some aspects it was always keeping me interested into how it would turn out for the two mains and i just wanted things to be easier for both of them,
and if the plot and important message of this movie alone isn't good enough for you to watch it then you are in for a treat because everything about this movie was beautiful, the cinematography and scenes were perfect it felt so real and 100% convincing, every emotion that characters felt in the moment was displayed on screen so well and it made you feel the things they felt, it gave you a deeper dive into how they felt. The music was really fitting and was added in when needed (not to much not to little) + the intro set the tone of the movie well (into scene confused me at first but was short and i understood it at the end of the movie so its no big deal). The cast was a 10/10 for me, they fit the characters so well and the acting never made me cringe or even think they could do better, both main leads did an amazing job of getting into the characters, it felt so real the whole movie. this movie was so amazing and i could definitely re-watch it many times (i probably will be)
don't have a lot to say but if you haven't watched this movie you definitely should (please read the tags and make sure you can deal with topics that are discussed / shown in this movie)

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Jan 13, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
There is something unique about Zhou Dongyu's choice of movies to star in.

I came into this movie with high expectations expecting an emotional story as its the custom with movies staring her
its a really good, realistic and engaging story with some fantastic acting from everyone .

Every one had chapters in their lives when they thought life would stop, you get in one hell of ride to visit some one's own chapter

this is the kind of movie where popcorn would probably not be very appealing , grab your seat, close the lights and enjoy this movie :)

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Sep 17, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
It was an emotional rollercoaster that left me feeling both heartbroken and hopeful. The film managed to capture the raw and painful reality of being bullied, while also weaving in a beautiful love story that tugged at my heartstrings.

The way the movie portrayed the struggles of the main character, who was relentlessly bullied, was both realistic and heart-wrenching. It was impossible not to feel empathy for them as they navigated the harsh realities of high school life. The film did an excellent job of showing the long-lasting effects of bullying, and how it can impact a person's life

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Oct 11, 2023
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Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Keep walking. I will be right behind you.

This was one of the movies I had been procrastinating due to the heavy theme ─ although I heard nothing but positive reviews about it. It truly deserves recognition and praise, and no wonder has been one of the most memorable c-movies for many.

While the theme is quite heavy, it also needs a careful and realistic approach, which I think they did right. There wasn't any glorification or gaslighting. It was raw and candid. The characters, of course, had flaws ─ even the main lead because she also, like others, chose silence before becoming a victim ─ but those flaws were understandable and for some, relatable.

One of the aspects I like is that they hinted that bullies became the people they are because of their parents, but they didn't use it as an excuse to demand redemption from the audience. Because at the end of the day, it was their own choice to become that person and not a better person.

The acting was really authentic, especially when they used silence and their eyes to deliver emotions. Cinematography and soundtrack, as well as symbolism they used, were phenomenal, added another layer of depth and a fresh point of view to the story. Love the dialogues as well. They are so beautiful and meaningful.

I'm glad I finally gathered my courage to watch this movie and also glad that they gave us a glimpse of hopeful ending.

cinematography edit :

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Aug 28, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.5

Filme sensível e emocionante

A atuação dos dois protagonistas são muito muito boas. Eles conseguem passar muito só com o olhar. A história é bem boa. Eu não gosto de ver histórias de bullying, mas essa me prendeu desde o começo. Fala muito sobre a pressão nessa época em "ignorar porque depois melhora" e como adultos não sabem lidar bem com a situação, e como é importante se tornar um adulto responsável para que nenhuma criança precise passar por isso. Às vezes só precisamos de alguém para nos acompanhar até em casa.
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May 18, 2023
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Não tem nenhum defeito

Eu tinha certo receio de assistir esse filme porque alguns filmes ou dramas do gênero me deixam deprê por dias depois de assitir. Mas ainda bem que tomei coragem, porque me deparei com um filme sensível, realista, e com um romance que é retratado de maneira pura e autruísta.
O tema sobre bullying tem um forte protagonismo, e a gente vê o quanto denunciar e confiar nos adultos pode ser uma coisa que soe até como piada para as crianças/adolescentes. O sistema é muito burocrático. É a mesma situação de violência doméstica. Enquanto a denúncia é apurada, a vítima segue vulnerável, o criminoso vai lá e se vinga. Ou esse sistema muda, ou essas atrocidades vão continuar acontecendo.
Também há um ponto sobre negligência dos pais, abandono, ou o excesso de expectativa da própria sociedade para que adolescentes saiam de suas escolas com um futuro ganho, direto pra uma boa faculdade. Não existe um olhar para as crianças que tiveram essa esperança destruída, que saíram da escola, que se tornaram marginalizadas. Elas são vistas como escória.
Todos esses pontos a gente vê na trama e o nosso coração apenas vai se dilacerando pouco a pouco.
Então vemos o companherismo e o amor brotar como uma flor de esperança para dois jovens que são tão parecidos, que vivem no mesmo mundo, mas possuem perspectivas diferentes. Eles se compreendem e se apoiam, e isso é responsável pela dose de encanto que vai curando nosso coração apertado.
Dizer que não tem nenhum defeito não é exagero. Foi indicado ao oscar de melhor filme internacional, mas eu nem sabia. Os cenários são lindos, a música é maravilhosa, as atuações são impressionantes. É incrível como os dois protagonistas se comunicam nas cenas, muitas vezes somente com o olhar. Os dois atores ganharam minha admiração e como boa dorameira vou seguir acompanhando o trabalho de ambos.
O filme é delicado, realista, intenso, faz a gente ter um turbilhão de emoções, é muito fácil de chorar também (eu chorei kkkkk). Enfim, esse filme é um diamante que vale a pena você apreciar e depois guardar com muito carinho.

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petit calamar
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Apr 24, 2021
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Chen Nian est une adolescente victime de harcèlement plutôt réservée, intelligente et très attachante !

Elle va faire la rencontre de Xiao Bei. Un voyou qui se satisfait de ce qu'il a, et fait tout pour survivre dans ce monde si violent.
Son personnage est sincère, charismatique et curieux. Il a aussi de l'humour et on comprend vite que quand il aime, c'est à fond !

Le jeu d'acteur est époustouflant, ils sont capables de faire ressentir tant de choses même sans « mots » ! Les personnages sont si touchants et réalistes !

Le sujet dont traite ce film n'est absolument pas transformé, ni joyeux. Alors si vous êtes très sensible, je ne vous le conseille pas. Le but n'est pas de se repentir de tout le malheur, l'injustice que ce film fait ressortir mais plutôt d'aider à en prendre conscience.

Chen Nian, elle-même a conscience de ce qui lui arrive et pourtant elle ne peut rien faire, ça nous brise le cœur.

Ce film est très marquant, il rejoint absolument tous les points que j'aime : beauté, tendresse, violence, chaleur, angoisse, combat, bouleversement, attachement !

C'est énormément riche en émotions, préparez vos mouchoirs. ?

Abstenez-vous si ce n'est pas votre genre...
Mais si c'est le cas, foncez ! C'est un énorme coup de cœur ! ?

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Rosane Almeida
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Jun 16, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 10
Better days é um filme violento mas delicado. Ele aborda a história de dois personagens principais: Chen Nian, uma estudante pobre que está finalizando o ensino médio e se preparando para o "ENEM" chinês, ela acaba de perder uma colega de classe. O segundo protagonista é o Xiao Bei, um adolescente sem pais, vítima de abandono social e da violência das ruas onde trabalha em empregos ilegais para se sustentar. Os protagonistas levam vidas quase completamente antônimas mas não são as diferenças que os unem e sim suas miseráveis semelhanças, que criam uma rede profunda e complexa de laços afetivos entre os dois. Esse filme fala sobre bullying, pobreza, violência, assassinato, suicídio, estupro e amor. Todos as palavras chaves ruins e negativas usadas para descrever o gênero do filme perdem para a única positiva: amor. E é isso que torna esse filme uma obra de arte, sensível, chocante, dolorida e bela. Além da história impecável e sem furos, da bela fotografia e trilha sonora, o filme tem as melhores atuações já vistas! Os protagonistas dão alma aos seus personagens e suas atuações são BRILHANTES. Se você assistiu "Parasita" e gostou, não deixe de assistir "Better Days", não se prive dessa obra prima. Deixarei o link do filme na bio.

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Better Days (2019) poster



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