
2. Family is not about blood. It's about whose willing to hold your hand when you need it the most.”

Superb said Lilly.......   :-x

So, such people also fall in family category.....right?

3. Family is your headache and your heart joy, it is mind boggling and mind in calm, you love your family but you also hate them, despise them, envy them and worship them. Family is you and them and you again.

You miss them when u r away from them.



You miss them when u r away from them.




So, such people also fall in family category.....right?

yes ,as not every one is lucky  to have a good family .

Hmmm......i pray for those who do not have a  good family.

( m still failing to understand,  how come one's family can not be a good one. ( except some accidents/calamities/causing one become an orphan....)

Peace !!!


Father hits mother while children watching. Is that a good family?

Universe has so many wrecked families and so it is.



Father hits mother while children watching. Is that a good family?

Universe has so many wrecked families and so it is. heart literally cries to hear this.

( father hitting, during being drunk?  Hmmm.....yes u right, it will affect poor child's built)

6. Family

 in my humble opinion,  for one to have a good family,

Members of all the generations of that family  have to contribute their share.

Like, our grandparents then  parents and do not forget we ourselves. 

But, each generation doesn't think so, and pass the responsibility to next generation and blames the previous generation. 

What you say, most eminent members of the group??

 Komentator isenk:

24hr is a harsh rule. Really should we wait for 24hr?

Why not wait at all?)

@ moon whisper,

Good suggestion. 


Why not wait at all?)

I am so grateful for this valuable suggestion.

It simply did not occur to me, that one can wait for indefinite period of time from posting to this thread.

@komemtator, even you could not come up with this solution , for u 24 hrs waiting period for a single word was harsh rule.

Moonwhisper, I am really thankful to you. 

Please, continue gracing us with your precious suggestions.