
Yeah, I feel the same, like true bisexuality being portrayed before our very eyes is cool and all, but every choice they've made has been the wrong one. There's nothing wrong with a character liking more than once person at a time, and that'd be an interesting approach in something that isn't specifically a love triangle plot. 

I also get this weird feeling that they made changes out of nowhere, but I don't understand why they would. And you're right, the fact that it just gets chucked at us out of nowhere definitely makes it a lot worse. I think there were ways to do this if what they wanted was a Gram/Eugene ending, and there were ways to do this if they wanted a Gram/Black ending, but neither of those seem to fit the narrative anymore. 

I feel like there HAS to be a reason they left that in, so I don't imagine it'll just be a new direction with Eugene, but at this point, I can't imagine a change in direction that wouldn't feel cheap or uncomfortable. They have three episodes left to approach a potential Gram/Black ending, and one of those episodes is used up, at least partly, to do more of the Gram/Eugene stuff, so it's hard to believe they'll be able to pull that off if it is end game. If Gram is pretending to like Eugene for some reason, there's no way that's going to be satisfying either unless Gram is a surprise bad guy, and then it'd be more wtf than anything. I don't know, I could try reaching to find a way to make sense of it, but there's very little they can do to fix what they've created. 

They were still filming the show while it was airing, and I can't imagine anything in the fan reactions could have prompted Gram being such a freak and Eugene being a total pawn. It's like they really, really want us to hate something about the show, so they keep finding little things to ruin the experience. All I can think is that they're trying to mess with us, but if that's the case, I think they may have bitten off more than they can chew. I dunno, maybe they'll blow us away with a twist that fixes everything, but I don't have high hopes in this regard. I may just have to divorce myself from Gram's storyline at this point if I want to be able to enjoy the rest of the show, and that's a damn shame.


I'm just going to add some details that happened in the show that I found really suspicious and I believe it alludes to another twist that is to come.  The scenes in episode 10 that give more insight into the characters: 

When Eugene performs a dance with the red paint, she becomes disoriented as she hallucinates blood on her arms. This is definitely done intentionally.

Now for Gram. During the scene when Tawi's men entered the garage with guns. He is clearly distressed and takes him a minute to recollect himself. It could be because he just realized just how dangerous the consequences really are, but for a minute I thought it was guilt. 

So far we've seen Black's dynamics with the everyone except for Gram and with Gumpa. So I'm sure once we see the real Black interact with these 2 characters, we should accurately be able to finally guess what the heck is going on. 

Eugene becoming disoriented definitely means something, but what, I'm not sure. Just another thing that needs to be explained later, I suppose. 

Gram has definitely been in life-threatening positions before on their prior missions. Maybe being raided and shot at in a place that was supposed to be safe made it hit home that what's happening it dangerous?

I find it interesting that Black and Gram are supposed to be close, but they haven't had any scene together yet. It could've been done when everyone met up at UNAR'S paint studio, but Gram (conveniently) was out on a grocery run when Black joined. Something is gonna happen when they see each other again. 


I'm just going to add some details that happened in the show that I found really suspicious and I believe it alludes to another twist that is to come.  The scenes in episode 10 that give more insight into the characters: 

When Eugene performs a dance with the red paint, she becomes disoriented as she hallucinates blood on her arms. This is definitely done intentionally.

Now for Gram. During the scene when Tawi's men entered the garage with guns. He is clearly distressed and takes him a minute to recollect himself. It could be because he just realized just how dangerous the consequences really are, but for a minute I thought it was guilt. 

So far we've seen Black's dynamics with the everyone except for Gram and with Gumpa. So I'm sure once we see the real Black interact with these 2 characters, we should accurately be able to finally guess what the heck is going on. 

Yeah, I forgot about her reaction to the paint. That's something to consider. I'm not sure what they're up to, but I hope it ends up surprising us in a pleasant way. Right now it just feels like really weird choices to throw us off, but it's just pushing things so far in a negative direction that I don't know if they can redeem it. I'm just gonna try not to fret about it. Hopefully we'll get some positive progress this Sunday.


I think it would've been a good storyline to have Gram choose between his morally-gray love interests: his best friend, and his best friends girl. It would've been an interesting storyline of him trying to figure things out and decide what to do. But poor Gram currently is just making all the poor choices.

GramBlack's story line was setting up perfectly, but got tossed into the bin out of nowhere? If they REALLY wanted GramEugene to be together, it should've been said a while ago or have been built up slowly. Like, I think they could've had Gram slowly fall in love with her while comforting a friend who's grieving a break-up. 

I'm trying to withhold judgement until everything has been revealed, because honestly, who knows what's actually going to happen in the last 3 episodes. It could've been edited out easily. Just edit out 2 scenes, and I wouldn't have thought anything of it. The fast it was kept in makes us think that there is more than what is being said. It's always the calmest people you have to keep an eye on. He could turn out to be a cruelest out of all of them. 

I'm just enjoying every other aspect of the show and taking Gram's storyline as it comes. The show has become one of my all time favourites, I don't want to let one little storyline ruin it for me IMO. I'll just have to see how his storyline plays out. Fingers crossed that there is a big twist and it turns out that he was playing all along or something. 


Ah yeah, that would have been interesting. If they'd set it up to clearly depict that he had strong feelings for both, I could find that intriguing if nothing else. Too bad we're getting... whatever this is... instead.

I'm frustrated with a number of things, if I'm being honest, but usually the good stuff outweighs the bad for me. I just knew from the start that this is not a good "weekly viewing" show. I wish I could have waited and just binged it instead. There are a lot of things about the structure that just don't lend themselves to having to wait long periods to find out what's actually going on. But whatever, fingers crossed for a satisfying final three.


Oh it could've went in so many better directions. Let's just hope that everything turns out to be somewhat okay in the end.... whatever that's gonna mean.

It's definitely not a good weekly viewing show. I knew that from episode 1, but it was one of my most anticipated series that I couldn't wait 14 weeks to actually sit down and binge it. It leaves off with so many cliff hangers and unanswered questions that make you want the next episode. 


It was a combination of things for me. One, I was homeless for a long period of time, while also suffering through a surreal amount of awful things happening in my life. My only source of endorphins at the time, and honestly still, was BL. I spent a lot of time on instagram and such when I was stuck sitting in my car, unable to sleep, and trapped with my thoughts. After Bad Buddy's 5th episode came out, I saw firsthand how awful the community is at keeping spoilers under wraps, like holy crap were people being selfish. Originally my best friend and I were worried that the weekly cliffhangers would be worse for my mental health, but we both realized there was no way I could avoid spoilers in the meantime. Not Me was also my most anticipated series, so I found waiting that long to be challenging. I would have tried, though, if it didn't mean having to cut myself off from the few sites I used to entertain myself through the worst year of my life. 

Sometimes I wish I could just sleep until the shows I'm most excited for are finished airing, so I can just binge them all.


I just wish I had more patience so I could wait the 3/4 months for a drama to finish