Slim Xtra:
To state SK people who signed petitions (because they have been real life and real history victims) behave like children and toddlers, is on the same level, as saying Jews who feel offended by the Holocaust denial are childish.

for the love of pete can we stop using Nazi's and the Holocaust as comparisons here? There are other world tragedies that didn't result in the systematic extermination of millions at your disposal. 

Why not using it? I am German and have been raised sensitive to the topic of history distortion...

Ya know what? I'm bored. Got my gifts under the tree and got some free time so let's pick this apart shall we.  First of all I'm not against criticism, or people feeling their feelings. I am against them thinking their feelings mean I have to feel those feelings?? or that I'm not allowed to watch this drama because of their feelings.

This just shows your level of ignorance... and you dare to criticize others with your low EQ?

 Slim Xtra:
To state SK people who signed petitions (because they have been real life and real history victims)

Lol this has been debunked multiple times before. Anyone around the world can sign the petition, it's possible to create multiple accounts to add more signatures and facebook/twitter hate groups are promoting ways teaching foreigners how to sign the petition as well. 

 Slim Xtra:

Why not using it? I am German and have been raised sensitive to the topic of history distortion...

Wait, people are still using the "history distortion" card at this point? ??????

Yes, because that is the topic  of this thread DareDaniel.  And people, mostly international and unfamiliar with SK history, who like to give insensitive and ignorant (to the point of dumb) comments. You may have realized ( I don't think so) that I did not critizise the drama but comments regarding the history distortion controversy. And you just added two more comments to the dump. Watch your dramas and shut it, if you have nothing constructive to say...

Lmao,  these social justice warriors keep evolving everyday

And one more for the dump... your comments are regressing to your IQ level, be carefull not to show/reveal to much.

 Slim Xtra:

And one more for the dump... your comments are regressing to your IQ level, be carefull not to show/reveal to much.

You need a brain transplant.

Lol, so you are one of those. Lets see if this or you can even regress more...

 Slim Xtra:

Lol, so you are one of those. Lets see if this or you can even regress more...


Yes, right you are.

 Slim Xtra:

Yes, right your are.

No, you

Thanks for confirming I am right. Are you 12?

 Slim Xtra:

Thanks for confirming I am right. Are you 12?
