omg ya n it was such a his character thing to just continue n pretend he wasn't embarrassed at the moment n then got embarrassed alone. But i- second hand embarrassment was strong in that moment.

Jugyeong's mom bringing Suho home. Her family is a disaster. Glad he's still alive after that night.


Jugyeong's mom bringing Suho home. Her family is a disaster. Glad he's still alive after that night.

Yeah her sister was editing lol

ep 8 when the teacher straight up slid on the road to avoid getting seen with the older sister by the FL

ghost scene when ju kyung appeared behing well n when she jumped down the tree

"dont touch my make up you'll just ruin it"


The fight scene at karaoke (ep 6). I don't know but ai laughed so hard! 

I watched that scene over and over again.

To me, the funniest scene was when Suho and Seojun went to the baseball tournament to "support the game", but unconsciously hugged one another when one of the teams won. LOL they don't even know what are they doing. Plus the embarrassment after they realised that they have been hugging so affectionately? It made me wonder should I support for Team Suho-Seojun instead, rather than any one of them with Jugyeong?  Cuz the constant bickering between them is so cute and lively

(i think ep 8) The hilarious part when jk climbed that tree so freaking fast and Seo Jun collapsed and just laid there after seeing the "ghost" jk

ep 9 when the goofy guy with glasses slaps Su Ho's butt without knowing he's Su Ho (imagine if he knew it was him lol r.i.p.)

ep. 10 the dumpling scene

I loved the tense music and lost a lung when sh and sj created those crazy statues out of food XD

talk about skill


ep. 10 the dumpling scene

I loved the tense music and lost a lung when sh and sj created those crazy statues out of food XD

talk about skill

This plus the following fight and the subsequent nail clipping were comedic gold.