
Then lol things are changed

i mean i was literally right...the way y'all get so defensive with me even tho it wouldn't make sense to have suho leave if they weren't gonna do it that way. even tho they changed a lot of scenes this drama is still based on a webtoon with an existing storyline. 


why would he be happy tho? his best friend left. the girl he likes is devastated. there's no way he'd be happy unless there's a time skip of 4 years or smthing.

obvi they aren't gonna be happy at first but you realize that there is a time jump. 2 years. they can't be upset abt it forever bc life moves on. its obvious that true beauty is gonna do a thing where at the end of this season she'll be with seojun and suho will come back and season 2 and the plot will go on from there. I'm not sure if you read the webtoon or not but this is like one of the few things from the webtoon they stuck to so yeah there will be a time jump of 2 years after suho leaves. 

jn21263 yeah i had my issues with that (them giving seojun's scenes to suho) but i turned out to be right. it wouldn't have made sense for suho to leave if the issue was going to be resolved in like 2 episodes. the only way they could've played it out is with suho leaving, the two year time jump, and her romantic feelings for seojun to develop. (aka how it was done in the webtoon) then in season 2, suho comes back and blah blah blah. it is rare that kdramas have a season to but not impossible. this show is extremely popular and the webtoon isn't even over. there are also kdramas out there with a season 2. 

Dreamy Beore i get started with explaining myself...i wanna talk about season 2. kdramas rarely have a season 2 (bc they don't need it most of the time), but it is highly likely this drama will have a season 2 bc it is extremly popular and the webtoon isn't even over yet. It wouldn't have made sense for them to have suho leave and have it play out the way you described. It would've been so stupid on their part. The only way for what they did to work is if they followed the webtoon's structure and had the 2 year time jump (as it happened in the webtoon) and then shown how suho and jugyeong have gotten closer and the whole thing with them and how it came to be. so at the end of season 1 she would be dating seojun. then in season 2 they could have the whole suho comes back thing and blah blah blah. To say that it wouldn't make sense...makes no sense. They are doing it (this part at least) as its done in the webtoon and there weren't any complaints saying that it didn't make sense. I'm saying this as someone who is team suho in the webtoon (however i am team seojun in the drama bc of the characteristic changes made to the characters). Based on what we've seen in episode 14 and the preview of episode 15...I'm right. I'm not sure why y'all got defensive and started saying i was weird or w/e and saying that what i said didn't make sense even tho it was the only way it could make sense (not you specifically but in general all the ppl that responded to me)


I doubt the drama will follow the webtoon, unless we are looking at True Beauty Season 2 (unlikely).

We have 2 episodes. How will they capture her (developing) love for Seojoon in 2 episodes, Suho's return, and aftermath of it all?

this drama is extremely popular and the webtoon isn't even finished. Most kdramas don't need a season 2 but in some cases where its happens (sometimes its not needed but we still get it though its rare). Like some others were saying (on a diff platform) it seems like true beauty is gonna do what happened in love alarm. Its the only way that they could've done this without making it seem stupid that suho even left in the first place. So its most likely that by the end of season one she'll be dating seojun and suho's comeback will happen in season two. The only way for them to do this is to follow the webtoon. After suho leaves to have that 2 year time jump showing how her relationship has grown with seojun and showing how they began dating. In season 2 they would then have suho come back and yada yada ya. So all they have to capture in 2 episodes is her developing love for seojun.