Korea.net's list of must-see films

The Korean Film Archive (KFA) recently announced its list of the top 100 Korean films. Watching 100 movies back-to-back would take about eight days and eight hours. So out of the KFA's list of films, Korea.net is going to suggest some of the must-see films that will help understand more about modern day society and about the world in which we live. PIETA - http://bit.ly/1r8DMsS SECRET SUNSHINE - http://bit.ly/1u8a7Uj THE HOST - http://bit.ly/1r887sW JSA - http://bit.ly/Xy6mct CHRISTMAS IN AUGUST - http://bit.ly/1qSMvlh SOPYONJE - http://bit.ly/1v1I9qo A Short Love Affair - http://bit.ly/Xy7pco Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East? - http://bit.ly/1v1IBF0 Deep Blue Night - http://bit.ly/1uv3XhE
Geanina Jun 14, 2014
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