Hello everyone,

There is something that is bothering me.

The current Mu-Deok (Naksu soul) has the body of the lost daughter. Is there anybody else finding it very hard to believe that her mother wouldn't recognise her?

I know we have to suspend our disbelife. I am more than happy to believe in all that socery, but things like this really bother me because they are just too hard to believe. The magic and all that is part of th world building and it is Ok, but logic must still be maintained. And, I just don't find it logical that a mother wouldn't recognise her daughter. The time between events is not that long, and her daughter was already old enough to have her features.

She was missing for 10 years since she was a child. So her face changed when she became an adult and mom was unable to recognize her - just go with it.

You're not wrong honestly I was expecting the mother to gasp when she saw Mu-Deok/Naksu in the scarf and then look at the picture on the wall and put two and two together but.. she slapped her. If I am being honest right now the drama is kind of dragging at this point I mean:

1. Mu-Deok/Naksu has NOT regained her powers yet its been 15 episodes...

2.NOBODY and not even Mu-Deok/Naksu herself knows she is Bu-Yeon which is very annoying

3.Mu-Deok/Naksu didn't even question how she was able to open the door although she wasn't apart of the Jin family  


There are only 5 episodes left....

Today was the first episode where Mama saw Mu-deok up close AND with the blind-fold.  I don't think she really made the connection - she was simply incensed that anyone was touching her precious daughter's scarves/blindfolds.   The scene was meaningless - it didn't advance the story for one second. 

Even JIN MU did a double take when he originally glanced at blind-folded Mu-deok in the constellation room.

if this was the mother's first time seeing mu deok then she definitely wouldve made the connection but the mudeok she knows is NOT blind, which is one of the biggest characteristic of bu yeon. even so-i can pass in resemblance and will be acting blind as well. 

secondly, naksu was not aware that jinyowon's cave can only be opened by those with their blood.  cho yeon thought that bit opened because she passed by it. 

Why didn't Buyeon's soul take over control and say to mama Jin, "Mommy, it's me." 😀

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The current Mu-Deok (Naksu soul) has the body of the lost daughter. Is there anybody else finding it very hard to believe that her mother wouldn't recognise her?

This has always bothered me a lot, and I don't find the 10 years older, mother doesn't look closely at servants, blah blah blah explanations in the least bit convincing.

For a while, I thought that Bu-Yeon might have soul-shifted into a different (but similar) body when she was pushed overboard by Jin Mu, but recent episodes make it crystal clear that Bu-Yeon and Mu-Deok share the same body. As to what's going on with the souls, who knows?

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The current Mu-Deok (Naksu soul) has the body of the lost daughter. Is there anybody else finding it very hard to believe that her mother wouldn't recognise her?

1. Bu-yeon was born blind and she will be blind for life, that's what her mother believes.

2. MD's may be similar to her daughter but the mother believes that there is no way her daughter is a maid and doesn't remember her.

3. Wait a minute, did she really believe that her daughter won't remember her?

Let's just cross that out, for now, cos she just cares about any blind girl that can open Jinyowon is her daughter.

4. Jins are known as arrogant and very prideful people and hard to please.

5,6,..... She is very arrogant and looks down on others.

I don't know if I should be glad that her daughter went missing. Imagine if she lived with her mother and became arrogant like her mum?


Did the mother become arrogant and hard on people after losing her elder daughter?

I am not sure.

Anyway, I don't like her the most from the good side and Park Jin secondly.

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The magic and all that is part of th world building and it is Ok, but logic must still be maintained.

I totally agree with this point. Whatever the world and setting/theme are set in, logic should still be maintained.

The mother should at least find out about MD's past cos they look similar but her haughtiness has blind her.

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Hello everyone,

There is something that is bothering me.

The current Mu-Deok (Naksu soul) has the body of the lost daughter. Is there anybody else finding it very hard to believe that her mother wouldn't recognise her?

I know we have to suspend our disbelife. I am more than happy to believe in all that socery, but things like this really bother me because they are just too hard to believe. The magic and all that is part of th world building and it is Ok, but logic must still be maintained. And, I just don't find it logical that a mother wouldn't recognise her daughter. The time between events is not that long, and her daughter was already old enough to have her features.

 Mama Jin unable to recognise the face of her current daughter being lost for 10 long years, is not only because of the change in the adult face but she wouldn't think an ugly maid from Jangs house/ Songrim will be her daughter. To me Jins have a lot of attitude and judge people based on levels XD they simply believe someone in rags & low level maids are not important. Slap them, fool them, frame & blame them. Mama Jin is that kinda character who judges Mudeok as a simple powerless maid who will never be that long lost daughter. 

Yeah it's bothered me. Mama Jin should at least been in awe and the resemblance and maybe did a quick background check. Even as humans if we see someone that looks like our parents are siblings, we kinda of remember that.

I dunno why mama Jin is so dumb 🤦‍♂️. And it's not because Mu-Deok is a servant, her husband brought her all sorts of pauper girls dressed in rags over the years. She just can't fathom her daughter may no longer be blind. Even though she should have started paying closer attention to Mu-Deok after she opened the Jin vault twice (!), from both sides (!!) and turned temporarily blind (!!!). Also, I can't believe that after 10 years she can't figure out similarities of her face. It's not like Mu-Deok did a plastic surgery.

Tbh, I don't think the mother is dumb, or stupid. It is just poor plotting, and taking the viewer for granted.

It is not deal breaker. I am just rolling with it, but it is bothersome.