PETE’S Point Of View

The confrontation between the main family and the second family was very hard, scarier than ever. The fear in my heart instantly multiplied when I saw... Vegas walking through the bodyguards of The Second Family. I had been trying to fool myself for a week that there was no way I would love someone like him anymore. I can't help but remember how much I like him. I know that I must concentrate on my work, just as Vegas must fulfill his duties, we both must have the courage to face our problems, so I try to suppress all my emotions and look away from Vegas, pretending that he is not in front of me. I can still feel his eyes on me, making my body uneasy, but I tried to push everything to the depths of my mind as much as possible...

The situation became more tense when Khun Korn and Khun Kan talked, everything became fierce, I really can't quite understand what was going on, but I know it was about Porsche's parents. Porsche asked for my help to find some truth about his parents death. This caused the problem with Khun Kinn. Even though I wanted to help him, right now my mind and body aren't right at all.

In the midst of the pouring rain and the dark sky, the situation between The Main Family and The Second Family was getting worse and worse. Once the discussion stopped, the shots rang out that unleashed the war between both groups, at the same time as the reinforcements of The Main Family appeared on the scene by successfully hacking software of the gate.


I am fully prepared for the fight, with my gun pointed at the targets of the Second Family subordinates. But suddenly the situation became strange when all of them ignored me as if I was air.

"What?!" I turn to see all these men running past me. This is too insulting, I am the head bodyguard of the eldest son of the main family, Do you think you can ignore me? I was standing here!! Did you see me! Or I had already been dead like I was dead without realizing it, and my mind was tied to my love of work, so I was here. ! Come and fight me, you will see what I am capable of.

"I can't take it anymore!" Since everyone ignores my presence, I was forced to attack first, I could see how one of The Second Family's bodyguard that were fighting with Arm, so I used my arm to take him around his neck and held him tight.

"I'll leave them to you. I am going to help Master Khun to get out from here," Arm said. So I nodded. I held the man tightly, but the more time passed, my irritation grew, because it was clear that this man was just trying to get loose, he never attacked me, it was as If he didn't dare to touch me.

I may look weak, but I am capable of fighting. Let me tell you that my skills are better than you think.

But everything in my mind collapsed as soon as I saw Khun Kinn pointing the gun at Vegas's head. My heart bursts with pain at this scene, even though I know that Khun Kinn is not capable of shooting Vegas, I can't help but be scared.

"If the second brother kills me, can I leave something for the oldest brother, please?"

"Leave it to hell!"


In a rush of emotions, and a brain that commands without thinking I charged so hard at Vegas that both of us fell to the ground. I straddled him and tried to lock him so he wouldn't be able to escape.

"Bastard!!" My anger flared and I started punching Vegas in the face. I'm furious, I hate him so much, I hate what he turned me into and I hate myself for letting myself be corrupted, I don't know what's wrong with me, but I couldn't take it anymore

"Pete!!! Pete..." Vegas barely had a chance to open his mouth to finish the sentence, I didn't give him a chance. Right now I want to release the feeling that I had to repress as he was used to using me as a vent to release his feeling. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"

"PETE!! CALM DOWN! Can you hear me? I'M SORRY!" Vegas grabs my shoulders and tries to pull me into him, into a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," I use all my strength to release his grip. I don't want to have Vegas so close to me.

"Vegas let me go"

"Pete, what happened to you? Did someone dare to touch you?"  Vegas looks at me with concern. For a moment, I saw straight into his eyes. In just a split second, my heart was beating almost uncontrollably no matter how hard I tried to ignore it. Trying to convince myself how this person hurt me but in the end, he was someone who had always influenced me.

"Let go of me, Vegas!" I lost my strength at that moment, which gave Vegas the opportunity to turn me around, straddling me. "Pete…I love you!" Vegas pressed his full weight against me, preventing me from moving, his eyes staring at me, also had some glimpses of looking for his father.

"Let me go!!!"

"Today I may die in the hand of The Main Family. But if I can choose, I want the person who killed me to be you." At that moment, I used all the energy I had and threw Vegas to the ground I landed astride him and grabbed him hard by the neck.

"What did you say? You want to die so bad!!" I yelled at him. A wave of strong anger was born in me, I don't know why, but hearing Vegas say that sentence made my heartache and made me very angry.

"I can't take it anymore, Pete. If you want me to die, I'll die," Vegas said in a serious tone as we tossed back and forth on the grass I must have hurt him, but he doesn't look angry, nor does he attack at me.

"Damn it! Why do you say that?" I raised my fist, preparing to use all my strength to hit Vegas. But when I saw his eyes staring at me weakly, I clenched my fists and deflected, pressing all my strength into the grass beside Vegas. "Why! Why " I repeatedly slammed my fist against the hard ground without a feeling of pain.

"Pete!!!! Stop! I say stop! " Vegas tried to stop my fist, but he couldn't, so he used his weight to submit me. “STOP!!”, Vegas yelled loudly and grabbed my wrists tightly. " can't do this...don't act like that day...the day you left me." Hearing what Vegas said, little by little the feelings of that day, which I have tried to repress come to the surface, the pain, the regret, the fury for what I have become.

".." I pulled my hand back and pushed him away.

Far away, the noises of the fight between Khun Korn and Khun Kan can be heard continuously. Although Vegas is focused on me, I notice how his gaze shifts to his father for an instant and as soon as Vegas saw how P Chan approached his father with a gun, he quickly wanted to get up from the ground and run to help him

My brain reacted instantly and with my hands I held Vegas, preventing him from running toward his father, as he was supposed to do.

"Pete," Vegas said my name softly, with a look of bewilderment, I try to hold him tight and put him back on the ground, but he moves so hard that it is impossible to stop him, I see how he clenches his jaw with force, as he stares at me relentlessly, I feel like he wants to ask me something, as he follows his father with his eyes. "Pete...have you ever loved me? Is it possible if you choose me today?" I was silent with the question. The painful gaze of Vegas made me even more confused. ...If I had to choose...' Would I really want to be next to the man who has hurt me so much?

The moment my mind wanders to her question, Vegas takes the opportunity to shake my hand and hastily ran toward Khun Kan

"Vegas!!!" I ran after him immediately. In my head, there were two things that were heavily conflicted, the first one was to block The Second Family and protect The Main Family. And the second one, I'm worried that Vegas will be harmed. What was I supposed to do, was I becoming a traitor?... Betrayed The Main Family that I loved and adored, or was I betraying my own feeling?

I was trying to catch Vegas with difficulty because some Second Family subordinates were blocking my way. But when my hand was about to touch Vegas's back, everyone in this place stood still, as if was commanded, all eyes were drawn on a single point in shock, confusion, and confusion, even I myself had not thought of it. That I would see this picture, Porsche pointing a gun at Khun Korn.

I tried to piece it all together and understood what Porsche was going through right now. But every time Khun Korn and Khun Kan alternated stories in the past. Khun Kan's expression got worse and worse every time he heard the name of Porsche's mother, Khun Honey, I could feel how much both Khun Korn, Khun Kan and Porsche were hurt by their stories.

Khun Kan's eyes fill with pain and then the powerful man collapses, disgustingly, Vegas is totally confused, and I know that although he says he hates his father, he still cares about him.

I look at Vegas and want ask him, how are you feeling right now? No matter how hard it is, every son should feel something when he sees his father break down and cry like that.

"Honey I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," Khun Kan said hoarsely, but at that moment everything turned to chaos again, when Khun Kan snatched a gun from the bodyguards and pointed it at Khun Korn, but then P Chan attacked, and the fight began again.

"Restrain The Second Family from getting close to Pa!!!" Khun Kim shouted loudly, the Second family members rushed to help Khun Kan, including Vegas, but never reached his father. Suddenly, Porsche was pushed into the greenhouse on the edge of the lawn, followed by Khun Kan, Khun Korn, Khun Kinn, and P Chan. Then the door was locked from inside. The rest of The Second Family tried to push in but did not succeed.

"Pa!!!" Vegas tried to knock on the glass from outside. Then, The Second Family start being frightened who had started to lose their minds and made mistakes.

Bang! The sound of Khun Kim's shots fired at the bodyguards of The Second Family finally sent the signal to all the men of The Main Family to point their guns at The Second Family.

"Don't move! Otherwise, I'll shoot.” Khun Kim spoke in a harsh voice, causing the scene to stop. Now, The Second Family had been defeated because The Main Family had controlled the game. "So can I move?" Master Khun asked foolishly, but no one cared, especially Khun Kim.

"Put down all your guns! Raise your hands up!!!" Khun Kim ordered. The Second Family bodyguards slowly put their guns onto the ground and raised both hands above their heads. I standing behind Vegas was quite worried as Khun Kim's gaze stopped at me. Vegas stood still with his head leaning against the door, a ray of sadness spread over his face, accompanied by a feeling that I know, at that moment the memories of the day that Vegas locked me up returned...


It was then that I took my gun and pointed it at Vegas's back. But somehow the sight of my gun on his back pleases me.

"..." Vegas didn't even turn to look at me. Only Khun Kim looked relieved and turned his gaze the other way I can perfectly remember the day he hit me and locked me up, every wound and mistreatment, but instantly, the images are mixed with his smile and those beautiful eyes that look at me. Dealing with Vegas personalities was torture. I still remember when he returned to the room fruity, he changed from anger to pain in an instant, saying that nobody loved him, how lonely and painful it is to live, I heard everything that was in Vegas' heart.

At first, he just had me trapped, I had to pretend to be okay with him just to stay alive and not have to deal with his anger, or provoke his anger. I had to be hit with disappointment over and over again since I was just a prisoner. I had no choice, I needed to survive. But when the look in his eyes changed, it made me feel more at ease, there was always something hidden deep inside that was glad that it made him feel good.

"Vegas..." in the midst of heavy rain I called his name in a low voice.

"..." Vegas kept quiet until I started to feel nervous...

"Have you eaten yet?" I swallowed my saliva by mistake. I know this is a dumb question, and if it was the Vegas from earlier he would have walked up to me and slap me. Now all I can do is pray that he understands my purpose, what I do is... I just want him to be as comfortable as possible. I want everything I have to carry around with me now to be lighter, just like I did up until now. Unlike other times, I didn't fake it, I didn't expect anything, I didn't want to gain his trust... I just want him to feel good.

He smiled ...

"Are you hungry?" Vegas turned his head a little towards me, his whole body is drenched in rain.

"What if I'm hungry?" I bite my lip hard. Even if Vegas were to turn around and kick me onto my face, I wouldn't get mad, but I know that right now he's able to understand the situation at all, it was as if the question he just asked hadn't been registered by his brain.

"I can't get noodles for you right now. patient," Vegas said in a concerned tone. I look away from him to me and heaved a sigh of relief, as if trying to calm down. "I don't want to do the same as before," Vegas said with a shaky voice, taking his eyes off me and tilting his head forward.

"Why?" Tears welled up, her unbearable tears flowed slowly as the rainwater pounded down. "I told you once Pete, eating instant noodles will kill you fast, and I want you to stay with me for a long time Pete. You may never forgive me, but seeing you from afar is enough, that makes me happy..." Vegas lowered his head, and murmured in a pleading voice.

He tries to convey his feelings to me and I can feel his sincerity and simplicity... Vegas directed his gaze towards the door, although the glass is so thick that you can't see inside, I can clearly feel the anguish.

His hands hold the door tightly, it's like he wants to break the huge door with a knock, we're not sure what's going on inside, and we can't tell yet. I can't imagine what Vegas feels at that moment.

Throughout their lives, Kan and Vegas remained separate, even though they were attentive to father-son connection, but they never achieved that bond. They just continued to look at each other from a distance, there was no understanding, no understanding, and they never dared to open up to each other.


A shot rang out from inside. Vegas lowered his head, he could see him trembling, he wouldn't be able to contain his emotions any longer, he knew that. What will have happened to Khun Kan at this time? Khun Kan entered there with the others, he was the only one who was not part of the first family. The rest of the faces of the subclan could be seen as desperate, some of them collapsed on the ground defeated. Everyone knew the fate of Khun Kan's life even though the greenhouse door had been closed for a long time.

"I have nothing left now, Pete... even so you still choose your duty, you will never choose me," Vegas said slowly, with tears in his eyes and a feeling of despair. His mind collapsed, and his stability was completely destroyed. My own hand was firmly gripping the pistol grip without even reacting. I feel helpless. My hand is getting weaker, the weight seemed to increase more and more, and his head was still lowered without even feeling discomfort. I don't want to hold this gun any longer, I want him to be glad to see me, Pete, sitting here next to him. That he can see in my eyes that I am proud to know him and that I love him. I immediately removed the gun from his back. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes…he knew his head ached.

"Ah!!!!!" Vegas seemed unable to suppress his emotions, and he slammed his fists frantically against the door. "Father!!! Uncle!" He called both of them, his face was wet from tears and rain, Vegas was in such a weak state, something I didn't expect. I could also feel his emotions flowing out of him, leaving my heart feeling tight, so tight it hurts. He can't even stand up.

After a few minutes, P Chan reached over to open the greenhouse door, and what appeared before him was a motionless Khun Kan on the ground with Khun Korn standing near him.

I can see Porsche standing at attention, looking at Vegas with pity, he didn't want this to happen no matter how bad Vegas had done. He has also been through similar events like this.

Vegas was shocked to see the corpse of Khun Kan, trying to keep his sanity, while shaking his head, unable to accept the truth. Although the person lying there was the one who caused him many injuries, he feels that Vegas still needs Khun Kan's love and acceptance.


Vegas turned his back on the heartbreaking image, whatever I do... there's nothing else to do, I can't even cry. No matter how loud you call out his name, right now it seems like his sense of security is completely shattered. Vegas ran out and all the subordinates of the second family ran after him in sympathy. The atmosphere was so uncomfortable and there was an emptiness that I couldn't describe.

Even knowing my choice up to this point, today Vegas' words echo in my head. Vegas's back slowly faded away and disappeared into the middle of the fort that continued to fall. The curtain of water did not let me see anything, but in my heart everything was clear, I moved my hand to hold the brooch that was on the left of my chest, that which indicated and reminded me of my loyalty to the main family, that family with whom I was always and gave my loyalty slowly.

I am looking for the person I believed in, whom I respected and loved during all this time. I will never forget his gratitude, the appreciation he showed me, and all his kindness towards me, nor the help he gave my grandparents. However, my heart was about to break, I can't continue to deceive myself anymore, I know what I feel. How much longer will I have to drown in that suffering? I will always end up hurting myself over and over again if I have to protect one side and hurt the other side. Of course, both sides mean so much to me that I can't hurt anyone.

If the main family doesn't have me starting today, they have others who are as loyal as me, but Vegas has no one. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I'm following my heart, I know if I let it go it's like I'm not being honest with my own feelings too.

'There's no legacy richer than honesty'

"I'm sorry sir .." I took off the brooch and the coat, I gave what symbolized my belonging to the first family to the person who gave it to me, thanking him for the trust and kindness that was given to this country boy. I never thought that I would get to have such an important position since for me that was to take care of the heart of the young master of the house, someone I loved with all my heart.

"I want to quit” I said firmly. I don't know what you think. Will he be disappointed in me? But I keep insisting since I still respect him as my boss. Everyone from the main family looks at me, and he smiles...

"Umm ... Please just take care of him and protect him."

Khun Korn has always been discreet and cold when making decisions.

"Thank you, sir, for having mercy on me." I bowed my head slightly before turning my back to the position of the head bodyguard of the eldest son of The Main Family and ran after to step into the world of the eldest son of The Second Family.

"Pete..." Master Khun called out my name. the occasional sound of his loud voice still makes me feel so bad, but if I turn around I know I'll be just as confused as before. I'm sorry young master, you will always remain a very important person to me, but you still have Arm and Pol, who also love you. You don't need me to live. I love you and I will never forget for a second all the good times we had together...

"Vegas! Vegas!" I yelled after Vegas had walked away. He got into the car without even looking back, started it, and drove away despite the increasing rain and wind. I tried to run after him, I accelerated without worrying about anything else, in my heart I could see that his anger grew more and more. So I quickly grabbed the main family's car keys and drove out of the house, driving quickly after him.

"Pete...I'm sorry. Stay with me. Can you promise me that you won't leave me?" Vegas's words from that day echoed in my head, the agonizing pain of what he had done was unforgivable, he shouldn't even wish for this. But Vegas is Vegas. In the beginning, he was someone very mean, and to this day he still hurts me and hugs me like this. Even without him, my feelings are limited to just one.

"I won't let you be alone anymore, Vegas. Shit!!!" My foot hit the gas trying to keep up. My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as I could see Vegas going away from me, I could feel my heart almost stop several times from how fast he was going.

"Here I am!! What the hell are you going to do, you bastard!" I kept yelling intermittently inside the car hoping to express feelings. Now I'm scared, terrified, first of all, I don't know why I'm so nervous. I'm worried. I know that Vegas will carry this heartbreaking story as a stigma that will last the rest of his life. He's probably not conscious and the road is slippery due to heavy rain, dammit.

What should I do? I've never had Vegas' phone number, so I can't call him and tell him to stop. "Vegas, I beg you. Here I am."

As I was about to catch up with Vegas, an incident occurred that caused me to lose my consciousness. Suddenly, a car struck the side of Vegas's car so hard that Vegas's car turned around...


The sound of the car crash rang out as my feet tried to brake. All of this happened at the same time. Something I didn't want to happen happened right before my eyes. Vegas' car went airborne and flipped head-on, crashing into the side of the road. My ears went offline, for a moment all my senses are almost completely gone. My brain is blank, the organ on the left side of my chest seems to have suddenly stopped working. I didn't even notice anything, I could only remember that I should get out of the car and I tried to run towards him, but I was caught by a crowd of people. My mouth kept screaming his name without stopping. Multi-colored lights flashed rhythmically, everyone trying to keep me away from the scene. I did not assimilate how hot my body was, now I am covered in scratches caused by people who refuse to let me go to his aid. My shirt is torn, my shoes are missing and I don't know when. When the cold air hit my body, it made me regain consciousness and realize that I was sitting in front of the ICU

"Vegas..." I called out softly. The wetness of my body or even the scratches injury did not give me the slightest feeling of fear. Only the fear was so overwhelming that it was almost unbearable.

"Hia, Let me go, I'm going in." A crying boy going straight to the front of the ICU and tried to get into it.

"Khun Macau... You can't go in, Khun Macau."

"Nope let me go!! Let me go! Hia...huhu!" Khun Macau held onto the door tightly with his face snuggled against the glass. The other hand knocked loudly on the door. The mouth called out to his brother with another heavy sobbing. "Khun Macao, please go sit down and wait. Please, Khun Macao." Nope continued to try to get him away from the door, but it didn't work.

"Then who will I live with? Hia, wake up now! Hia... Huhu... !! You must recover now!! Hey... Are you going to leave me too?" The tragic image of that boy who had just lost his father and does not know the fate of his own brother is a pity, even for me who was almost as out of control as I was. I walked slowly towards Khun Macao with tears running down my cheeks to face the same way. Nope turned to look at me and slowly released the young Macao. He took a step back and got out of my way. I knelt on the ground in front of Macao before he turned to look at me and froze at my actions.

"Vegas will be fine." I forced a tearful smile in front of me and reached out my hand to lightly stroke her back. Macau sobbed until his body stopped resisting and he hugged me.

"Be honest, it will be fine, right?" The young Macao dropped the weight of his body letting me support him while I rubbed his back trying to comfort him. Khun Macao is as lonely now, as lonely as Vegas is too.

Getting down on my knees in front of Khun Macao was like a promise, a promise that I will be with both Vegas and him, as long as possible. I don't know if Vegas will accept it or not, but I will embrace his love and take care of his heart the best I can.

To Be continued

VegasPete Special VIP Chapter- 3

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