
How to vote?

Just click the country you want to vote for, it'll open a new page and in the first box to the right it'll say something like " *certain number* votes", click vote and select either 1-3.
Hope that helps.

Can admins unlock the Turkey thread so that it can be bumped so that more people can see and vote on it?

I would love to see all of Southeast Asia make it into MDL. I've been wanting to get into Cambodian dramas but don't know where to start since I don't speak Khmer. Also seconding calls for Singapore (which already has mis-listed media on MDL) and Vietnam specifically since those countries' shows currently have more subtitled options available.

Also, I'm surprised no one has brought up Mongolia yet. It's the last East Asian country not yet on the list (excluding Macau because... not really a country)


Can admins unlock the Turkey thread so that it can be bumped so that more people can see and vote on it?

The Turkey thread should work fine now @ColourMePurple

I appreciate it Ceki! :)

EDIT: I still can't post in it "due to inactivity". Could you try?


The Turkey thread should work fine now @ColourMePurple 


I appreciate it Ceki! :)

EDIT: I still can't post in it "due to inactivity". Could you try?

Only voting is allowed, not commenting. Neither the original poster nor any other user responded to the thread for a long time, so commenting on the thread has been restricted.

Yes, but Ceki had mentioned she/they changed that and I believe most people will vote on it if they can see there is a thread for it. I didn't discover this section until I explored the forums but if a thread is bumped, it appears under new comments/hot topics, etc. It seems many people on MDL don't realize this is even an option since they never ventured away from the drama pages.

I understand what you are saying @ColourMePurple  

I had requested in the support section to open the Turkey suggestion thread but it was closed.


Hmm, I wonder why. Is it a glitch or is it just not possible to open it anymore?

That is the condition that the programmer might have given, "If a post is inactive for a certain period of time, then its discussion should be closed." so can reduce the data on host.

The possibility of reopening it or not depends on how the programmer/admin deals with it.

I also opened a ticket in the support section to ask about this but got no response

Please add Myanmar.  There is a series at that moment called Bagan Beginning released in Myanmar.

Russia/the FSU!! The Soviet school is one of the oldest and most influential in the world. and Russia (the largest country in Asia, covering essentially all of North Asia) is one of the world's top producers. I guess we would all be put in as separate listings, tho most of us are part of the EAEU with essentially open borders and a common lingua franca.

Turkish dramas should really also be added, another prolific and popular producer in Asia. The largest producer in West Asia.


I appreciate it Ceki! :)

EDIT: I still can't post in it "due to inactivity". Could you try?

No it's not working for me either, nevertheless I'd encourage people to vote there as I'll be checking it from time to time, the admin will open it I hope sometime in the future

I don't think most members even know Turkey's content is open for consideration even though its extremely popular.

I hope admin considers reopening the thread.