
open turkey post for discussion

This discussion has been closed.

Can admins unlock the Turkey thread so that it can be bumped so that more people can see and vote on it?

Only voting is allowed, not commenting. Neither the original poster nor any other user responded to the thread for a long time, so commenting on the thread has been restricted.

Because it is being talked about more in other country posts and that post is deviating from the topic. It would be better if there is a dedicated post for Turkey in which we can talk about it.

open turkey post for discussion 


If you don't want to discuss about it because it's off topic you could have asked me on that thread personally to create a new topic on general forum. You can also do that yourself if you want. Why asking to open the old thread?

xxmai closed this Oct 1, 2023 08:20 pm
xxmai locked this Oct 1, 2023 08:20 pm
ASTER reopened this Oct 2, 2023 03:31 am